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Thread: Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

  1. #1
    coldspot's Avatar
    coldspot is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

    I was surfing the net and was curious as to what teams the Sioux Falls Arena was home to and stumbled onto the Indoor Football Leagues Wikipedia page. Down towards the bottom it says that Fargo has a team scheduled to begin play in 2010. I can't say I have heard anything of the sorts on here before and I ran a quick search for indoor football and nothing showed up.

    I'm going to go with that its a rumor (I did find it on Wikipedia). If it was to be true, I did find several problems.
    1.) Where would they play? Would the dome be a suitable venue? The UPC has a good seating amount that's on par with the current teams but it's not suitable for indoor football. The BSA?
    2.) They play during the spring/summer. We currently are home to another professional sports team that plays during that time frame. How would that go over with the Redhawks? Would this take away too much from them? Would anybody be in football mode to go to the games?

    I wouldn't mind having the idea thrown around. Heck, we talk about adding hockey. It would be something for all the football fans to get into gear for the big football attraction in the fall.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

    Quote Originally Posted by coldspot View Post
    I was surfing the net and was curious as to what teams the Sioux Falls Arena was home to and stumbled onto the Indoor Football Leagues Wikipedia page. Down towards the bottom it says that Fargo has a team scheduled to begin play in 2010. I can't say I have heard anything of the sorts on here before and I ran a quick search for indoor football and nothing showed up.

    I'm going to go with that its a rumor (I did find it on Wikipedia). If it was to be true, I did find several problems.
    1.) Where would they play? Would the dome be a suitable venue? The UPC has a good seating amount that's on par with the current teams but it's not suitable for indoor football. The BSA?
    2.) They play during the spring/summer. We currently are home to another professional sports team that plays during that time frame. How would that go over with the Redhawks? Would this take away too much from them? Would anybody be in football mode to go to the games?

    I wouldn't mind having the idea thrown around. Heck, we talk about adding hockey. It would be something for all the football fans to get into gear for the big football attraction in the fall.
    we had one and they folded, the Freeze or something
    I think they played in the Dome.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

    I thought the FM Liberty were going to move up to AFL2 or some other indoor league????
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

    Will the Liberty owner have money left for season #2?

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

    Went to one of those indoor league football games and it sucked. At least I'm not a fan of them. Can't see Fargo keeping one of them alive. Sioux Falls is a whole other story. For some reason, they can keep these amateur/small-time pro teams going. Just can't see Fargo doing it for indoor football.
    "If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf." - Bob Hope

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

    Why hasn't anyone figured out Fargo won't support anyone other than the RedHawks for minor league teams for the most part? How are the Force drawing? My uncle said not very good.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

    I am guessing not good at all since they lowered ticket prices already.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

    Apparently it's not as bad as it seems.

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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

    The Force are near the top of the league in attendance. They are doing quite well. I heard the reason they dropped some of the ticket prices was for college students. The student nights they had at the end of '08 got a lot of interest from them, so they figured they'd make the games a little more affordable without losing money.

    As for the Indoor team, I did hear from someone who talked to a Liberty player saying that they were looking for a new league. I also heard (I can't remember where) that the owner of the Liberty was looking into an AFL2 team to play at the UP Center.

  10. #10
    coldspot's Avatar
    coldspot is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: Indoor Football League team in Fargo???

    Quote Originally Posted by Da_Bizon View Post
    The Force are near the top of the league in attendance. They are doing quite well. I heard the reason they dropped some of the ticket prices was for college students. The student nights they had at the end of '08 got a lot of interest from them, so they figured they'd make the games a little more affordable without losing money.

    As for the Indoor team, I did hear from someone who talked to a Liberty player saying that they were looking for a new league. I also heard (I can't remember where) that the owner of the Liberty was looking into an AFL2 team to play at the UP Center.
    i just cant see the up being big enough to play football in. the ceiling cant be nearly high enough. are any of the seats removable? theyd be better off playing in the bsa.

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