who's ever idea was it to make the concert free, needs to be fired. or should've been fired last night.

nothing like waiting, 45 minutes just to get in last night-while they had 2 people working the gate admission booth. the line stretched from the fence west of bonanzaville all the way to main ave...plus im sure it curved.

beer tickets was again, 3 people trying to serve what it seemed like 3,000 people. another long ass line.

yay for 10 portapotties on the dirt. nothing like people who just walk right up and go without having to wait in line like the rest of us. i did make 10 dollars selling my spot in line though.

i think next year should go back to paying to get into the shows. that way you can actually get a decent line up of concerts with all the money youre pulling in this year(the grand stands were packed for zac brown band of all people).

don't know if itll be like this the rest of the week, but if so, dont arrive around 7:00. youll be stuck in line. and also, over purchase beer tickets.