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Thread: NCAA Football Rules Survey

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    IndyBison's Avatar
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    Default NCAA Football Rules Survey

    The NCAA rules committee is meeting next week to consider rule changes. They sent out a survey to coaches, administrators, and officials to get feedback on potential rule changes. The committee uses the results during their discussions. The suvey often gives an indication of things that will be discussed. Feel free to share your comments here.

    Review of Previous Rules Changes and Emphasis:

    What is your opinion about the previous rules changes / points of emphasis below?

    Overtime process adjustment to conduct two-point conversion plays starting with the third overtime period.
    Positive | Negative | No Opinion

    Expanding the team area to the 20-yard lines.
    Positive | Negative | No Opinion

    Creating a process for reporting potential feigning injury situations to the National Coordinator of Officials and referring issues to athletic directors for possible action.
    Positive | Negative | No Opinion

    When instant replay overturns a call on the field, only resetting the game clock with two minutes remaining in the first half and five minutes in the second half.
    Positive | Negative | No Opinion

    New Rules Topics/Emphasis

    Offense/Defense balance – Do the current rules allow for proper offense/defense balance?
    Yes, the game is in proper balance | No, the rules provide the offense an advantage | No, the rules provide the defense an advantage

    Number of plays – What is your view of the game currently in terms of the number of plays in each contest?
    Right number of plays | Too many plays are run in today’s game | Too few plays are run in today’s game

    Timing rules – Should the committee allow the game clock to run in situations when a first down is awarded, except during end of half situations (e.g., last two minutes)?
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

    Timing rules – Should the committee allow the game clock to run when the ball is marked and signaled ready for play after an incomplete pass, except during end of half situations (e.g., last two minutes)?
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

    Targeting - Should the committee consider a change in the penalty component of the current targeting rule?
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

    Injury Timeout - In an effort to limit feigning injuries, the committee should consider guaranteeing both teams a brief substitution opportunity when a first down is awarded.
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

    Injury Timeout - In an effort to limit feigning injuries, the committee should consider a longer time period for injured players to leave the game before a return is allowed, with an option to use a timeout to allow the player to return to the game after one play.
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

    Uniform/equipment Enforcement – Should the current uniform and equipment rules be enforced more stringently to enhance the image of the game? Examples: Jersey covering undershirt, all pads covered, knee pads in proper place, etc.
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

    Blocking Below the Waist – To further improve player safety, should the committee continue to streamline blocking below the waist with a similar rule to what the NFL approved last season?
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

    Instant Replay – With the increasing number of instant replay stoppages, should the committee consider a Coach Challenge Model, except scoring plays, turnovers, targeting, the last two minutes of each half, and overtime periods?
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

    Continuous contact to the helmet – By rule, no player is allowed to continuously contact an opponent’s face, helmet (including the face mask) or neck with the hand(s) or arm(s) – Exception: By or against the runner. Should this exception be removed?
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

  2. #2
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    Default Re: NCAA Football Rules Survey

    Timing rules – Should the committee allow the game clock to run in situations when a first down is awarded, except during end of half situations (e.g., last two minutes)?
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion


    Timing rules – Should the committee allow the game clock to run when the ball is marked and signaled ready for play after an incomplete pass, except during end of half situations (e.g., last two minutes)?
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

    Support, without this the rules imbalance the value of running vs passing. (An earlier question asked about the games current balance between o and d. This is similar, but pass is very imbalanced vs running.)

    Targeting - Should the committee consider a change in the penalty component of the current targeting rule?
    Support | Oppose | No Opinion

    I think targeting is ridiculously dangerous, even with all the bellyaching by fans. It may be beneficial to add something like a malicious targeting penalty that removes a player for a month and would need to be assessed by a reviewing committee only after the game has been finished. Incidental targeting is dangerous but should be less draconian than malicious targeting. If malicious intent is clear the penalty should be far more devastating than it currently is. Hypothetically what im proposing would leave the in game call the same. The additional penalty would only be levied after the game has ended but within a few days.

    Faster games and more balanced parity between schemes makes for better football.
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  3. #3
    IndyBison's Avatar
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    Default Re: NCAA Football Rules Survey

    If the timing rules were implemented there would be fewer plays and maybe 5-10 minutes shorter. The neon reason games are long is replay and TV time outs. My D3 games don't have either and they usually last 2:35-2:50, 30 minutes shorter than D1 TV games.

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: NCAA Football Rules Survey

    Does the feigning injury rule do anything about Stig's players suddenly getting "cramps"?

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  5. #5
    IndyBison's Avatar
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    Default Re: NCAA Football Rules Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by NDSU1980 View Post
    Does the feigning injury rule do anything about Stig's players suddenly getting "cramps"?
    Probably not really high on the list if examples. There are plenty of examples from higher levels that are even more obvious. It's a broad issue the NCAA is trying to address.

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: NCAA Football Rules Survey

    I really don't like the idea of keeping the clock running more. I love football, so ending the game earlier is not an objective I would like to see pursued. If they insist on that, I'd rather they spend less time on replay.

    I'm so old I still think the clock should stop when you run out of bounds!

    I do think the game favors passing too much vs. running. I don't have any specific suggestions in mind, however.
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  7. #7
    cbline's Avatar
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    Default Re: NCAA Football Rules Survey

    Get the Targeting rules cleared up. How the hit on Watson that spun him around in the UNI game was NOT targeting is beyond me.

    I agree with Gully, keep the running clock to a minimum so that more plays can be run: more chances for the Rams to bully defenses into submission.

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    Default Re: NCAA Football Rules Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by Gully View Post
    I really don't like the idea of keeping the clock running more. I love football, so ending the game earlier is not an objective I would like to see pursued. If they insist on that, I'd rather they spend less time on replay.

    I'm so old I still think the clock should stop when you run out of bounds!

    I do think the game favors passing too much vs. running. I don't have any specific suggestions in mind, however.
    I'm with ya on the clock should stop when you run out of bounds. I feel a "back in my day" coming on...

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  9. #9
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    Default Re: NCAA Football Rules Survey

    These timing rules will ruin the game and only result in more commercials.

  10. #10
    IndyBison's Avatar
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    Default Re: NCAA Football Rules Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by TransAmBison View Post
    I'm with ya on the clock should stop when you run out of bounds. I feel a "back in my day" coming on...
    The clock does stop when a runner goes OOB. Outside of 2 minutes in each half it restarts when the ball is ready for play. In many cases it will start even sooner than that (usually 32-35 seconds remaining on the play clock). The one question proposes doing the same thing for incomplete passes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    These timing rules will ruin the game and only result in more commercials.
    They will have no impact on commercials. Those are set by the media contracts. I believe it's usually 3 or 4 per quarter and the length ranges from 2 to 3 minutes. They would maybe shorten the game 5-10 minutes at most and reduce the number of plays slightly.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

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