Good afternoon!

I imagine the focus in Bisonville is on football at the moment but I just wanted to drop in and say hi before tomorrow's basketball matchup in Nacogdoches. I'm from the SFA community The Sawmill ( and you all are more than welcome to jump over there and join in our conversation on NDSU/SFA.

From what I can tell, it sounds like you all have an excellent passing and shooting team. The way SFA plays defense really encourages teams to drive and I'm not sure that's your strength, but the 'Jacks have been very susceptible to three-point shooting and that might be their fate tomorrow with your crew in town. I like our chances (SFA is 75-3 at WRJ Coliseum since 2012-13) but this ranks up there with our Mississippi State game as the toughest challenge road or home so far this season.

Looking forward to hearing some Bison perspective on this matchup.