Quote Originally Posted by HerdBot View Post
A few years from now, Amazon and Netflix will throw their hat into the ring and they have just as much or more money than ESPN has to spend on content. They already have access to most of the US so the transition will be easy. Amazon and Netflix is rising. ESPN is declining and with less and less cable subscribers, it's inevitable. Of course they won't have access to the big dogs of the world for a while since they are locked up, but in time it will happen. The G5 schools will probably be the first to broadcast on these platforms since they don't get the SEC/Big Ten type money.

Netflix already pays 50-70 million for 1 season of a top show. How much would they pay for an entire FOOTBALL CONFERENCE? Split that up among 10 teams and suddenly you have money, you have more exposure, and Netflix has totally unique content and great viewership. Shit, they could even sell COMMERCIALS to recoup some of that money.
ESPN is going to own Fox pretty soon so I think they might re-purpose the regional sports networks to get some of their stuff like FCS football on to it.