Quote Originally Posted by EndZoneQB View Post
As a leader, you want everyone to be inspired to work harder and do well. This is one way to motivate those below him to put in extra work, etc. It's simply a motivation tactic. Leadership 101.
Yes Ive heard that too. :-). Wasnt my point...it felt like he was reading it right out of krzyzewskis book when I heard him say it. Anyone else read that book coaching with the heart?

Again...Im not here to argue with ya. In hope im wrong. I hope he makes the gophers a top 10 team. I think not getting Miles was a mistake. I think Fleck is a fraud. Every time I hear him speak it makes my skin crawl. The quote about defense that resurrected this thread is just plain silly, and exactly why he is getting compared to Brewster.

Time will tell.