Quote Originally Posted by OrygunBison View Post
Field type aside, I would certainly love to see a change in venue. I've never liked Frisco as a city. It really doesn't have an identity or any charm to speak of. Like every other suburb in the US, it just doesn't have any "there" there. I'm with Audit in that I'm primarily in Frisco for the game itself and that's generally good enough for me but it would be nice if the game was in a place that had more substance and character. Personally, I don't give one shit about going to Twin Peaks or those places. I go because all you are there. Dallas-Fort Worth is just not a very nice area. You have to take freeways everywhere and generally the weather really isn't reliably nice in early January anyway. Perhaps the only real thing that it has going for it is its more central US location that allows many of its most recent participant fan bases to drive to the game.

I love the idea of getting the game to somewhere either reliably warmer in January or in a city with an indoor stadium and some moxy. Minneapolis would fit that description, as would New Orleans, Austin (at least a bit warmer and a very cool town), San Antonio, Tuscon (maybe), Vegas, Seattle (retractable roof), or San Diego if they still have a stadium, not sure.

Note: I know this isn't going to happen.
New SDSU stadium going in where the Chargers used to play.