If we concentrated on the really important stuff in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles"
When you play football, you gotta like the taste of blood, And 50 percent of the time, it's your blood.
You don't give out trophies for losing. Trophies for sucking. That's a communist idea. You don't get a trophy for losing. You get a piece of pizza and you shut up. Trophies for losing? What the hell happened to us?
"The best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."
NDSU Athletics: oderint dum metuant
Fuck Carson when Jimmy g takes your job theirs a fucking problem eh. Ugh. Sad. Shut your mouth and play ball.
Brother of trash can.
I love humanity; it's people I can't stand.
I have the honor to be Your Obedient Servant - B.Aud
We all live in stories... It seems to me that a definition of any living vibrant society is that you constantly question those stories... The argument itself is freedom. It's not that you come to a conclusion about it. Through that argument you change your mind sometimes... That's how societies grow. When you can't retell for yourself the stories of your life then you live in a prison... Somebody else controls the story. - S. Rushdie
You witness to an individual, expressing your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ; then let the Holy Spirit do the rest. In regards to the Liviticus verse you quoted; It references animals that chew the cud and have divided hooves. Animals that don't chew the cud and have the hoof requirement are pigs, camels, rabbits, and snakes, et al. Are you comparing CW's expressing his faith to animals that God ruled unclean to the Israelites?
Wow, all these folks who have been in the Eagles, Colts, and Commanders locker rooms...seeing other playars preached at by CW about Jesus on a daily basis...fascinating.
Christian athletes have to listen to other players constantly yapping about their sexual conquests, drunken exploits, drug-taking experiences...but that's okay cuz that's football! And Man Stuff! Christians get made fun of frequently in locker rooms for being goody two-shoes...but there's no condemnation of that. Yet when a Christian athlete isn't ashamed to say they love Jesus, and want others to love Him too...then he's the jerk. So strange to me.
No threads can derail quite like Wentz threads can...