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Thread: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

  1. #881
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    "The football hotbed of the high plains."

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    There is no doubt that we are currently twiddling our thumbs and scratching our bums more than we usually do around here at Thunderstruck Makers (and believe me, that's sayin' something), because let's face it people ......................... AC/DC is NOT coming ANYWHERE that has no tailgating, requires masks, and is in the midst of a lame-o, covid-induced spring football season! Even I don't have enough talent to pull that one off. (Wink, Wink)

    But instead of sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves while we, indeed, actually sit here AND feel sorry for ourselves, we've decided that we've gotta be strong for the handful of people (sometimes even handfuls of people) that rely on us to show great leadership in these unique and trying times. And, sure, our call to action could partly be because the last of the liquor money finally ran out on us just last night, but mostly it's because of this whole "leadership is important" thing ......... ........ really.

    So with that, we've decided it's now the right time to mea culpa on all the things that the Powers-That-Be have been pressuring us to say and promote publicly, in order to qualify for their public funding. Hell yes, we hate to do it, but Lord knows we can't go on very much longer with such parched throats and, I mean, seriously, how hard can it be? Therefore and whereas ...........

    To All Thunderstruck Makers, Near and Far,

    Here Ye Hear Ye, I, the incomparable Bison Loaf, your all-everything, dearly-beloved beneficent leader, does hereby make the following official pronouncements for your own damn good:

    • A single line of entry into the West Lot is logistically adequate and morally defensible. (???? ......... Not gonna lie, this feels a little weird!)
    • TAB is a really great guy. (Uh oh, something is not right!)
    • We love the passing game. (My stomach is turning already!)
    • Barry Manilow is talented and his songs are quite lovely. (Oh man, this is not going to end well!)
    • I feel so safe now. We should wear masks ALL the time. (Must ... Stay ... Strong! For my people!)
    • Certainly, we at ThM can enjoy tailgating without alcohol. (I'm not gonna make it folks! I'm not!)
    • Two words. More Lee Timmerman. (Dammit, even my face is going numb!)
    • Gosh, I wish those beach volleyballers would put on more clothes. (JFC, my nose is actually growing here!)
    • We should definitely have more space for General Admission (GA) Tailgaters. (Oh hell, I think I'm gonna hurl!)
    • Thank you for checking up again on my loud and noisy tailgate, Mr. Security Officer. (Yep there it is, barf all over my shoes!)
    • I miss the days of playing UND for the Nickel Trophy. (When will this torture ever end!)
    • The Powers-That-Be always have our own best interests at heart whenever they do something. (How does one ever come back from this kind of trauma!)
    • We should really tone down that Thunderstruck Intro a wee bit. (Swing low, sweet chariot ...... comin' for to carry me home!)
    • Always drink responsibly. (Dear Lord, come and take me now!!)

    (A special note to all Members: Supreme Honcho Loaf will be resting comfortably for an unknown period of time - with full pay and benefits, of course - after getting a complete mental health workup and receiving emergency experimental therapy for recurring nightmares. Thank-you for your patience and concern. We'll let you know when the public funding arrives and "normal" activities can safely resume.)

  2. #882
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    "The football hotbed of the high plains."

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    And now .......... a Pandemic Public Service Message from the fine folks at Thunderstruck MakersTM.

    (Thunderstruck Makers, where we don't make discriminatory distinctions between your own sorry-ass self and your money. We even treat GA Tailgaters reasonably well, IF they have money to donate and IF we could ever find one that HAD money to donate. Give us a try. You can't possibly be more sorry than you already are. (snicker, giggle .. they'll never get that one!) Thunderstruck Makers ........ accept no substitutes!)

    Hey football fans, are you tired of this lame spring football season? Tired of wearing masks with NO tailgating?! Have you had it up to here with the nanny-state telling you what you can and cannot do?

    Well, did you know that there's an injection out there that will end all of this crap and is available to all of you, IF you will just do your small part for mankind. Yes, even the world famous Thunderstruck Makers organization highly recommends that you get this shot, so that we can all get on with our damn lives!
    (Hey wait, how much did you say we get paid if we say that?) No, it's not Pfizer. It's not Moderna. It's not even Johnson & Johnson. But then again, you know exactly who we're talking about, don't you!

