Quote Originally Posted by fargo_is_my_home View Post
My point was it goes on (although not very much) yet he did not even mention it or it was editted out. NDSU had made it's stance pretty clear, Saturdays are about the game and not the tailgate. The fans don't see it that way that tailgate though.

I would have to agree with the fans. For the ones who tailgate, it is about the tailgate and there is nothing wrong with that. The problem is NDSU's statement that it is not about the tailgate. IF that were true, you would have to show your ticket to even enter the tailgate area.
Bull crap in bold. There would be no tailgating without the game.

But just out of curiosity, what is it that you want?

If it's a policy that forces everybody to have a ticket in order to tailgate, then you won't get any support from me. And, for once, I'd like the people who constantly rag on NDSU to take their lobbying efforts to the state level so that any policy they suggest for NDSU gets applied to every other college in the state rather than just NDSU. And while you're at it, make sure you ask for a statewide ban on alcohol sales at all ND college athletic events.

Tailgating is the social part of going to a game and having friends and family there who may not go to the game contributes greatly to the family atmosphere.