This is not 'Nam. This is Bisonville. There are rules here.
Really good article from Dom today (includes a roster addition)...
Sounds like coach is a little concerned with the defense and tackling... Wanting to be physical but how physical in camp?
"Because I hate losing to them. Now I can say it. I hate them. I hate Jackrabbits." - Cam Miller, 12/21/24 now with 100% more lakesbison.
Grant claimed it will be fixed in his presser. Sorry if I'm skeptical of his optimism, but it was an issue all of last season and it didn't get fixed. Not like we're bringing in a bunch of new guys. Grant also mentioned Weerts really progressing. I hope so, because IMO, Weerts was one of the worst offenders last year. Fundamental tackling begins with your feet by getting to your spot and then wrapping up.
North Dakota State, a football team the big boys of college football should avoid like the plague, helped christen a $90 million renovation to Snyder Family Stadium — including a statue of famed Kansas State coach Bill Snyder himself — by taking a sledgehammer to the place.Bob Lutz, The Wichita Eagle, August 30th, 2013
"Because I hate losing to them. Now I can say it. I hate them. I hate Jackrabbits." - Cam Miller, 12/21/24 now with 100% more lakesbison.