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Thread: Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    From StL lives in ND

    Default Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

    This is on in-forum. He has not made an announcement, but you can watch it live on their page.
    When? Don't know. What will he say? Don't know.

    BISMARCK, N.D. - North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum made a major announcement Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 7 regarding the future of the state's higher education system.

    On now
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  2. #2
    RedRiver is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

    Eliminate campus go online!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    From StL lives in ND

    Default Re: Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

    I stopped watching after he said the were forming a task force.
    Yep, another committee
    I like to surround myself with people who share in my inappropriate comments, sarcasm, and random shenanigans

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

    Well I hope the war is about to begin and some of our campuses have their mission changed. Their legislators should be given 2 choices either close or change focus to technical or certificate programs.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

    Burgam is absolutely right. While campuses are never going away education is changing and NDSU does need a better blend of online vs traditional

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

    Quote Originally Posted by MAKBison View Post
    Burgam is absolutely right. While campuses are never going away education is changing and NDSU does need a better blend of online vs traditional
    Yep. Online streamlines the cost and doesn't require expensive buildings to expand. Plus you can truly become a national brand and draw in students anywhere in the country.

    Old school on campus is still important but online is a big part of the present and the future and it could help control the out of control costs

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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

    Quote Originally Posted by HerdBot View Post
    Yep. Online streamlines the cost and doesn't require expensive buildings to expand. Plus you can truly become a national brand and draw in students anywhere in the country.

    Old school on campus is still important but online is a big part of the present and the future and it could help control the out of control costs
    NDSU had an excellent blend of online and traditional, with a growing but controllable segment of online only students, until the current administration cut the legs out from under the departments in a couple of ways. That led to departments not being entrepreneurial anymore and students cutting back on the number of online courses they took, and the whole thing started to collapse. Terribly bad management that will take probably a decade to recover from.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

    I hope they look at it from many prongs. Everything from closing campuses to changing campus missions, to increasing the use of technology and online use, and also to the funding model.

    I really hope that they can keep this from turning into a huge power grab for the legislature though, that is my biggest fear.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison"FANatic" View Post
    I hope they look at it from many prongs. Everything from closing campuses to changing campus missions, to increasing the use of technology and online use, and also to the funding model.

    I really hope that they can keep this from turning into a huge power grab for the legislature though, that is my biggest fear.
    Of course that's the goal. They're shameless about it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Burgum makes announcement about Higher ed future

    We will know what Burgam wants when he announces who is on the committee. The size of the committee suggests he probably isn't looking for real action, but the exact makeup might change that. I see a few possibilities.

    1. Loaded with ND GOP members: Burgum is conceding higher-ed power to the legislature in return for other political considerations.

    2. Loaded with business interests: We're going to see a push for job training to extend into the four-year schools instead of the more open-ended programs.

    3. Loaded with existing higher-ed interests: Burgam wants the status quo, but wants to look like he's doing something.

    4. A fairly even mix of the above: About the same as #3, but Burgam knows no one will be happy with the results of the committee, so he wants them to fight amongst themselves in the news so he looks blameless.

    I expect it to be the last one, but either of the first two would be inviting disaster.

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