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Thread: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

  1. #521
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by CAS4127 View Post
    Judging from the Amicus Brief on your case he had me review, his presence would not have helped.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    The only briefs Loaf has are the sweat-stained, racing striped variety. I can't believe you reviewed them. Times must be tough...

    Notorious--Bisonville all-time POTY
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  2. #522
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by TransAmBison View Post
    The only briefs Loaf has are the sweat-stained, racing striped variety. I can't believe you reviewed them. Times must be tough...
    Pfft. Little do you know that we have a unwritten policy here at ThM of always going commando.

    Quote Originally Posted by CAS4127 View Post
    Judging from the Amicus Brief on your case he had me review, his presence would not have helped.
    I don't know what an Amicus Brief is, but it somehow reminds me of a recurring nightmare that used to haunt my sleep.

    After a long Saturday of tailgating freedom fighting, I'm hauled into the secret briefing/torture room of the State Board Of Higher Tailgating (SBOHT) to account for my so-called nefarious activities against the powers-that-be. And of course, all of my legion of friends, associates and admirers are sitting right there along with me, as we fight the good fight, even though Barry Manilow music is purposely blared at us in the background.

    Then, all of a sudden, the place goes deathly quiet and the Evil Chancellor announces that he is only looking for the one that calls himself "Loaf", and that everyone else's West Lot tailgating privileges .....including, he promises, unlimited amounts of alcohol (the diabolical bastard!) ..... will be spared if they will just identify this criminal named "Loaf" to the SBOHT.

    Well hell, as I very gallantly start to stand up and defiantly declare my own self to be "Loaf" in order to save all the tailgating fun for everybody else, the rest of my loyal retinue, unbeknownst to me, ALSO suddenly rises simultaneously and shouts out boldly and proudly, "I AM LOAF!", "NO, I AM LOAF!", "I AM LOAF", ....... (it took like about 25 minutes for all of them to get done, dammit, and I would have preferred them to use the name "Loafy" instead, but it was still very striking and moving, none-the-less). And OMG, a tear actually starts to fall from my eye as I stare down the Evil Chancellor with a contemptuous smirk on my face, expecting to see a look of great fear in his shifty, beady little eyes.

    But instead of fear, the hell if I'm not seeing a look of pompous satisfaction in those beady eyes and a crooked damn smile on his face! WTF just happened?!!!! Only then do I look around me and finally see my predicament .......... the clear and unmistakable images of TAB and Vet ...................... pointing directly at me, with BOTH arms.

  3. #523
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    Pfft. Little do you know that we have a unwritten policy here at ThM of always going commando.

    I don't know what an Amicus Brief is, but it somehow reminds me of a recurring nightmare that used to haunt my sleep.

    After a long Saturday of tailgating freedom fighting, I'm hauled into the secret briefing/torture room of the State Board Of Higher Tailgating (SBOHT) to account for my so-called nefarious activities against the powers-that-be. And of course, all of my legion of friends, associates and admirers are sitting right there along with me, as we fight the good fight, even though Barry Manilow music is purposely blared at us in the background.

    Then, all of a sudden, the place goes deathly quiet and the Evil Chancellor announces that he is only looking for the one that calls himself "Loaf", and that everyone else's West Lot tailgating privileges .....including, he promises, unlimited amounts of alcohol (the diabolical bastard!) ..... will be spared if they will just identify this criminal named "Loaf" to the SBOHT.

    Well hell, as I very gallantly start to stand up and defiantly declare my own self to be "Loaf" in order to save all the tailgating fun for everybody else, the rest of my loyal retinue, unbeknownst to me, ALSO suddenly rises simultaneously and shouts out boldly and proudly, "I AM LOAF!", "NO, I AM LOAF!", "I AM LOAF", ....... (it took like about 25 minutes for all of them to get done, dammit, and I would have preferred them to use the name "Loafy" instead, but it was still very striking and moving, none-the-less). And OMG, a tear actually starts to fall from my eye as I stare down the Evil Chancellor with a contemptuous smirk on my face, expecting to see a look of great fear in his shifty, beady little eyes.