    Get the shot, people. Get the Shot!

  3. #883
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    "The football hotbed of the high plains."

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Dear Thunderstruck Makers and Other Non-Donating Readers,

    Lord knows we've tried our best around here to shake this long-attached label on us of being a bunch of sadistic prick teasers in everything that we do. Now, to our horror, we have found that we've again unwittingly perpetuated that myth when we secretly-previewed an upcoming ThM Dictionary Entry for Member Bisonfanette a few weeks ago (see Mighty Finn the Stud in Post # 880 on 2/18/21). Turns out our nerdy IT guys screwed the pooch again (pardon the pun) and the aforementioned so-called "secret" post wasn't so damn secret, it seems. JFC, I wonder how many other inappropriate posts of ours have been turned loose by incompetence for all the world to see?! Quite possibly all of them!

    Anyway, we understand that you don't want to go back and read the almost 900 entries of this thread just to catch up on and/or try to figure out what in Holy Hell is going on here?!?! Indeed, starting from the beginning will probably just confuse you all the more (or cause you to vomit, whichever comes first)! That's why we occasionally post our ThM Abridged Dictionary so that new readers (and believe me, we get handfuls of them every year!) can quickly get up to speed with the many complex terms, ideas, and concepts that are used to keep this huge organization running smoothly.

    So, without further ado, we give you the 3rd installment of the Thunderstruck Makers Abridged Dictionary. This oughta clear up everything.

