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Thread: Fire the clock mgmt coach

  1. #61
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    Default Re: Fire the clock mgmt coach

    In a vacuum, I agree you should try to score there going i to the half. However, I could imagine a number of legitimate reason why a head coach would decide not to against a particular team and or at a particular point in a season. I also wouldn't expect a head coach to elaborate on that decision making process in public.
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  2. #62
    CalBison97's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fire the clock mgmt coach

    Quote Originally Posted by Bisonwinagn View Post
    Ask Texas if they should of settled for a 13-7 halftime score instead of getting greedy and ended up down 20-7 and lost the game because of it. Enough said!!
    Texas isn’t the NDSU of FBS (earmuffs, MNLonghorn). LSU didn’t have their backup QB in either, unlike UND. We were going to win the game regardless of what happened on that drive. Believe in your defense and let your offense get that 2-minute experience in.
    Stand your ground, have a tough hide, roam wild and free, have a strong spirit, let the chips fall where they may.

  3. #63
    89MTBISON's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fire the clock mgmt coach

    These OOC games are like a live practice. Skipping the opportunity for a brand new HC and OC to test their playcalling and time management at the end of the half seems a little pussy to me. Not to mention our RS frosh QB, who had no say, and was probably a little ticked off for not getting the opportunity.

  4. #64
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    Default Re: Fire the clock mgmt coach

    Quote Originally Posted by El_Chapo View Post
    yea he didnt wanna talk about it cuz it was a coaching ERROR. Step on their throats, a 2 minute drive for a FG/TD there wouldve been huge
    Apparently no one saw the comments that Entz made in the forum about this. It was his decision no one else, UND had previously scored on a long drive, and he felt the need to
    regroup...and that is what they did...remember he said it was HIS decision...

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Fire the clock mgmt coach

    Quote Originally Posted by Bisonwinagn View Post
    Ask Texas if they should of settled for a 13-7 halftime score instead of getting greedy and ended up down 20-7 and lost the game because of it. Enough said!!
    Totally different situations
    1. They were behind
    2. LSU had timeouts - We could have very easily ran anything we wanted to on first down, and unless we threw an int. or fumbled... still ran the clock out

    I was in the moment unhappy with how conservative we played it and I still think that it was the wrong call regardless of the final result.
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    Can we pretend that Jose Mohler passes are like shooting stars, cuz I would wish for a new O coordinator.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: Fire the clock mgmt coach

    Would I like us to be more aggressive in these situations? Of course! Its not going to happen. Somebody earlier in the thread said it, but as long as a defensive coach is the head coach, we are going to be conservative in these situations. Just the way it is. In this situation, even if we throw a pick six, or something else disastrous happens, we still dominate the second half. Totally agree that this would have been a perfect time to practice 2-minute drill with a young QB. I don't get too up in arms about it or call for the head coach to be fired after two games, like the title of this thread indicates, as its not going to change.

  7. #67
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    Default Re: Fire the clock mgmt coach

    Quote Originally Posted by imabison View Post
    Apparently no one saw the comments that Entz made in the forum about this. It was his decision no one else, UND had previously scored on a long drive, and he felt the need to
    regroup...and that is what they did...remember he said it was HIS decision...

    There is the link to the coaches comments, if you can do better maybe you should take the field...

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Fire the clock mgmt coach

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison56 View Post
    And if there was a turnover the same idiots would be posting about running out the clock when you have a lead.
    A bad result after a good decision doesn't make the decision bad.
    Some say it's a backward place. Narrow minds on a narrow way, but I make it a point to say. That that's where I come from.

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Fire the clock mgmt coach

    Quote Originally Posted by imabison View Post

    There is the link to the coaches comments, if you can do better maybe you should take the field...
    Don't know why that should change any of the fan's feelings on it, that's the reason they're getting paid is to figure that stuff out in high pressure situations.

    I view that as a cop out cliche canned response in a way. What would they have done if it was middle part of the half and no halftime coming? Just run 3 conservative plays and punt it again and tell the defense don't get a 3 and out we have to get our crap into a pile on offense. But maybe it's all a ploy for later in the year when people think we're just going to run the clock out and we hit them hard.

    I still think it was a bad decision not to be a bit more aggressive. Did it change the outcome of the game no, doesn't change my view of NDSU football as a whole either or coaching staff, other than I'll no longer ever expect them to "go" for it there. I view it as a missed opportunity for this young team (not to mention coaching staff) to gain meaningful experience with little to no risk of really screwing over the outcome of the game. I don't know why you wouldn't just have a 1 min or 2 min drill game plan that you grab as that has to really be separate from the rest of your game plan and only implemented in that situation. They do run those drills in practices, right?

    That all said I probably sound a lot more upset than I really am. It just surprises me that so many people took an "aww shucks" approach to it.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Fire the clock mgmt coach

    One of the things coaches avoid doing until necessary is putting stuff on video.

    Two minute play calling reveals tendencies. If you want to practice that, NDSU has the best defense to do that against. Plus, you can do it in “practice” where no other opponent gets to dissect it.

    I’m giving Coach a pass on his decision.

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