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Thread: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

  1. #771
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    There are those people who put themselves out front of an issue, openly and equitably collaborating with others to correct an injustice, leading and cajoling others to act in their stead, giving all of their time, talent and treasure, until there is nothing left to give, and taking it upon themselves to openly and fully bear the brunt of the burdens that lay ahead, while giving all the credit for any small successes to others that are helping to promote such a cause, no matter what the personal consequences or costs.

    And then ………... there are those that willingly do all the hard, sweaty, nasty work secretly behind the scenes to get something of real importance done, without wanting any attention, or even so much as a small thank-you, for themselves.

    I am neither of those people.
    I can’t believe I have to do this ON YOUR THREAD—>

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    Bisonville: Making football coaches out of arm-chair-QB's and jock sniffers for years!
    Today's CAS GASF = ZERO

    And, don’t believe everything you think—jussayin’.

    Liberals of BV need not respond to my posts. I don’t need to get any more dumb.

  2. #772
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by CAS4127 View Post
    I can’t believe I have to do this ON YOUR THREAD—>

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Wait until they announce WHERE they'll be on Sep 19, Oct 17, or Nov 14 of this year!

    It's not my place to say anything further, but I DO predict there will be a lot of ass-kissing, crow-eating, knee-bending, brown-nosing and suck-upping around these parts to one certain badly mistreated individual by then. The real question is whether or not he is man enough to accept it.

    Let the speculation begin.

  3. #773
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    Wait until they announce WHERE they'll be on Sep 19, Oct 17, or Nov 14 of this year!

    It's not my place to say anything further, but I DO predict there will be a lot of ass-kissing, crow-eating, knee-bending, brown-nosing and suck-upping around these parts to one certain badly mistreated individual by then. The real question is whether or not he is man enough to accept it.

    Let the speculation begin.
    Please remember the early suck-ups Supreme Super Honcho Loaf Sir!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #774
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by I miss Chubs View Post
    Please remember the early suck-ups Supreme Super Honcho Loaf Sir!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I tell you truly, my dear Sargent, that on this day, you shall be with me in Rock & Roll Heaven.

    But for others of you, I am a superstitious man. If some unlucky accident should befall AC/DC within the next 6 months - if Angus is unplugged by an overdue power bill …. or if Brian is struck in the ear by a errantly thrown liquor bottle …….. or if the ever-volatile Phil Rudd is not kept on an extremely short leash this time ……………………….. then I'm going to blame some of the people on this damn message board, and then, I do NOT forgive.

  5. #775
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    I believe I, too, was an early suck up?!! I believe supportive words and unconditional praise spewed from my vocal chords over the past few months, years, (seems like decades.) Yes?

  6. #776
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by bisonfanette View Post
    I believe I, too, was an early suck up?!! I believe supportive words and unconditional praise spewed from my vocal chords over the past few months, years, (seems like decades.) Yes?
    If you think, dear lady, for one second that I can't see right through your blatant flattery and emotional manipulation, (even though it is greatly deserved and oddly satisfying) you are sadly, sadly mistaken.

    That doesn't mean, however, that such tactics (coupled, of course, with large amounts of cash and liquor) aren't highly effective.

    That said ……. You are in.

  7. #777
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Oh-oh! It looks like the final epic, bloody battle for the hearts and minds of our tailgating faithful has finally begun!

    This, from a post on Titter from someone known as "Crazy Ernie" commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the founding of 'Thunderstruck Makers' - also known as "The Miracle Of Beer On Ice".

    "Great moments are born from great opportunity ..... and a change in leadership.
    And that’s what you have here today, boys and girls.
    That’s what you’ve earned here, today.
    One tailgate. One AC/DC appearance. One legendary moment in time.
    If we asked Angus and the Boys to play for us one hundred times, they might turn us down ninety-nine.
    But not this time. Not today.
    Today ..... we drink with ’em.
    We drink with ’em, and we hound the hell out of 'em, and we rock with 'em, and we TURN THEM WAY, WAY UP ........ because we can!!"

