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Thread: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

    Man, having a Rolette kid sign brought back so many memories of high school. The best is when Dom posted the video on twitter where they showed game footage in Rolette. From about the 40 to the 40, part of the dirt infield from the baseball diamond is on the field and you can see it. It hurt so bad whenever you landed on that, not to mention the scrapes.

    Another favorite memory is when we won the state title in 1990. That game was played at Hughes Field in Bismarck; we beat Mott. When headed home, we knew there were a bunch of cars following us. When we approached Yellow Corners north of Rugby (where you turn onto 66 from 3), 2 cars come screaming by us and when going buy their "cherries" start going and we realize it is Highway Patrol. They escort us to Yellow Corners and onto Rolette, and there are cars waiting in every direction. So, we turn onto 66 for the last 9 miles of the drive, and head to the school blaring Thunderstruck (a new song). We find out their were 8 miles of cars behind us when we have a program at the school......

  2. #22
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    Default Re: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

    Quote Originally Posted by tjamz View Post
    I think we've already exceeded the actual population of Rolette. I have a few connections there as well
    Most of my connections are Bisbee (I have more relatives in the Bisbee cemetery than I could ever expect at a family reunion), but I had an aunt who taught French and grandma who taught English in Rolette. Heck, I think my great-great granddad started a newspaper in Rolette with the great great grandpa of Marcil (of the Fargo Forum.)

    I viewed Rolette was kind of a paradise when I was growing up... me and my cousins would go to Ox Creek exploring and you could see the Turtle Mountains from my grandma's front yard.

  3. #23
    jarhead is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

    Quote Originally Posted by tony View Post
    We're getting to the point that the population of people with Rolette connections on Bisonville is getting close to the actual population of Rolette.
    My grandparents (Gus & Ida Ellingson) owned the hardware store in Rolette for years. Sold it to my uncle Erving when they retire. They’ve all long since passed
    But my brother still owns their property on Park St., just north of the school. Great grandpa Jacob Tweten farmed south of town where the gravel pit was.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

    Quote Originally Posted by jarhead View Post
    My grandparents (Gus & Ida Ellingson) owned the hardware store in Rolette for years. Sold it to my uncle Erving when they retire. They’ve all long since passed
    But my brother still owns their property on Park St., just north of the school. Great grandpa Jacob Tweten farmed south of town where the gravel pit was.
    Yep, we are related. That’s my great great grandparents. I think two greats is correct.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

    Quote Originally Posted by jarhead View Post
    My grandparents (Gus & Ida Ellingson) owned the hardware store in Rolette for years. Sold it to my uncle Erving when they retire. They’ve all long since passed
    But my brother still owns their property on Park St., just north of the school. Great grandpa Jacob Tweten farmed south of town where the gravel pit was.
    My uncle owned the hardware store in the little mall in Rolette too - not sure where the store was before they built that. Note: If you are related to him, don't worry, he married my mom's sister.

    Ha! I found this online (a pdf history of rolette): ndsl-books_18110.pdf
    Last edited by tony; 05-15-2023 at 03:28 PM.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

    Quote Originally Posted by tony View Post
    My uncle owned the hardware store in the little mall in Rolette too - not sure where the store was before they built that. Note: If you are related to him, don't worry, he married my mom's sister.

    Ha! I found this online (a pdf history of rolette): ndsl-books_18110.pdf
    And my dad owned the pharmacy in the you know, he was a pall bearer at Tom's funeral.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

    Quote Originally Posted by THEsocalledfan View Post
    And my dad owned the pharmacy in the you know, he was a pall bearer at Tom's funeral.
    He probably knew my great grandpa Molly McAtee who ran the drug store in Rolla
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  8. #28
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    Default Re: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

    Wait a minute...... are you guys trying to tell us Rollette had a mall?

  9. #29
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    Default Re: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

    ......then Streeter had a shopping center......

  10. #30
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    Default Re: 2024 Verbal: OL Nate Tastad

    Quote Originally Posted by totoinfl View Post
    Rolla played 11 man, we played we would scrimmage half with 9 and one half with 11. It was easier to add people to the field than take them away...
    We (9 man Bowbells) did that when our varsity played Kenmare's JV (11 man) but we played that whoever was on offense had their normal amount of players. It was pretty fun playing 11 man defense and 9 man offense. We won pretty easily but their varsity would have destroyed us so we didn't go there.
    Get your BB tickets now!!!

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