    But instead of fear, the hell if I'm not seeing a look of pompous satisfaction in those beady eyes and a crooked damn smile on his face! WTF just happened?!!!! Only then do I look around me and finally see my predicament .......... the clear and unmistakable images of TAB and Vet ...................... pointing directly at me, with BOTH arms.
    You had me believing until you started plagiarizing from Spartacus.
    The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
    Paul Fix

  4. #524
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by BisonVet View Post
    You had me believing until you started plagiarizing from Spartacus.
    What are you talking about?! They aren't even close! No wonder we can't even accomplish a simple thing like getting AC/DC in here to perform live for us, when our people can't even recognize an original dream story from a 60-year-old movie!

    Lord help me in my trials and tribulations!

  5. #525
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    What are you talking about?! They aren't even close! No wonder we can't even accomplish a simple thing like getting AC/DC in here to perform live for us, when our people can't even recognize an original dream story from a 60-year-old movie!

    Lord help me in my trials and tribulations!

    The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
    Paul Fix

  6. #526
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    The SBOHT has graciously allowed me another short vacation this week from all my prodigiously hard work in getting AC/DC to come in here , although I still am required (and probably rightly so) to check in daily, refrain from all alcohol, and not leave the 48 contiguous states! But I wanted to remind everybody to take a moment, during this coming Memorial Day Weekend, to remember those brave tailgating pioneers that came before us.

    Fred Funkle - The first Bison tailgater to bring out a beer and, in complete defiance of the Powers-That-Be, crack it open out in the open for all to see and gasp in wonderous awe. Unfortunately, Fred was a hard drinking (but polite) Bison tailgater through and through, and got hammered by both the skunky Schlitz brand that he was irresponsibly drinking that fateful day, and the jackboot security detail that the Powers-That-Be hired to tail his sorry ass. RIP, Fred Funkle.

    Sven Toober - The first person to brilliantly put his booze in a discrete plastic cup in order to avoid the immoral and tyranical laws promulgated by teetotaling do-gooders everywhere, and to further escape the wrath of his dear wife, Lena Toober, a notorious Milk Drinker from Section 21 (and former Girls Club boxing champion). Sven had it all covered until Lena was showing their guests how many squats she could knock out with her big American thighs, before she got super thirsty and demanded a swig from Sven's here-to-fore "innocent" looking beverage dispenser. RIP, Sven Toober.

    Tawney Brumfield - The first person to pull out her massive and extremely sexy pair of ................... stereo speakers (shame on you for thinking otherwise!) and blast those bad boys with iconic AC/DC music until they were shredded by the end of tailgating. Indeed, not only were the speakers shredded, but Tawney, like all North Grass tailgaters before her and all West Lot tailgaters since, over did it a bit as usual that day, and ended up shredding her own ears and her own liver in a long, hard day of always-well-worth-it pre-game partying. RIP, Tawney Brumfield.

    Izzy Soapdropper - The first person to bring out a game of cornhole and then play it competitively with all comers. Dude was undefeated that historic day until, Izzy, a well-know connoisseur of big bouncy game-tested pom-poms, got distracted by a wonderful set that just happened to walk by, and errantly tossed his bean bag onto a nearby grill, causing a massive fire that severely burned 15 innocent bystanders with lava-hot bratwurst grease (thank goodness, most of them were fair-weather early-season tailgaters that we'll never see again anyhow ..... and, more importantly, the bratwurst were saved!). The good news is that Izzy was able to continue playing his beloved cornhole game in prison. The bad news is also that Izzy was able to continue playing his beloved cornhole game in prison. RIP, Izzy Soapdropper.

    Brig Undywood - The first UND fan to attend a Bison tailgate and gallantly pretend that "hell no!" he wasn't envious of NDSU's success and raucous tailgating atmosphere. Brig was "holding his own" (as they all do up there) and doing great in the good natured smack that was being bandied about that day, until a moment of drunken weakness caused him to admit that he "was effin' glad that our precioussss Sioux Logo and our hidden Nickel Trophy are now history, and as far as I'm concerned, Flagship my ass!!". But alas, certain words end up getting reported very quickly back to a small backwater like Grand Forks. RIP, Brig Undywood.

