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Thread: legislature getting involved

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default legislature getting involved

    Haven't we suffered enough?

    No reason for the legislature to get involved. Aren't they busy enough trying to make sure nobody is living together?

  2. #2
    Bisonfan1's Avatar
    Bisonfan1 is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: legislature getting involved

    This Frank Walds comments were unbelievable, "That is an ego trip they will regret someday" (Wald 59 UND Graduate, and legislator from Dickinson) Typical UND mentality, this rates right up there with Kleindroppers comments that the Bison are stupid. Wald said the Bison's move to Division I is taking away opportunities for North Dakota athletes who want to play in Division II. Give me a break, This GIVES North Dakota athletes the chance to play at a D-I level in ND and not for the watered down D-II suck. This the kind of "insert name/s" we have running the State? WOW, Id better stop here.
    West Lot Champions - 2008 Bison Pride Award/2009 Best Set-Up & Fan Favorite/ 2010 Fan Favorite / 2011 Fan Favorite - TOHBTC

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Default Re: legislature getting involved

    As if we don't have enough to do in the state, and now they are trying to FORCE the rivalry to continue? I really wish someday the legislature gets its head out of the ground and start working on real problems and not unfortunate circumstances.....Whats next?

    This is another example of why most students move out of the state....Everyone including the government gets their noses in ones personal business, and doesn't concentrate on the big problems of jobs, growth, and adequate Siouxage disposal.....

    But as Dennis Miller would say:
    "Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong."

  4. #4
    JBB Guest

    Default Re: legislature getting involved

    From the begining und decision makers have wished ill will toward NDSU for Decision 1. They are doing everything in their power to make the dire predicitions come true. Its nice to see that some in the State Legislature recognize this mismanagement of und athletics and see it in the same light I have.

    I realize this isnt funny, but when responsible high officials in a State supported university manage from a foundation of anger and spite something needs to be done. In fact the notable exception to this view was und graduate frank wald from Dickinson. He spouts the official line of the und decision makers and simply cant resist forecasting ill will toward Decision 1.

    The fact that the issue is surfacing at this level is a sign that something is very wrong up there. NDSU certainly recognized the value to the regions sports fans, the universities themselves and of course the alumni across the country for both schools.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: legislature getting involved

    Absolutely unbelievable that someone is going to waste our taxpayer dollars and bring up this leglislation. I'm with Tuk on this one--they should focus on making the state more attractive to young folk. Do they not realize that ND is the only state that is losing population?

    Frank "Mr. UND" Wald is a complete dumbass for making such comments. My wife is from Dickinson and before I even said anything about the article to her I aksed her if she know Wald. She said, "Ya, he's a dick. Why?"

    Sorry Tony, I know you don't want us to get political.
    My Mom yells louder than your Mom.

  6. #6
    NDSU_grad is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: legislature getting involved

    The scary thing about this whole situation is there's a precedent. *The Iowa legislature back in like the 1950's or something forbid Iowa and ISU to play in football. *That's why they've only played about 50 times, with the rivalry resuming in the 70's. *I think they were worried about the rivalry being too heated or something. *And then in the early 90's they forced UNI, ISU and UI to play each other in basketball. *UI is probably pretty peeved about that one, since UNI has beaten them 2 out of the last 3 times.

  7. #7
    JBB Guest

    Default Re: legislature getting involved

    Heres a conspiracy theory for you:

    If the legeslature forces the games und will have the perfect excuse for going D1. They will simply say if we are forced to compromise and forfiet our ability to make the playoffs and being legeslated into a tomato can for NDSU then, despite how terrible it would be for us to make the move, we simply have to.

    Perfect way to get out of the corner they are painted into.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: legislature getting involved

    I love it - wanting to raise the university's (and correspondingly the state's) stature on a national level is called an "ego trip". If that isn't the epitome of small town thinking, I don't know what is. This from a member of the legislature that once proposed to drop the word "North" from the state name to make it more attractive to outsiders. How ironic...


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: legislature getting involved

    I think he skipped right over ironic and advanced directly to stupid.
    I have the honor to be Your Obedient Servant - B.Aud

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  10. #10
    JBB Guest

    Default Re: legislature getting involved

    I think Wald should send a letter to the North Dakota kids recently recruited by NDSU that there is no opportunity in DI for them. While hes at it why doesnt he send the letter to all North Dakota high school athletes? Im sure they would appreciate knowing that he feels they are not good enough and has no faith in them.

    I also think its important that he notify und that recruiting out of state is no longer appreciated. They are denying North Dakota athletes a chance to compete in D2.

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