Quote Originally Posted by Kujava23 View Post
SERIOUSLY---how much longer will NDSU put up with Coach Richman and his "style" of play. First of, the OFFENSE sucks!! No interior touches to attack inside out or create foul troubles on other team---or get to the free throw line for EASY points. Offense doesn't generate enough movement and team doesn't move ball to attack both sides of the floor. It just seems a very vanilla offense and not very creative---

Next how well have player development been? Which is very important for any college basketball program---especially a mid major; Has AJ's game improved or Dylan Miller--sure might be the player's limitations but than maybe take away some of those players minutes and give to players that are YOUNG and let them play minutes.

I'll take a breath now and relax---but get so frustrated watching them play
I would assume until he has at least one season where they don't win more than 60% of their games (which of course hasn't happened yet).