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Thread: Has Ruley's time passed?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Has Ruley's time passed?

    I realize Amy is a coach that belongs in the Hall of Fame but I am starting to wonder if we need something new to create a spark in recruiting and current players???

  2. #2
    B-Ball_Roadgamer Guest

    Default Re: Has Ruley's time passed?

    (Has Ruley's time passed?)


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    1 block from AG's house.

    Default Re: Has Ruley's time passed?

    I think she looks worse because the men have looked so good. I think she deserves one to two more years at least. She's done well by the program for a long time. It would be a shame if people turned on her so quickly.

    Notorious--Bisonville all-time POTY
    Proud member of TOHBTC[/B]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default Re: Has Ruley's time passed?

    No way...This is the first time in a looooonnng time that Amy's team has been going through such a down time. Sure they've lost 4 straight but it was just a year ago that we watched them lose only one game. The competition is getting much tougher so you're bound to go through some tough times. That's what comes along with the transition. Amy Ruley will never be asked to leave NDSU. It'll be when she feels that she is ready to be done.

  5. #5
    BisonMav Guest

    Default Re: Has Ruley's time passed?

    Amy has given a lot to the Bison program, she deserves to stay as long as she wants.

  6. #6
    B-Ball_Roadgamer Guest

    Default Re: Has Ruley's time passed?

    This wasn't quickly.
    I'd have fired her years ago!
    One notch higher, too.
    Overdue for some big (and better) changes.
    That's assuming the top people have enough brains
    to make changes in direction when they hire.
    They could also increase attendence with
    a CORRECT new hire, and players.
    So many good things could happen!
    New, and different, players, too.

  7. #7
    BisonBacker is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Re: Has Ruley's time passed?

    I'm not ready to pass on Amy yet she deserves better. She does however need to get things rolling in the right direction and soon or threads like this will persist. I think from a coaching standpoint Amy still has it, always will but where she really needs to hit it hard is recruiting, if she can't do that it won't matter how good of a coach she is. You have to have the players to compete at this level, Tim and the mens team have proved that. Amy's recruiting the last couple of years has not stood up to Move up and it won't be getting any easier. I for one hope she's up to it. One last thing and I'm making no excuses for her, she needs none but cut her some slack, its not like she hasn't had anything going on personally in the last two years ie. :-/ battling cancer.

  8. #8
    BisonMav Guest

    Default Re: Has Ruley's time passed?

    Quote Originally Posted by B-Ball_Roadgamer
    This wasn't quickly.
    I'd have fired her years ago!
    One notch higher, too.
    Overdue for some big (and better) changes.
    That's assuming the top people have enough brains
    to make changes in direction when they hire.
    They could also increase attendence with
    a CORRECT new hire, and players.
    So many good things could happen!
    New, and different, players, too.
    So we should just throw away a coach that is having a bad year, that brought 5 National Championships to NDSU. She is a huge part in the Bison women's program being what it has been. Many of us watched the Women's team grow from being the warmup for the men's team to competing with fans of the men's team. I guess maybe I have too much gratitude towards Coach Ruley, but I say let her control her own future.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default Re: Has Ruley's time passed?

    Agree 100% Dobie

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Re: Has Ruley's time passed?

    Quote Originally Posted by BisonTyme
    I realize Amy is a coach that belongs in the Hall of Fame but I am starting to wonder if we need something new to create a spark in recruiting and current players???
    When I read lunacy like this on here----I realize why I don't visit this site often.

    Give me a frickin break--no womens coach in this area could have done, or can do the job Amy can do. Her schedule has been tougher than the mens---combine that with a few injuries. ...It is not what she wanted, and no one is more dissapointed than Amy

    Amy represents what is good about NDSU--high quality student athletes who graduate. Women's basketball and has been the top program (Mens or Womens) over the last 15 years.

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