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Thread: Support Bresciani

  1. #241
    BisonBacker is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    May 2006

    Default Re: Support Bresciani

    Problem is the Ad the NDSU/ Brescani supporters took out I believe only appeared in the Fargo Paper. Ports shit appears in papers all over the state. Same thing with Dr. Meister's well written and thought out response. It only shows up in the Fargo paper. Folks out west only hear the manure spread by the drunkard Port along with the editorials calling for Brescani to step down. Sad backward state ND is. Even gap tooth was on yesterday again taking cheap shots at Brescani and calling for his resignation. You can't fix stupid.

  2. #242

    Default Re: Support Bresciani

    Quote Originally Posted by BisonBacker View Post
    Problem is the Ad the NDSU/ Brescani supporters took out I believe only appeared in the Fargo Paper. Ports shit appears in papers all over the state. Same thing with Dr. Meister's well written and thought out response. It only shows up in the Fargo paper. Folks out west only hear the manure spread by the drunkard Port along with the editorials calling for Brescani to step down. Sad backward state ND is. Even gap tooth was on yesterday again taking cheap shots at Brescani and calling for his resignation. You can't fix stupid.
    This just proves that all of the media is "jumping on the bandwagon" to either sell papers, sell radio shows, etc. on the back of NDSU. A few Saturdays ago when Rob Port's article appeared on the front page of the Fargo Forum, I noticed that the newspaper stands downtown were empty (sold out). Several years ago, I asked a businessman in Fargo why there was so much negative stuff on NDSU and he said, "everyone loves to read about NDSU." The closest public college is MSUM. How much of an interest is there in MSUM? And the Forum editor (Matt VonPinnon) is I think from MSUM so they are treated with kid gloves. Anything negative for MSUM is below the fold and "buried" in the paper. To a degree, same with UND. And we know who from the Forum is from UND. "Journalists" should put their personal biases aside when writing.

    Let's face it NDSU "sells papers." Of course, not happy about it when it is negative but the Forum is getting more and more into yellow journalism as their paid readership goes down. Things such as inaccurate or sensationized headlines, inaccuracies, not just NDSU but other articles as well but mainly NDSU. It is very remarkable how much the media exploits NDSU. Sad....Like I said, I cancelled my subscription. The only thing I miss are the weekly GameDay Football inserts but my neighbor came to the rescue and drops his off for me. These are keepsakes and I save them.

    Talk about a lack of journalistic integrity by the local media. Nothing sort of National Enquirier in caliber.

  3. #243
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    Default Re: Support Bresciani

    I have to laugh at Porterhouse's rebuttal to Meister...Every single one of his links to show the "public record" of his claims against Bresciani are to his own blog stories.

    Former NDSU intramural athlete.

  4. #244
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    Default Re: Support Bresciani

    Quote Originally Posted by aces1180 View Post
    I have to laugh at Porterhouse's rebuttal to Meister...Every single one of his links to show the "public record" of his claims against Bresciani are to his own blog stories.

    To be fair, at least one of those posts was authored by Roscoe Streyle, I'm seriously not making that up.

  5. #245
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    Default Re: Support Bresciani

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison 4 Life View Post
    To be fair, at least one of those posts was authored by Roscoe Streyle, I'm seriously not making that up.
    Yep...His grammar is only a little better than that of the Porterhouse, however.

    At least he refrained from calling people names and swearing, unlike his rants in the SAB comments a few weekends ago.
    Former NDSU intramural athlete.

  6. #246
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    Default Re: Support Bresciani

    Quote Originally Posted by aces1180 View Post
    Yep...His grammar is only a little better than that of the Porterhouse, however.

    At least he refrained from calling people names and swearing, unlike his rants in the SAB comments a few weekends ago.
    The worst thing is these people are seen as credible by the yokels out west. Truly an embarrassing thing for ND.

  7. #247
    Join Date
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    from trunk of a car

    Default Re: Support Bresciani

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison 4 Life View Post
    The worst thing is these people are seen as credible by the yokels out west. Truly an embarrassing thing for ND.
    Exactly and the Forum providing him with a platform is terrible.
    "Sometimes a concept is baffling not because it is profound but because it is wrong" E. O. Wilson

    "I'm not crazy my mother had me tested". Sheldon Cooper

    My boss hates it when I shorten his name to Dick, mainly because his name is Steven.

  8. #248
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    Default Re: Support Bresciani

    I'm learning how easy it is to draw him into a Twitter exchange.

  9. #249
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Support Bresciani

    Lots of businesses have financial ties to local colleges. They are economic engines of communities, that is one of the reasons that states invest heavily in them. Heck my business will go up in the next few weeks from all the population that returns to the community. NDSU is about more than the money though and that is all he understands.

    Rob Port brings everything back to money when actually the money impact is only one part of it. The labor force increase, the diversity in people, thoughts, actions and many other benefits of having a thriving and growing Research University have on a community. The thing is he looks at a NDSU as just a big High School. It is one of the main mistakes that people who have not spent a substantial time at a University make because they just don't understand what they didn't experience for themselves.

  10. #250
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Re: Support Bresciani

    the problem is that he doesnt apply his standard equitably. ndsu eats every other schools lunch with the exception of bsc that eats own and ndscs which eats half.

    port and pals believe that if thw situation and outcomes dont align with their reality it can only be because someone cheated.

    makes me think of my dad who maligned the wealthiest farmer in the county until he did business with him and learned that he was an exceptional business man and person.
    Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir."
    Scrooge-"Are there no prisons?". "Plenty of prisons..."
    Scrooge-"And the Union workhouses." . "Are they still in operation?". "Both very busy, sir..."
    "Those who are badly off must go there."
    "Many can't go there; and many would rather die."
    Scrooge- "If they would rather die," "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

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