Quote Originally Posted by Herd Mentality View Post
Having a parade without a Homecoming Queen seems like odd optics when you have women on campus protesting about faculty inequalities.
That Forum article of a few days ago about the protest as well as the back story is extremely damning towards NDSU's reputation. I am beyond upset, especially as a Second-Wave feminist and I do plan to pen a letter to the President and Provost about it. It seems NDSU is moving back into the Dark Ages (or maybe it never left) when it comes to how it treats capable, talented women administrators. I doubt the 3 women did anything appreciably wrong and were punished, I think, inappropriately by losing their top administrative positions and being relegated to faculty positions. The one that bothered me the most was Provost Beth Ingram. I met her at Women In Philanthropy luncheons and she answered my questions with long, thoughtful letters. I was shocked to hear that Dr. Ingram departed NDSU for greener, more respectful pastures. What a loss for us! I think her mother was a groundbreaking statistician at NDSU. Beth Ingram said in the Forum article that of all the universities in the U.S., NDSU was SECOND TO LAST in the number of women tenured. What a knuckle-dragging school! All the talented women we have lost and maybe other smart women will start to stay away from NDSU. I am sick about this. I hope all you guys will read the article. No matter what your attitude towards the article, all of you men either have wives, girlfriends or mothers and think about how you would feel if they were treated like this. In reading the article it sounded like Dr. Ingram was bullied and almost pushed away from Provost. I had wanted to see the protest as I was scheduled to be out at campus that day but got sick so missed it. With steadily decreasing enrollment, we cannot afford such bad public relations. My heart breaks for these fine, talented women.