Quote Originally Posted by NDSUstudent View Post
Casual fans I know joke about us playing Fargo South and Shanley every week, I pretty much just nod in agreement at this point. Haven't gotten excited about a single game we have played this year, maybe SDSU will spark something but after that it will another long wait for a compelling match up. This isn't how things should be and it isn't going to get better anytime soon.

Sad that our admin has zero ambition, they are just happy to beat up on a bunch of basketball and hockey schools. While our real peers like GSU, App State, JMU...go to where they belong.
The sad part is the three schools you listed are former teachers colleges with less than half the endowment we have. I don’t even know if saying they are our peers is shooting high enough.

Regardless, in FCS we are the neighborhood bully beating up on the younger kids. It’s time for us to grow up and realize we don’t belong. Let the little schools have their subdivision back.