Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Moen View Post
If NDSU and SDSU threatened to leave the MVFC, Patty Viverito and company would freak out as it would mean the end of the MVFC being the premiere FCS conference. There are other FCS conferences that both teams can join as a football only affiliate. Although NDSU and SDSU don't have the biggest voices in the MVFC, they still have some weight, especially as a duo. This alone would prevent UND from pulling any shenanigans. If we were actually afraid of these hypothetical shenanigans, we should have been afraid of them earlier coming from schools like UNI and Illinois State, which have big voices in the MVFC and have bigger financial issues than we do.

In regards to the State imposing sanctions against NDSU to prevent them from being competitive, they would have been done this a long time ago when UND decided to move up to DI. But they didn't. Probably because they can't touch funds generated from NDSU's fanbase and it would be career suicide for them to piss off their constituents.

Again these excuses made up by those who don't want play UND are futile. Whether we as fans want to play them or not, is beyond our and NDSU's control. If a punk-arse, turtleneck-wearing kid jumps into your sandbox, do you cry and leave or do you kick sand in their face and piss-pound them so they don't want to be in your sandbox? I look forward to NDSU kicking a whole lot sand in their faces.

As far "fear" goes, why else would there be such an uproar? The unnecessary complaining we throw out there just gives their program more credence that they could be a threat and that just feeds into their fans' faux-confidence (something about a worm turning). They aren't a threat and until they start getting better recruits, coaches and tradition, they'll won't be more of a threat to our National Championship goals than the lower half MVFC teams are to NDSU.
Lest assume all that is true why would we want the headache. Not that it is a choice anymore. As I stated, I have a hard time coming up with times UND has helped us, but it is not hard finding examples where they dump on us. Kicking their asses in FB just does seem worth it.