    "Today, more than ever, we are the greatest tailgaters in the world.
    You were born to be crazy-loud football fanatics, classic effin' rockers, and fun, drunk tailgaters — every damn one of ya.
    And you (and your paid-up dues) were meant to be here today.
    This is your time ........ a time largely provided by the past work of prior Thunderstruck Makers leadership ......
    But their time .... due to bogus innuendo and trumped-up legal issues .... is done. It’s over.
    Besides, I'm sick and tired of hearin’ about what a "great guy Loaf is".
    Screw him!
    This is YOUR time!! This is OUR time! This is THUNDER time!

    Now ...... go out there and tailgate like a champion!" .........……. THM! THM! THM!

    Wow, this guy has some serious motivational skills! But is it enough to replace me at our upcoming Membership Pinochle Tournament/Chili Cook-off/Leadership Caucus Night? Meh, we'll see.

  8. #778
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    An Important Communique From The Worldwide Bunker Headquarters of Thunderstruck Makers

    To our Dear, DEAR (uh, oh - you know that this is going to be bad!) loyal and understanding Thunderstruck Makers Members,

    First SXSW, then Coachella, now this. Due to the effects of Coronavirus ...….. the as-yet-to-be announced AC/DC appearance that was most definitely scheduled for the 2020 tailgating season ………. has been postponed indefinitely.

    Below are some frequently asked questions regarding this postponement. Please read the questions, or have someone read them to you, and do NOT - we repeat - DO NOT call us about this or anything else regarding Thunderstruck Makers activities. Ever.

    Thanks much!

    Thunderstruck Makers Management

    FAQ about the AC/DC-Coronavirus appearance postponement:

    Does this mean that 2020 tailgating in general is cancelled?
    Heavens no! Tailgating is still on and the Thunderstruck Makers Hospitality Tent will be open for business as usual. In fact, as an added bonus, we'll even let you know which shot glasses and liquor bottles you should avoid community-sharing. Yes, I know ….. we are, as usual, all over this thing.

    Due to the virus, should I stop listening to AC/DC recordings in total?
    What the hell?!? Get a grip, people! Nothing has changed, or ever could change, regarding listening to AC/DC's iconic music. Continue to, as you have always done, sterilize your hands and bless yourself before handling an AC/DC bootleg master, vinyl record, compact disc, or 8-track tape for your listening pleasure. If you have NOT been doing this, or if you've been listening to the band on those new-fangled digital devices, then ……... may God help you, because your fate is out of our hands!

    Does this unfortunate cancellation, which was obviously and totally out of the control of Thunderstruck Makers leadership, technically "count" as another success in the long and growing list of amazing ThM organizational successes?
    Well, it would only be fair that it does.

    Should I continue my donations to ThM during this troubled time, or should I divert them to something more useful in combating the virus?
    Did someone TELL you to panic? Or are you just making shit up.

    When will the AC/DC appearance be rescheduled?
    Dammit! You start thinking about your fellow man, and the world in general, especially the alarming lack of great rock music in that world as we now know it, and let us worry about the rest of this crap. We will let you know, when you NEED to know, and not one damn second sooner!! In the meantime, blessings, peace and love to you and yours. Sincerely, ThM.

  9. #779
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    I know I've been a critic of the job Loaf has done...but I have to say...this seems legit.

    Notorious--Bisonville all-time POTY
    Proud member of TOHBTC[/B]

  10. #780
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by TransAmBison View Post
    I know I've been a critic of the job Loaf has done...but I have to say...this seems legit.
    Oh, this is legit, Member TransAmBison, this, like all information on this entire thread (except maybe CAS's and RTO's posts) is most definitely legit.

    We cannot, however, by legal and binding confidentiality agreement with the CIA, the World Health Organization, or the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, either confirm OR deny that Mr. Loaf is back in charge at Thunderstruck Makers, nor indeed, if he ever truly left in the first place. So, you will just have to trust that whomever is currently at the helm around here ………… is doing the kind of "Loaf-level" type of work that we've all come to expect out of this organization. That being said, we believe that our latest initiative "The 2020 ThM-AC/DC-Coronavirus Cancellation Over World Health Concerns", speaks for itself in that regard.

    Best Wishes Always,

    ThM Secret and Silent Management

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