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Thread: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

  1. #31
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    Default Re: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

    Quote Originally Posted by heffray View Post
    It’s more than that. Brock was not much better than Cam and look what we were able to do… I agree we are an offense that likes to establish the run game, but something seems different, don’t you think?
    Seriously? Brock not much better than Cam? Please explain because I doubt Cam could pull off the comeback win against Kansas State or the victories against Georgia Southern. Cam doesn't have it. When put in difficult situations he doesn't put the team on his shoulders and win. Brock did that! Cam has yet to do it.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

    Quote Originally Posted by EC8CH View Post
    Better than ole poopy pants.
    Yup!! Once again, the undies are offering up advice on what the football program should/shouldn't do. 9 natties and one runner-up in 12 years doesn't meet the standards of excellence at el forko grande university and, therefore, they are compelled to offer advice so NDSU can fuck up its football program as they have theirs. First, it was the worthlessness of team meetings; now, it's who should get promoted to HC, OC , equipment manager, etc. when their own HC is a relic from a previous century.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

    Quote Originally Posted by SDbison View Post
    Seriously? Brock not much better than Cam? Please explain because I doubt Cam could pull off the comeback win against Kansas State or the victories against Georgia Southern. Cam doesn't have it. When put in difficult situations he doesn't put the team on his shoulders and win. Brock did that! Cam has yet to do it.
    Oh please I love Brock and he was a great QB for us but some really have an inflated view of previous players. Their legends seem to grow in our minds over time. Not sure Cam has had a similar team around him as Brock had his last 2-3 years. Those 2012-13 teams were loaded.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigund View Post
    Hey that Wofford team led by Frankenstein was tough!
    Fun fact: Wofford's only score was a pick 6.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

    Quote Originally Posted by southcliffbison View Post
    Yup!! Once again, the undies are offering up advice on what the football program should/shouldn't do. 9 natties and one runner-up in 12 years doesn't meet the standards of excellence at el forko grande university and, therefore, they are compelled to offer advice so NDSU can fuck up its football program as they have theirs. First, it was the worthlessness of team meetings; now, it's who should get promoted to HC, OC , equipment manager, etc. when their own HC is a relic from a previous century.
    Ya but they won a d2 championship back in the early 2000s so they do have 1 championship in all their existence. Doesn’t that make the experts?😢😢

  6. #36
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    Default Re: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

    Quote Originally Posted by SDbison View Post
    Seriously? Brock not much better than Cam? Please explain because I doubt Cam could pull off the comeback win against Kansas State or the victories against Georgia Southern. Cam doesn't have it. When put in difficult situations he doesn't put the team on his shoulders and win. Brock did that! Cam has yet to do it.
    Maybe Cam could with better play-calling? You’re asking me for specifics and I don’t really have them, just the same eye test that tells you he isn’t close tells me that he is. We could both be wrong (and maybe we are)…

    My main point is that Cam did a lot of good things and I don’t think anyone should be blaming him for the losses this year. Squarely on the coaches, just my opinion.
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  7. #37
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    Default Re: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

    Quote Originally Posted by gavin2126 View Post
    Yep. 21 points would've won 7 of the previous 9 natty's. While there's always room for improvement, the offense isn't bad and isn't the problem everyone should be focused on.
    +1 on all this.
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  8. #38
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    Default Re: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

    Quote Originally Posted by heffray View Post
    Maybe Cam could with better play-calling? You’re asking me for specifics and I don’t really have them, just the same eye test that tells you he isn’t close tells me that he is. We could both be wrong (and maybe we are)…

    My main point is that Cam did a lot of good things and I don’t think anyone should be blaming him for the losses this year. Squarely on the coaches, just my opinion.
    I am pretty neutral on Cam. I guess there are a couple of questions in my mind that I can't answer because 1) I'm just not that football smart and 2) I'm damn lazy. So, the coaches can do all the coaching they want but once that play clock starts it is all in the hands of the players. With Cam I am wondering
    - how many times did he check play calls due to defense reads? I can't say I detected much of that.
    - how good was he at checking down to an outlet receiver when the initial pass call was not there?
    - how often did Cam find a check down between the hashes?

    Sure would be nice to have a Bisonville "coach" sit down with the collection of all22 flicks and answer those questions. Or maybe none of these questions are meaningful.
    If his mouth is open, he’s lying.

  9. #39
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    Default Re: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

    Quote Originally Posted by TAILG8R View Post
    I think you mean Pauley
    Duh. Thanks. Correction made.
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  10. #40
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    Default Re: WR Coach to IOWA STATE

    Quote Originally Posted by GreenfieldBison View Post
    I am pretty neutral on Cam. I guess there are a couple of questions in my mind that I can't answer because 1) I'm just not that football smart and 2) I'm damn lazy. So, the coaches can do all the coaching they want but once that play clock starts it is all in the hands of the players. With Cam I am wondering
    - how many times did he check play calls due to defense reads? I can't say I detected much of that.
    - how good was he at checking down to an outlet receiver when the initial pass call was not there?
    - how often did Cam find a check down between the hashes?

    Sure would be nice to have a Bisonville "coach" sit down with the collection of all22 flicks and answer those questions. Or maybe none of these questions are meaningful.
    True, Cam did not audible much, if at all. That said, I don’t know how much play-changing was being done on the aforementioned Kstate drive, but I’d have to go back and watch that video…
    The Bisonville MASTERS Pool
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