Here is the most recent BiZon Roster on Wrestlestat
125 - Tristian Daugherty Sr.
133 - Kyle Burwick Sr.
141 - Kellen March Sr.
149 - Max Peterson So.
157 - Boeden Greenley RSf.
165 - Brenden Howes So.
174 - Devin Wasley So.
184 - Aidan Brenot RSf.
197 - Michael Baker Sr.
HWT - Andrew Blackburn Frost So.
Interesting roster notes:
- After missing a year Kellen March drops from 149 down to 141.
- Last years starter at 141, Gavin Drexler has moved up to 149 to back up Max Peterson
- Brenot is listed as the the starter at 184 over Adam Cherne and Cherne is not listed as Red Shirting
- Five transfers are listed as starters
- All incoming freshmen are listed as redshirting