Quote Originally Posted by HerdBot View Post
No media push is needed. Actually it could hurt the chances because sentiment is low. A targeted media push is what's needed.

Low turnout. Lets say we only get 8k turnout. That means we only need 4,800k yes. Those yes votes are likely NDSU fans. Media like Dom Izzo, Kolpack, Bison Media Zone, Bison Report, Ross Uglem, Teammakers, Bisonation Twitter, Bison 1660, McFeely, 740 The Fan (Jay Bartleys show) are the people we want. What about Swannys radio show? Why is the NDSU foundation not blasting on social media? If people are willing to donate thousands, they will pay an extra quarter on $100. How about a postcard to every alumni with a Fargo zip code? Or an email?

If NDSU could get NDSU to say on social media "Today is election day" without telling people to vote yes or no, it would be huge. If they could buy a banner on the Fargodomes website it would be huge.

Why do we have a billboard on south university when it should be by the dome?

We dont want to go on conservative talk radio shows like 970, AM1100, or even liberal stations like KFGO and stir up likely no votes. It's too late to change minds

Saturdays game should have radio ads every break. Pregame and post game. Buy ads on Bison 1660
You have good questions and suggestions but I hope the proper people and groups are hearing about these ideas. Has anyone contacted the Foundation/Alumni Association for example. It is not too late to email a quick reminder to Fargoans. Say Friday for example. That is the only group I have familiarity with. The rest, others have to request reminders to vote.