    AC/DC Meet 'n Greet - Everyone can dream about it and everyone can THINK they are worthy of it, but only a select few will actually be chosen to attend the greatest tailgating event ever known to mankind. You'd have to be a freaking idiot to even dare think this idea up, let alone act upon it ..... but Thunderstruck Makers turned out to be just the kind of freaking idiots that we've been looking for all this time.
    Baron Von Loaf - 32-Time Faux Internet/Bisonville Pro Wrestling Champion adored by multiple generations of fans for his humble ways, brilliant top-rope maneuvers, luscious buns in tighty-whitey trunks, and the smack he lays down upon the ultimate in hated wrestling heels, namely RTO the Body (see below).
    Bloody Coup at ThM - Refers to any attempted regime change at ThM and the end of the world as we know it. Likely to be referenced by ThM leadership as a scare tactic when things aren't going so well for them, or what WILL actually happen if AC/DC doesn't show their damn faces in the West Lot within the next decade. Yah, Yah, it sounds mega-scary and all, but nobody is REALLY worried about this happening anytime soon. We mean the coup, of course, not the AC/DC appearance.
    East Lot Tailgating - The true Fargo Tailgating Haven for Knitters, Milk Drinkers, Saggy Pom-Poms, Spinach Dip Lovers, Manilow Music, Unkempt Mullets, and People That Own Chihuahuas. When inside the Dome, look for them (but be careful, they're dangerous) in Sections 20 & 21. You cant hardly miss them.
    Justin Bieber - Oh yes, you know him. That one guy with multiple tattoos, a smokin' hot wife, shitty damn music, and a great marketing gimmick (his fans are known as Beliebers). Hell, all WE got at ThM is "Hot Load of Loafin' Payloafers" ThM Members are required, by decree, to never, ever play his music at a tailgate. Indeed, if you're stranded at a tailgate where the only choice of music is between Bieber, Manilow, or Disco ........ then, by all means, take a hostage at gunpoint until a change is made. You'll be thanking us after you make parole.
    Hot Load of Loafin' Payloafers - No, this is not AC/DC's next single. Unfortunately, this well-intentioned, but ultimately lame branding slogan will go down in history as a derogatory slur used when you find yourself stuck with a really, really, really shitty marketing department.
    Kneeling Protest - An extremely ill-advised, socially woke protest of the Thunderstruck Game Intro, beautifully executed by ThM during their political radicalization era, but terribly misunderstood by mulletheads and low donators everywhere. Also, it didn't help that the lights were turned off when the kneeling took place.
    Lifetime Contract - The type of commitment and remuneration that is required to get somebody that's not a complete dolt to take the reigns of an organization like Thunderstruck Makers. Our current leader had to fight for this benefit after he originally ... like a complete dolt ... took this job without doing his pre-hire due diligence.
    "Loaf has them on Speed Dial" - A secret description used with a wink and a giggle by Thunderstruck Makers for other, lesser Gameday Intro Acts (aren't they all?) when ThM finds it in their own best interests to make AC/DC crazy-stupid jealous that somebody else could very well be brought in for the Live Intro and Meet' n Greet gig.
    Mighty Finn the Stud - Term of endearment used here at ThM. Refers to the Legendary Goldendoodle stud who serves at the pleasure of those bitches in the Fanette canine stable and puts everything he's got into everything he does. Favorite AC/DC song is "Givin' The Dog A Bone" from 1980's Back in Black Album. Fitting choice. TWSS.
    RTO (the Body) - Faux Internet/Bisonville Pro Wrestler known in wrestling parlance as a damn 'heel' for preening in the mirror, stuffing socks into his tights, and annoying the bejeebers out of Baron Von Loaf.
    "Screw 'Em, We're Thunderstruck Makers!" - Rallying words of defiance that all human existence should always live by, and if you don't 100% agree, then .................... Screw YOU! We're Thunderstruck Makers!! ............. See what I mean?
    "Hey, we're out of Cheetos" - It doesn't happen often, but there are just some words that are so heinous, vile, profane, and upsetting, that even we at Thunderstruck Makers dare not use or repeat them, nor, heaven forbid, put them out there in one of our highly-viewed dictionaries like this.
    ThM Hospitality Tent - A place so revered that all tailgaters are required to make at least one pilgrimage to it within their lifetimes. A place so secure that it remains cleverly hidden even smack dab among thousands of West Lot tailgaters every Game Day. A place so welcoming that clothing is optional, drink cups never run dry, Dippin' Dots never spill or drip (Thanks, Chubs!), and 6 different kinds of credit cards are gladly accepted prior to entry. A place so gnarly that grown men cry like babies when they finally experience it. Make your pilgrimage plans at ............ ""
    West Lot Reserved Spots - The ultimate tailgating prize, evenly and objectively doled out by priority points based on illicit graft, then awarded to (1) the very few ThM Members that are paid up and in good standing, (2) uppity rich bastards that NOBODY likes, but they got money, (3) fair-weather Bison tailgaters for September use only, and (4) those given the great responsibility of game-day storage of Roadwarrior's 60-year-old gross and disgusting beer cooler until he returns from God Knows Where for another cold one. For everyone else? We suggest you start lining up in the 5-mile long, 3-day in advance General Admission line for the upcoming fall season. Sooner rather than later.
    Last edited by Bison Loaf; 03-26-2021 at 08:19 PM.

  4. #884
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Loaf, all I gotta say is that I hope you have plans to publish these posts someday.
    The Bisonville MASTERS Pool
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  5. #885
    CyPanth's Avatar
    CyPanth is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by heffray View Post
    Loaf, all I gotta say is that I hope you have plans to delete these posts someday.

    Fixed it for you.
    "You should host seminars on how to behave on opposing fan forums. Charge a pretty penny toward that Bison tailgating rig. " from Milkman 1/6/2016

  6. #886
    Join Date
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    Royalton, MN

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Supreme Super Head Honcho Loaf Sir!

    If I may make a suggestion... I think its time to break out the ThunderStruck Makers Tequila Tm and (re)start disinfecting some Big12 Leaderships livers...

  7. #887
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by I miss Chubs View Post
    Supreme Super Head Honcho Loaf Sir!

    If I may make a suggestion... I think its time to break out the ThunderStruck Makers Tequila Tm and (re)start disinfecting some Big12 Leaderships livers...
    Patience, my friend, patience! You know full well that we are in this for the long play.

