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Thread: Holmberg is an idiot

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default Re: Holmberg is an idiot

    Quote Originally Posted by heffray View Post
    I don’t disagree and I have noticed he’s hard on Trumpers, too. It doesn’t make his shameless clear bias against NDSU any more digestible and even though this particular topic may be an exception to that bias, he can still go fuck himself.
    this is what i love about communists. when the time comes to grab the machine guns and line people up against the wall they always err on the side of brrrrt

  2. #102
    Join Date
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    NYC and Bucks County, PA

    Default Re: Holmberg is an idiot

    I've been wondering about this, if they teach ethics at UND Law School besides "How much of a cunt can I be before I get censured or go to jail?", do they use the North Dakota Century Code as their primary reference?

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Why? Do you have a warrant?

    Default Re: Holmberg is an idiot

    Quote Originally Posted by tony View Post
    I've been wondering about this, if they teach ethics at UND Law School besides "How much of a cunt can I be before I get censured or go to jail?", do they use the North Dakota Century Code as their primary reference?
    Lawyers all have to pass the same ethics test, Harvard or und
    College of Business Alumnus

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Why? Do you have a warrant?

    Default Re: Holmberg is an idiot

    Quote Originally Posted by tony View Post
    I've been wondering about this, if they teach ethics at UND Law School besides "How much of a cunt can I be before I get censured or go to jail?", do they use the North Dakota Century Code as their primary reference?
    Lawyers all have to pass the same ethics test, Harvard or und
    College of Business Alumnus

  5. #105
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    Default Re: Holmberg is an idiot

    Quote Originally Posted by ByeSonBusiness View Post
    Lawyers all have to pass the same ethics test, Harvard or und
    Quote Originally Posted by ByeSonBusiness View Post
    Lawyers all have to pass the same ethics test, Harvard or und
    …sometimes twice…
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  6. #106
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    Default Re: Holmberg is an idiot

    Quote Originally Posted by ByeSonBusiness View Post
    Lawyers all have to pass the same ethics test, Harvard or und
    So does the studying the North Dakota Century Code play a big part of preparing for those tests?

    Honest to pete, my mom worked in public service, and she didn't have to look at the North Dakota Century Code to determine if something was ethical or not.

    Pro-tip: If you have to ask if an action is legal, it's highly unlikely that it's ethical.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Why? Do you have a warrant?

    Default Re: Holmberg is an idiot

    Quote Originally Posted by tony View Post
    So does the studying the North Dakota Century Code play a big part of preparing for those tests?

    Honest to pete, my mom worked in public service, and she didn't have to look at the North Dakota Century Code to determine if something was ethical or not.

    Pro-tip: If you have to ask if an action is legal, it's highly unlikely that it's ethical.
    Zilch. I wouldn't go that far on the pro-tip, plenty of ethical things are illegal and vice versa.
    College of Business Alumnus

  8. #108
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    Default Re: Holmberg is an idiot

    Quote Originally Posted by tony View Post
    You'd think that state funds used to fund pedophilia tourism would be a bigger story nationally <= allegedly

    Here's a case where nepotism would be an accurate word choice, El Chapo.

    A party boss gave money to a private foundation run by his own brother to send teachers overseas for reasons; that is nepotism (as well as corrupt as hell.)

    However, about those teachers.... after thinking about it, they decided it would be better to send political cronies on taxpayer-funded trips. Heck, the brother and Ray went on multiple trips together - nobody knows how many because they also decided that they shouldn't have to report the who and why to anybody.

    I kinda think, in light of this, that every politician should have to list every single trip they took while in office that they didn't pay for themselves.
    Come on Tony, rules are for other people.
    I have the honor to be Your Obedient Servant - B.Aud

    We all live in stories... It seems to me that a definition of any living vibrant society is that you constantly question those stories... The argument itself is freedom. It's not that you come to a conclusion about it. Through that argument you change your mind sometimes... That's how societies grow. When you can't retell for yourself the stories of your life then you live in a prison... Somebody else controls the story. - S. Rushdie

  9. #109
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    NYC and Bucks County, PA

    Default Re: Holmberg is an idiot

    Quote Originally Posted by ByeSonBusiness View Post
    Zilch. I wouldn't go that far on the pro-tip, plenty of ethical things are illegal and vice versa.
    You didn't answer my question, but, yeah, that's my whole point: The North Dakota Century Code is a collection of statues, not a guidebook on ethics so why is it seemingly the North Dakota ETHICS Commission sole source for making decisions?

    And while I can think of some acts that might be illegal and yet ethical, they usually involve unjust laws so I'm having a hard time figuring out an example of scenario where this would apply to a ND state legislator. Can you give me some hypothetical situations?

    On the flip side, I can think of all sorts of things that aren't illegal according to the ND Century Code but still highly unethical.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Re: Holmberg is an idiot

    Why is he not in jail, even if he has health problems, after violating the conditions of his release and pleading guilty to raping boys?
    It's OK to not be OK.

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