Quote Originally Posted by westnodak93bison View Post
How about that bogus pf on Richard. If that is not called we win. Still think he runs his mouth too much and that is why he has a bad rep with the officials.
At the time of the PF call the score was tied, yes we ended up getting our long FG try blocked but we held and later scored to go ahead and like it was pointed out we had a 3rd and 2 to ice the game (i believe they only had 1 if any TO's remaining). The blame for losing rests squarely on our inability to stop them when it mattered.

On that thought....as much trouble as our pass rush was having and the sketchy footing for the secondary at the end of the game with the few plays we ran after the tieing TD I would have mixed in a DOUBLE MOVE, but this point probably goes back to the proverbial "beating a dead horse".