Rank the title games from favorite to least favorite. No real 'rules' just do what you think.

Mine: 1>>6>4>>2>>5>>>>3

1 - Hard to beat the first title I have ever seen for a team I love, let alone my favorite of all the teams
6 - 2 titans clashing in a gutty game that came down to the wire
4 - This is basically tied for 2nd best and definitely has the best finish of all
2 - #1 was still fresh in memory and the idea of winning titles was fresh in my head
5 - The return of Carson! Not too exciting a game...did make a big bet on the Under, which also wasn't much of a sweat, but enough to keep me entertained
3 - Best Bison team ever. An honor to watch them cap off arguably the best FCS season of all time, but the game itself was a bore.