    Rosie Lottamee - In a kind-hearted but ill-advised attempt at educating young Bison tailgaters about the dangers of unprotected music listening, Rosie set up a unauthorized hospitality tent in which visitors could safely learn about the thrills and joys of classic AC/DC tunes, whle simultaneously contrasting it to the life-sucking nature and puke-inducing horrors of Barry Manilow's work. Unfortunately, Rosie did not adequately clear the venture with those that might have ultimately protected her, nor did she inform those immediately tailgating around her of what she was actually doing ........ so was bludgeoned to death at the first notes that were heard of "I Write The Songs". Today, we use headphones to teach kids about Manilow's disgusting crap. RIP, Rosie Lottamee.

    Jimmy Bob Mulleter - The first person in the 5-mile-long, 3-day-in-advance General Admission tailgating line-up daring enough to willfully leave his vehicle unattended on a Friday night, and completely walk away from it. After multiple statewide Amber Alerts, and numerous SWAT team dispatches, Jimmy Bob was finally found that very evening ..... and called to account for his hateful actions. RIP, Jimmy Bob Mulleter.

    We've Come A Long Way, Baby! Enjoy and REMEMBER this Memorial Day.

  7. #527
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    As a public service, we are letting constituents know how all of you people (even the damn naysayers) are likely going to react when you FINALLY get the letter from Thunderstruck Makers that AC/DC will be doing a Live Intro performance of 'Thunderstruck' and making a Meet 'n Greet appearance at tailgating. We are performing this public service because your long-term health and, by logical extension, your continued ability to donate vast sums of your own hard-earned personal wealth to us (so don't drop dead over it, dammit) ………. are always of the utmost concern and priority to this loving and caring organization!

    The question still remains, however, if you will be reacting this way due to AC/DC themselves …………. OR because you actually received a personally hand-signed letter from your beloved ThM Executive Honcho (although none of that, especially the "hand-signed" part, is by any means a given ). Frankly, either scenario would be completely understandable displays of raw emotion.

    So, if and when any of our long-sought-after goals should accidently happen within our collective lifetimes, be sure to go ahead and let it out, Man! Let it ALL out!

  8. #528
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    We should probably go a bit easier on Loaf for a while...I heard he has fallen on tough times. It seems his main financial backer has decided to put new logos on his tailgating equipment...getting back to his roots...I believe it will be something like "Bye Bye Bye Makers". I guess it will go along with the nsync tattoo on Loaf's bum (not going to confirm...but word has it that it has stretched considerably since he got it and if he folds things just the right way he says it looks like AC/DC with a lightning bolt). Anyway, Loaf tried to get something more Bison...but we all know how unconvincing he can be (hello, have we seen AC/DC here yet to start a game?).

    Notorious--Bisonville all-time POTY
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  9. #529
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by TransAmBison View Post
    We should probably go a bit easier on Loaf for a while...I heard he has fallen on tough times. It seems his main financial backer has decided to put new logos on his tailgating equipment...getting back to his roots...I believe it will be something like "Bye Bye Bye Makers". I guess it will go along with the nsync tattoo on Loaf's bum (not going to confirm...but word has it that it has stretched considerably since he got it and if he folds things just the right way he says it looks like AC/DC with a lightning bolt). Anyway, Loaf tried to get something more Bison...but we all know how unconvincing he can be (hello, have we seen AC/DC here yet to start a game?).

    "Good!! Use your aggressive feelings, boy! Let the hate flow through you!!"

  10. #530
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Another "I Told You So" moment for Thunderstruck Makers as it looks like we WILL be having one of our "approved" backup acts performing in a Fargo Dome parking lot in 2018. (see all of our officially approved backup acts here ……………………

    'ThundHERstruck' and 'Paradise Kitty' to perform at Ribfest on June 8th, 2018" ……………………………………..

    'ThundHERstruck" is a female AC/DC tribute band, and just happens to be "Plan B" on ThM's officially approved list of totally awesome backup acts that we've worked hard at giving the impression that we'll refuse to go empty handed upon the very miniscule chance that AC/DC themselves don't show their bony asses around these tailgating lots once again. 'Paradise Kitty' is a female Guns 'n Roses tribute band.

    Now, you might think that we here at Thunderstruck Makers didn't have a damn thing to do with any of this, and technically, you'd be right …………………. but who can really accurately quantify all the good that we are doing for mankind out in this tyranical, rock-starved, alcohol-regulated, tailgating-repressed earth ……………….. just by being us?

    Think about it.

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