Stay tuned … There is obviously pushback, as should be expected
But rest assured that the NCAA will do whatever it has to do to stay attached to the P4. I’m sorry, but it is a little funny that people in FCS have been exclaiming for years that the power conferences will leave the NCCA, when in fact the NCAA will bend over backwards to accommodate them, all while screwing the little guys
I guess what they really meant to say was that the underlings would leave the NCAA … lol
Money and power, power and money
What could go wrong.
The P4 at this point pulling the “I’m afraid of your dad so instead of breaking up with you, I’ll call you fat in front of your friends” method of ending a relationship.
Mountain West, hope for the best.
I'd say a stipulation of this settlement for the non-P4 conferences should be if we're going to pay 60% of the P4's bill we're going to need 60% of the P4's media contract payouts.... and if they want to give 0% of that then we pay 0% of their settlement bill.
Why were the G5 schools and FCS not included in the negotiations when we are paying for most of it.
The defenants are the power 5 and ncaa. Not the g5. We are paying for their fuck ups and dont get a say
This is absurd and probably a bigger lawsuit than the one they are settling
Why is their not more animosity?
18X National Champions: 65, 68, 69, 83, 85, 86, 88, 90, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24
Join the Green and the Gold Collective to take Bison football to the next level. Starts at $10 a month
The Green and The Gold Collective is excited to announce our #DriveToFive membership campaign. The goal of this campaign is to get to 500 monthly members. Reaching this goal will help us provide financial support to NDSU student athletes, including every returning member of the football team that saw action on the field last year!
G5 and FCS schools would end up losing more in their money games for all sports. If they push back….P5 simply take those away and it has probably a larger impact on budgets. Lots of cards they can play for the same outcome so simply saying we won’t it is challenging.