    Now, keep in mind, I don't want ANY of this to ever get out to our adoring and surprisingly compliant public (Hey, are you awake and paying attention back there, Nerdy Closet IT Guys? ) , so mum's the word on this okay, but the B-12 Conference is just the "short-mid to medium-long range play" for us. (What?!?! )

    AC/DC themselves were actually just our "short-short to mid-short range play", but have somehow turned into a "long-short to short-medium range play" (Dammit!) because our very reasonable demands were met by their own shit-short tempers exasperated by our very long-dong elephantine propensity for dick-measuring grudges. Heck, it happens, you know. Our dear boys simply did not realize at first just who the hell we actually WERE, so we can forgive them that in our short to mid-short memory, but could not forgive the potty-mouthed back-talk that they heaped on us in our mid-middle to short-long mid-term memory.

    Anyway ................... the good news is that (1) AC/DC is almost here in the near to mid-far term (as long as we continue, of course, to double and triple-mask after our vaccines), (2) the B-12 conference is immediately in our short-hairs for the mid-term long-haul, and (3) our overall long-term play of Global Tailgating Domination remains right on schedule as planned.

  8. #888
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    Patience, my friend, patience! You know full well that we are in this for the long play.

    Now, keep in mind, I don't want ANY of this to ever get out to our adoring and surprisingly compliant public (Hey, are you awake and paying attention back there, Nerdy Closet IT Guys? ) , so mum's the word on this okay, but the B-12 Conference is just the "short-mid to medium-long range play" for us. (What?!?! )

    AC/DC themselves were actually just our "short-short to mid-short range play", but have somehow turned into a "long-short to short-medium range play" (Dammit!) because our very reasonable demands were met by their own shit-short tempers exasperated by our very long-dong elephantine propensity for dick-measuring grudges. Heck, it happens, you know. Our dear boys simply did not realize at first just who the hell we actually WERE, so we can forgive them that in our short to mid-short memory, but could not forgive the potty-mouthed back-talk that they heaped on us in our mid-middle to short-long mid-term memory.

    Anyway ................... the good news is that (1) AC/DC is almost here in the near to mid-far term (as long as we continue, of course, to double and triple-mask after our vaccines), (2) the B-12 conference is immediately in our short-hairs for the mid-term long-haul, and (3) our overall long-term play of Global Tailgating Domination remains right on schedule as planned.
    Supreme Super Head Honcho Loaf Sir!

    You had me at compliant.

  9. #889
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    "The football hotbed of the high plains."

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    My Dearest Thunderstruck Makers,

    While we are waiting for Emperor Fauci to tell us when it might be safe enough for us to take off our masks, and likewise while we're waiting for the State Board of Higher Tailgating to let us know when it becomes safe to finally bring AC/DC in here for the Live intro and Meet 'n Greet (spoiler alert: neither are anytime soon), I have some bad news to report to all of you. (Why the hell do I always have to be the one to report bad news around here?! That's not part of my leadership package!)

    It is with my deepest regret, but at the same time clearly not my fault, that due to lack of funds over this whole Covid-thing-a-ma-jiggy and the decrease in donations over our kneeling protest during the Thunderstruck Intro awhile back (JFC, we said we're sorry already!), Thunderstruck Makers will not be able to include the very popular drink umbrellas as a free perk in your dues package this upcoming West Lot season.

    However, if you'll just put down the castration knives for a second, I can also announce these items WILL be made available to you for a very small additional fee of $49.95 for a box of 20. Not only are we offering these beloved items at this amazingly low price, but they will also now come in 4 great colors and have 20 different sayings on them for the first time ever!

    Hurry while supplies last! You don't want to be the one idiot standing there without a ThM Drink Umbrella when Angus and The Boys finally show up!

