I can't analyze every match in the tournament like BigBird can, but I have been preparing to see how well the various ranking systems do in predicting the tournament. As a by product of that, I now have a spreadsheet that shows the results if everything were to go by ranking for each system. I should point out that if both wrestlers were unranked in a system, I used a virtual coin flip. For Wrestlestat, I went by the rankings and not using the prediction tool.

Here I am showing the predicted final place or else round of elimination.

125 - Rodriguez
5th place (WIN)
7th place (InterMat, Wrestlestat, SetonHallPirate, Trackwrestling)
Eliminated in Bloodround (Seeding, Flo, TheOpenMat)

133 - Sykora
Eliminated in 3rd Consolation (SetonHallPirate)
Eliminated in 2nd Consolation (TheOpenMat)
Eliminated in 1st Consolation (Seeding, InterMat, Flo, WIN, Wrestlestat, Trackwrestling)

157 - Ream
6th Place (Seeding, TheOpenMat)
7th Place (InterMat, WIN, Trackwrestling)
Eliminated in Bloodround (Flo, SetonHallPirate)
Eliminated in 2nd Consolation (Wrestlestat)

165 - Fogarty
Eliminated in 2nd Consolation (Seeding, InterMat, Flo, WIN, Wrestlestat, SetonHallPirate, Trackwrestling)
Eliminated in 1st Consolation (TheOpenMat)

285 - Tynan
Eliminated in 2nd Consolation (Seeding, InterMat, Flo, TheOpenMat, WIN, Wrestlestat, SetonHallPirate, Trackwrestling)