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Thread: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

  1. #151
    NI4NI's Avatar
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    Default Re: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

    It's obvious that you did not listen to what Mr Saben had to say.

  2. #152
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    Default Re: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

    Quote Originally Posted by NI4NI View Post
    It's obvious that you did not listen to what Mr Saben had to say.
    No, I listened. No one likes the complete free agency that’s currently going on. Nothing he said was really that profound.

    You can still develop young men and women for life while paying them for their services. These aren’t mutually inclusive ideas.

    If he’s serious about finding a lasting solution, I hope he understands that the athletes need to be present in the conversation. Otherwise we’ll be right back here again next time.
    Mountain West, hope for the best.

  3. #153
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    Default Re: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

    Quote Originally Posted by NDSU92 View Post
    No, I listened. No one likes the complete free agency that’s currently going on. Nothing he said was really that profound.

    You can still develop young men and women for life while paying them for their services. These aren’t mutually inclusive ideas.

    If he’s serious about finding a lasting solution, I hope he understands that the athletes need to be present in the conversation. Otherwise we’ll be right back here again next time.
    He actually said that they should have a seat at the table.

    I think you are just pouting because he pointed out what an obvious mess it currently is, and he is correct.

  4. #154
    abc123 is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

    Just the athletes that are going to get paid? Or also the athletes who are subsidized by their fellow athletes? If the schools are the ones that start paying student athletes (maybe that's right, maybe it isn't), there is going to have to be offsetting cuts somewhere.
    Don't get me wrong, there is a ton of bloat and waste in college athletics, but the majority of programs already operate at a deficit and are funded by outside sources beyond the athletic department. Something has to give somewhere.

  5. #155
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    Default Re: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

    Quote Originally Posted by NDSU92 View Post
    You can still develop young men and women for life while paying them for their services. These aren’t mutually inclusive ideas.
    Yes, you CAN still develop them. The problem is that you can only develop them until a better deal or more money gets offered to them somewhere else. At that point, you aren't developing them anymore.

  6. #156
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    Default Re: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

    I understand the time and effort collegiate athletes invest, but they are not alone. To compensate them, shouldn't band members also be compensated? There are many students who put just as much time and effort into their courses of study, we sure do not want to exclude them. Somehow we've gone from paying for college to getting paid to get a college degree.

    The system was not perfect before NIL, but it certainly is worse now, and as this beast grows it will undoubtedly become unsustainable. Sadly I don't see a path back to pre-NIL days either.

  7. #157
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    Default Re: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

    Quote Originally Posted by PlrbrBison View Post
    Yes, you CAN still develop them. The problem is that you can only develop them until a better deal or more money gets offered to them somewhere else. At that point, you aren't developing them anymore.
    As we’ve all said many times, yes the free agency needs to be addressed. The current setup does not work.

    The schools can still pay the players.
    Mountain West, hope for the best.

  8. #158
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    Default Re: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

    Quote Originally Posted by NI4NI View Post
    I understand the time and effort collegiate athletes invest, but they are not alone. To compensate them, shouldn't band members also be compensated? There are many students who put just as much time and effort into their courses of study, we sure do not want to exclude them. Somehow we've gone from paying for college to getting paid to get a college degree.

    The system was not perfect before NIL, but it certainly is worse now, and as this beast grows it will undoubtedly become unsustainable. Sadly I don't see a path back to pre-NIL days either.
    Yes, if 50,000+ people are showing up 12 times a year paying $100+ each to watch the band perform, they should get paid too.

    Making the argument that athletes shouldn’t be paid because it would open the door to having to pay students cuz they work hard too is completely nonsensical. An example of the ridiculous logic we’re trying to shoehorn into a failing concept.
    Mountain West, hope for the best.

  9. #159
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    Default Re: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

    Quote Originally Posted by NI4NI View Post
    He actually said that they should have a seat at the table.

    I think you are just pouting because he pointed out what an obvious mess it currently is, and he is correct.
    I think I’ve said in every post that it’s a mess. However I have been pointing out his hypocrisy in that he had no problem with it when it was controlled and made to benefit the top schools only. Now it’s the Wild West and anyone with a little money can make things happen he’s got a problem.

    Look I respect the hell outta Saban I’m just saying he made out like a bandit off the previous rules.
    Mountain West, hope for the best.

  10. #160
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    Default Re: McFeely's Tip Sheet: NDSU working toward Alston payments for athletes

    Quote Originally Posted by abc123 View Post
    Just the athletes that are going to get paid? Or also the athletes who are subsidized by their fellow athletes? If the schools are the ones that start paying student athletes (maybe that's right, maybe it isn't), there is going to have to be offsetting cuts somewhere.
    Don't get me wrong, there is a ton of bloat and waste in college athletics, but the majority of programs already operate at a deficit and are funded by outside sources beyond the athletic department. Something has to give somewhere.
    Why not look at it from a program by program basis? It’s no different when considering facilities, coaches salaries, support personnel, etc.

    Your point about it being unsustainable is correct. Which means in practice most schools won’t pay a penny, or at least not much. So there’s no problem there anyways.

    I do not, however, believe for a second that a school making $10M+ a year can’t afford to send money to the athletes. That is a complete farce we’ve chosen to believe.
    Mountain West, hope for the best.

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