    Still Obviously Working Hard For You,

    Thunderstruck Makers 2021 Drink Umbrellas

    • ThM ..... Keeping the sun off your drinks since 2016!
    • "Let your smile be your drink umbrella, and you'll end up a milk drinker in Section 20"
    • Warning: Do Not Eat
    • In case of Covid, break stick and use canopy as a mask
    • ThM ..... Keeping the flies off your drinks since 2016!
    • Here lies your ThM donations hard at work. Get over it.
    • Warning: If you can read this, your lips aren't on the cup
    • I was once a lowly GA Tailgater. But look at me standing alone in this corner NOW!
    • In case of Disco music outbreak, break stick and use canopy to plug ears
    • Drink Umbrella In! Pinky Finger Up! Gameday Face On! #Uppityreservedbastard
    • Warning: If umbrella gets frozen in drink during playoffs, put more booze in, dipshit!
    • We didn't invent fun, we just put it under a drink umbrella. ThM 2021.
    • "Prayer is hoping for a drink, while true faith is carrying around a ThM Drink Umbrella"
    • ThM ..... Keeping GA Tailgater mullets out of your drinks since 2016!
    • Disclaimer: This device not meant to shed rain or prevent from being Thunder Struck!
    • "Love me. Love my ThM Drink Umbrella!"
    • In case of porta-potty use, break stick and use canopy as a gas mask
    • Warning: If umbrella starts to melt, your drink is mixed properly
    • "Touch umbrella, might forgive. Touch my drink, might not live."
    • ThM ...... Keeping your lips where the sun won't shine since 2016!
    Last edited by Bison Loaf; 04-14-2021 at 07:09 PM.

  10. #890
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    879 miles from Folsom Field

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    My Dearest Thunderstruck Makers,

    While we are waiting for Emperor Fauci to tell us when it might be safe enough for us to take off our masks, and likewise while we're waiting for the State Board of Higher Tailgating to let us know when it becomes safe to finally bring AC/DC in here for the Live intro and Meet 'n Greet (spoiler alert: neither are anytime soon), I have some bad news to report to all of you. (Why the hell do I always have to be the one to report bad news around here?! That's not part of my leadership package!)

    It is with my deepest regret, but at the same time clearly not my fault, that due to lack of funds over this whole Covid-thing-a-ma-jiggy and the decrease in donations over our kneeling protest during the Thunderstruck Intro awhile back (JFC, we said we're sorry already!), Thunderstruck Makers will not be able to include the very popular drink umbrellas as a free perk in your dues package this upcoming West Lot season.

    However, if you'll just put down the castration knives for a second, I can also announce these items WILL be made available to you for a very small additional fee of $49.95 for a box of 20. Not only are we offering these beloved items at this amazingly low price, but they will also now come in 4 great colors and have 20 different sayings on them for the first time ever!

    Hurry while supplies last! You don't want to be the one idiot standing there without a ThM Drink Umbrella when Angus and The Boys finally show up!

    Still Obviously Working Hard For You,

    Thunderstruck Makers 2021 Drink Umbrellas

    • ThM ..... Keeping the sun off your drinks since 2016!
    • "Let your smile be your drink umbrella, and you'll end up a milk drinker in Section 20"
    • Warning: Do Not Eat
    • In case of Covid, break stick and use canopy as a mask
    • ThM ..... Keeping the flies off your drinks since 2016!
    • Here lies your ThM donations hard at work. Get over it.
    • Warning: If you can read this, your lips aren't on the cup
    • I was once a lowly GA Tailgater. But look at me standing alone in this corner NOW!
    • In case of Disco music outbreak, break stick and use canopy to plug ears
    • Drink Umbrella In! Pinky Finger Up! Gameday Face On! #Uppityreservedbastard
    • Warning: If umbrella gets frozen in drink during playoffs, put more booze in, dipshit!
    • We didn't invent fun, we just put it under a drink umbrella. ThM 2021.
    • "Prayer is hoping for a drink, while true faith is carrying around a ThM Drink Umbrella"
    • ThM ..... Keeping GA Tailgater mullets out of your drinks since 2016!
    • Disclaimer: This device not meant to shed rain or prevent from being Thunder Struck!
    • "Love me. Love my ThM Drink Umbrella!"
    • In case of porta-potty use, break stick and use canopy as a gas mask
    • Warning: If umbrella starts to melt, your drink is mixed properly
    • "Touch umbrella, might forgive. Touch my drink, might not live."
    • ThM ...... Keeping your lips where the sun won't shine since 2016!
    Admirable as all efforts to bring the band to Fargo may be, the public service of preventing mullets to infiltrate the beverages of innocents is exceedingly laudable.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Don't believe everything you think.

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