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Thread: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

  1. #41
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    Default Re: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

    Quote Originally Posted by BisonNeil View Post
    In summary, I believe the only HC job Bohl would leave NDSU for would be the Big Red in Nebraska.
    I really wonder about the K state job though if it were to come open. Bohl's and Snyders styles are so comparable. He could actually step in there and the transition wouldn't be as huge to run the system he likes. Play tough mistake free football, control the ball on O and field a good bend but don't break D.

  2. #42
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    Default Re: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

    If Bohl leaves soon, I predict that Brent Vigen will be the next head coach at North Dakota State.

    Bohl won't leave unless he gets a shot at a program that has a winning tradition.

    But...I believe that the ten-year contract he signed meant that an fbs transition was a goal.

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  3. #43
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    Default Re: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

    Quote Originally Posted by bisonaudit View Post
    He made $367,843 last year. The median salary of the head football coach in the FBS is about $1.4 million. If he moved on for that run of the mill wage he'd make 3.5 times what he is now, after federal taxes.

    If the pre-tax compensation were close the state you work in could make a difference but I think we're all agree he would only move for a premium job which implies a substantial pay increase.

    In any case the federal taxes aren't going to make a difference. They're the same in both places and they work on the margin. If he's already paying 33% on a dollar he's making now the marginal impact of the 35% tax rate on his next dollar of income isn't 35% it's 2%.
    I thought with all the bonus and tv appearance money and all the add ons he was close to $500,000 here.

    Your talking apples and oranges. I am talking the extra he would make by moving up for a job in the 1.5 million range of total compensation. Basically a million more than here but he is not going to get that full amount as he would be taking out at least 39.6% to the government. Not trying to start a discussion on tax rates here just pointing out the actual bottom dollar he would get by moving up. All I am saying nothing more nothing less is when weighing in on if you take the job or not you are not looking at the million you are looking at is the move to him worth $600,000.

    In the grand scheme of things the money is only one part of that decision as has been pointed out in other posts there are so many other intangibles in if a person would desire to coach at the BCS level to family reasons to many other things.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

    Quote Originally Posted by BisonNeil View Post
    In summary, I believe the only HC job Bohl would leave NDSU for would be the Big Red in Nebraska.

    I have lots of friends in NE who are Cornhusker fans and they all say the same thing, knowledgeable NE football fans know that Bohl was the scapegoat for Solich's crumbling regime. They all still follow Bohl, and most of them believe he will be the next HC after Pelini is fired, which could come as early as this year.

    Did you see how horrible the NE defense was against Wyoming? They gave up 34 points at home to WY, and did this after giving up 115 points during the final two games last year and lost most of their defense. You heard it hear first, the Bunnies will beat the Huskers on September 21.
    You had me until the Bunny part.

    I think you are right about Neb, but I think he would take another BCS job if it was the right situation. One in which he would have a chance of success, not a run down bottom feeder program. His coaching philosophy really only matches up in the Big 10 or Big 12, so it would have to be in one of these conferences. He would be a fool to turn down a $2 million/year paycheck.

    Ad far as the Bunnies beating Neb. Not a chance. Nubby will make the necessary adjustments before that game. Futhermore, the players, fans, and coaching staff don't believe they have a chance of winning that game, so they won't. The first step is you gotta believe and you have to go into the game with the goal to win. Their goal is to take home a moral victory.

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

    If my salary was jumping 4 or 5 times my existing salary, my first worry would be when could I get behind the wheel of my 2014 Corvette. Taxes would be way down the list.

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  6. #46
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    Default Re: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison"FANatic" View Post
    In the grand scheme of things the money is only one part of that decision as has been pointed out in other posts there are so many other intangibles in if a person would desire to coach at the BCS level to family reasons to many other things.
    Agreed. The money is only a piece of it.

    If we assume he's making $500,000 a year now then the argument evaporates entirely. At that level of comp he's already in the highest tax bracket (either 2012 or 2013 tax code). The take home percentage on this next dollar of income is going to be the same as on his last dollar of income. There is no marginal tax impact.
    I have the honor to be Your Obedient Servant - B.Aud

    We all live in stories... It seems to me that a definition of any living vibrant society is that you constantly question those stories... The argument itself is freedom. It's not that you come to a conclusion about it. Through that argument you change your mind sometimes... That's how societies grow. When you can't retell for yourself the stories of your life then you live in a prison... Somebody else controls the story. - S. Rushdie

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

    Quote Originally Posted by bisonaudit View Post
    Agreed. The money is only a piece of it.

    If we assume he's making $500,000 a year now then the argument evaporates entirely. At that level of comp he's already in the highest tax bracket (either 2012 or 2013 tax code). The take home percentage on this next dollar of income is going to be the same as on his last dollar of income. There is no marginal tax impact.
    Man Audit step back and look at what I said. I could care less what the tax rate is and what percentage he pays now I am not trying to argue taxes here all I am saying is that the extra at the end of the day he would make is not a million it is $600,000 (which is still a huge chunk of change and I agree with road most people would jump at it). I can't say it any more plainly.

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

    You fool!

    You've fallen for one of the classic blunders.

    The first is never get involved in a land war in Asia* followed closely by never get in an argument with an accountant when numbers are on the line!

    *at least until after you win the Nobel Peace Prize
    Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir."
    Scrooge-"Are there no prisons?". "Plenty of prisons..."
    Scrooge-"And the Union workhouses." . "Are they still in operation?". "Both very busy, sir..."
    "Those who are badly off must go there."
    "Many can't go there; and many would rather die."
    Scrooge- "If they would rather die," "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

  9. #49
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    Default Re: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Professor Chaos View Post
    Two thoughts:

    1) I think Craig Bohl is very happy in Fargo and wouldn't mind retiring (hopefully more than a few years from now) as the head football coach at NDSU.
    2) He's earned the right to do whatever he feels is best for him and his family and if that is moving on to a job at a bigger school I'd wish him nothing but the best and would genuinely thank him for all he's done at NDSU.
    I couldn't agree more. I don't think he is interested in any other college job with the exception of Nebraska. I don't ever see that happening and I think it is much more likely that he retires here.

  10. #50
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    Default Re: Is this the end of the road for Coach Bohl at NDSU?

    Quote Originally Posted by 344Johnson View Post
    lol Iowa. But srsly, they way overpay Ferentz
    you can laugh but for most of the 2000s they were a solid program and could get back to that soon

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