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Thread: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

    Quote Originally Posted by BisonTeacher View Post
    Maybe someone here will come up with a fitting suggestion for tribute. Although Im not sure shutting down "the board" as Rock called it, would be what he would want. Also, Im guessing many will not be able to attend whatever services that are held so keeping the board open for us to grieve together might be helpful Just my two cents.
    good point!!!

  2. #22
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    Default Re: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

    Quote Originally Posted by El_Chapo View Post
    dude... me, savvy, endzone, longhorn have a text string going and I just told them.

    I'm glad we made him smile and giggle everytime he came over.

    whenever Rock walked over to the frisco cruiser with his camera, he would do so by himself, almost incognito while we are all being wild and crazy and he'd just come up with his camera showing us pics from the last 5 minutes while we drowned him in endzone bombs/bison bombs & we all giggled and patted him on the back.

    always smiles, even when we were bitching about Vigen, he was always just smiling at us .

    RIP dude. will miss ya

    (ps- not to go on a tangent here, but NDSU tailgating is bigger than most people understand, there was alot of people that NEVER ever would be together, different walks of lives, friends, family, politics, whatever... but at NDSU Tailgating, there was always "THAT GUY" you saw every tailgate for NDSU and that was it and you had a fucking beer and awesome good time together briefly )
    Chatted with him a couple times. Crazy the amount of people Ive met through this message board.

  3. #23
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    Default Re: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

    good point as well..^^;

    thanks Tony

  4. #24
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    Default Re: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

    Really sad news. Despite only talking to Rock once or twice a year, he was always the same friendly guy who treated me and my family like we had been lifetime friends. His pictures helped put a face to a lot of friends and posters on this board. RIP, Rock.
    North Dakota State, a football team the big boys of college football should avoid like the plague, helped christen a $90 million renovation to Snyder Family Stadium — including a statue of famed Kansas State coach Bill Snyder himself — by taking a sledgehammer to the place.
    Bob Lutz, The Wichita Eagle, August 30th, 2013

  5. #25
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

    I did not know Rock personally, nor did I get the chance, unfortunately, to formally meet him, but he did get a shot of our tailgating group once-upon-a-time on one of his trips around the West Lot. I had no idea who he was at the time, and he was quickly on to the next picture that he needed to get of whomever the next lucky group was. That picture is tacked up on my office credenza as we speak.

    And though I didn't know him very well at all, Rock was always one of my favorite posters on Bisonville. He had a unique sense of humor in many of his posts that greatly appealed to me, and we had a few very enjoyable exchanges on certain threads and in a few private messages. Indeed, he sent me some very kind words in a private message back in early 2016 saying that he enjoyed my own "unusual" sense of humor, and wanted to make sure he got out to our tailgate spot to get a snap of us and meet me in person. I told him how greatly I would enjoy that, but that he had already been there for a picture a little over 2 years before (the same one above). Heck, I wasn't even posting yet on Bisonville at the time that picture was taken! (And don't blame Rock for getting me started posting either, dammit! )

    But alas, to my great loss, that meeting never did take place for one reason or another I suppose (one being that I almost never leave our tailgate - which I need to rectify in the future), but he certainly continued to be a favorite BV poster of mine. So much so, that in my own weird way of doing things, Rock was included when I ended up using many of my favorite posters as unwitting "subjects" way back in 2017 for our 1st "Thunderstruck Makers Tailgating Recruits" post in that goofy damn AC/DC thread. I have good reason to believe Rock enjoyed it, however, and that, at the very least, makes me smile today.

    RIP, Rock. Thanks for being my friend on Bisonville.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

    Quote Originally Posted by El_Chapo View Post
    dude... me, savvy, endzone, longhorn have a text string going and I just told them.

    I'm glad we made him smile and giggle everytime he came over.

    whenever Rock walked over to the frisco cruiser with his camera, he would do so by himself, almost incognito while we are all being wild and crazy and he'd just come up with his camera showing us pics from the last 5 minutes while we drowned him in endzone bombs/bison bombs & we all giggled and patted him on the back.

    always smiles, even when we were bitching about Vigen, he was always just smiling at us .

    RIP dude. will miss ya

    (ps- not to go on a tangent here, but NDSU tailgating is bigger than most people understand, there was alot of people that NEVER ever would be together, different walks of lives, friends, family, politics, whatever... but at NDSU Tailgating, there was always "THAT GUY" you saw every tailgate for NDSU and that was it and you had a fucking beer and awesome good time together briefly )
    This is quite possibly the best post ever by Lakes. It is so inciteful and true......thanks Lakes. I needed it.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

    I was following his caring bridge site & just couldn’t believe he was gone. I just finished glancing at some of his prior pm’s. He was a very kind gentleman. Always walked up to visit for awhile. Very inclusive & caring person. BBR, you will be greatly
    Missed. Rest In Peace Russ.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

    poured 1 out for ya Rock at gametime

  9. #29
    marenlee's Avatar
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    Default Re: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

    Rocky was a great man. I brought him and RTO a trunk full of Yuengling to Frisco #3. He introduced my wife and I to TOHBTC at the hotel in Plano the night before the game and had lots and lots of beer that night. It was not easy getting up for the tailgate the next morning and he graciously offered to drive us to the stadium. We enjoyed our first Bison tailgate with him and was the best experience we could ask for with a lot of it driven by him. We did the same thing the next year before we left the mainland for Guam. Brittany and I will never forget about Rocky and are honored to have met and known him.

  10. #30
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    Default Re: BlueBisonRock aka Rod Ehni aka simply "Rock"

    Quote Originally Posted by marenlee View Post
    Rocky was a great man. I brought him and RTO a trunk full of Yuengling to Frisco #3. He introduced my wife and I to TOHBTC at the hotel in Plano the night before the game and had lots and lots of beer that night. It was not easy getting up for the tailgate the next morning and he graciously offered to drive us to the stadium. We enjoyed our first Bison tailgate with him and was the best experience we could ask for with a lot of it driven by him. We did the same thing the next year before we left the mainland for Guam. Brittany and I will never forget about Rocky and are honored to have met and known him.
    I know I met you guys in person one of those times with Rock.

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