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Thread: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

  1. #491
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by scottietohottie View Post
    When Loaf said "but I won't do that". He meant find me friends. I've been walking around tailgating with a 4 peat Bison Illustrated still in the wrapper looking for the rig with the most flags for 3 years now.
    OMG, Scottie! How many times do I have to tell you?!

    Just look for the Thunderstruck Makers Hospitality Tent with all the cases of Thunderstruck Tequila stacked up outside.

    Once there, look for the brilliant looking guy that has all the hot women congregated around him, batting their eyes and hanging on his every word.

    Jeez, how hard can it be?

  2. #492
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Now that AC/DC has officially announced the release of a special 'Back in Black' commemorative CASSETTE TAPE for Record Day on April 21st, we felt it was incumbent upon us to show off our own considerable brown-nosing skills and seemingly inexhaustible knowledge of cassette tape technology , by following suit with an even MORE special commemorative CASSETTE TAPE version of Thunderstruck Maker's own iconic album, "Back in Smack".

    We've taken great pains (and entered into further unrepayable credit agreements) to produce somewhere between 10 and 20 additional copies of these bad boys, and are pretty sure that they'll quickly sell out within the next 12 to 18 months or so (as long as we spend a little extra on expensive advertising and make sure to rebate large cash incentives back to an unwary public).

    To kick off this highly anticipated world-wide event, and in commemoration of the 3-month anniversary of the scintillating slow-speed chase between "The Joose" and local Law Enforcement in the snow-filled ditches of the Greater Brookings area .............. Thunderstruck Makers pays special and long overdue tribute to our hapless rivals down south. Enjoy!

    We're Not The Jacks! (with Hallelujah chorus) ....................................

    They play like they're queens,
    but talk like they're kings.
    Their cheerleaders squeal,
    while doin' nasty things.
    They were down in the muck,
    but we just had to try
    to elevate them with us,
    when it came time to fly.
    But how were we to know
    they couldn't take all our crap?
    Couldn't hang with us on FCOA
    and their fans all 'drive and "fap'!
    From the lack of proper plumbing
    to all the pigs at midfield.
    It's why that each and every night
    we thank the Lord and kneel............

    We're not the Jacks (Hallelujah!), We're not the Jacks (Not gonna fool ya')
    We're not the Jacks (We gonna tailgate), We're not the Jacks (We don't show up late)
    And they sure ain't us! (Oh hell THAT's funny!) The Jacks ain't us! (No lyin', Honey)
    The Jacks ain't us! (There's no mistakin'!) The Jacks ain't us! (The Titles we're takin')
    We're not the Jacks, Jacks, Jacks, Jacks, Jacks, Jacks, Jacks
    We're not the Jacks!

    <<<<<<Insert awesome Big-12-level (not MWC) rockin' guitar solo here, of course attention to how it's done, Rabbits>>>>>>

    When it comes time to tailgate
    on their small, soggy lot.
    The wood chips they lay for us
    are the very best they've got.
    But don't come too early
    cuz there's no one around
    to them it's "just" football
    and the Herd is much too tightly wound.
    Oohhhhh, how were we to know
    this was the best they could do?
    Just had their first 10-win season
    in the history of the school! (Whaaaat?!?!)
    Now they've ridden our long coattails
    for as far as they can go
    If we knew then what we know now
    We might have said "Hell NO"!

    But, at least we're not Jacks! (Hallelujah!), we're not the Jacks (Not gonna fool ya')
    Won't crap the bed! (It's so contagious), We're in their heads! (They think they may just....!)
    And the Jacks ain't us (Now that's freakin' funny!), the Jacks ain't us! (C'mon over, Honey)
    Ain't got no Ring (They don't have nada!), with the 'Joose' running things! (A true Stig-mata?)
    We're not the Jacks, Jacks, Jacks, Jacks, Jacks, Jacks, Jacks
    We're not the Jacks!

    (Praise The Lord and Pass The Alcohol!)
    Last edited by Bison Loaf; 03-23-2018 at 10:06 PM.

  3. #493
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Happy Birthday to the great Angus Young today. 63 years old and still rockin' .................. and might even still be able to kick my ass on a good day! (but why would anyone ever want to????)

    Also, we've got another Jim Breuer sighting, this time at a Billy Joel concert, as he continues to make his case to the Thunderstruck Makers "powers-that-be" for replacing his good buddy Brian Johnson at our Live Intro Extravaganza & Meet 'n Greet, instead of Axl Rose.

    The plot thickens.

  4. #494
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    OMG, Scottie! How many times do I have to tell you?!

    Just look for the Thunderstruck Makers Hospitality Tent with all the cases of Thunderstruck Tequila stacked up outside.

    Once there, look for the brilliant looking guy that has all the hot women congregated around him, batting their eyes and hanging on his every word.

    Jeez, how hard can it be?
    Scottie - I totally understand where you are coming from. I've been told the same for the past 2 years. I've seen some pretty good looking Bison guys... but when I inquire...they are usually from Kildeer, or wearing a coat that resembles Big Bird, only yellow. I was about ready to throw in the... pom pom... but I'll give it ONE more season.

  5. #495
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by bisonfanette View Post
    Scottie - I totally understand where you are coming from. I've been told the same for the past 2 years. I've seen some pretty good looking Bison guys... but when I inquire...they are usually from Kildeer, or wearing a coat that resembles Big Bird, only yellow. I was about ready to throw in the... pom pom... but I'll give it ONE more season.
    Hells Bells, people! Can I help it if nobody has enough initiative to actually pick up the damn phone and call Thunderstruck Makers headquarters at our completely secret and unlisted "Member Services" number!?!? I'm beginning to think that some of you just like to bitch for bitching's sake!

    And don't give me that 'bull' about good-looking Stud Muffins from Killdeer , or American Gigolos in Yellow Fuzz out in the West Lot. I'm mean, can you imagine how much liquor a gal has to ingest in order for guys like that to appear even moderately attractive? I don't think it's physically possible. No....... Bison women are used to watching their teams win National Football Championships, and are a very discerning bunch. They know the real thing when they see it.

    When you find a REAL ThM Honcho, you'll know it when you suddenly get hit with our trademark sure-fire AC/DC pickup lines like "Gimme a bullet to bite on and I'll make believe it's you!", "You're knocking me out with those American thighs!", or the piece de resistance ...... "The beating of my heart for the Thunder of your 'Guns', is tearing me apart!"

    We're Thunderstruck Makers ............. accept no substitutes.

  6. #496
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Ha...accepting no substitutes! That's funny. Let me paint a little picture here. If the head honcho at ThM was a can of soup...he wouldn't be name brand. He wouldn't even be the store's generic, private-label brand. He wouldn't even be the plain-wrapper generic label. He would be a reused jar filled with dirty, muddle-puddle water. The label would be a worn-out scratch-n-sniff sticker that had to be taped on with a reused scrap of duct-tape.

    Notorious--Bisonville all-time POTY
    Proud member of TOHBTC[/B]

  7. #497
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by TransAmBison View Post
    Ha...accepting no substitutes! That's funny. Let me paint a little picture here. If the head honcho at ThM was a can of soup...he wouldn't be name brand.
    Where do you think Campbell's got the name "Chunky Beef" from? Out of thin air? No no my friend, legal action over that great invasion of my privacy has been tied up in the courts for years. I have RTO on retainer (at ThM expense, of course).

  8. #498
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    1 block from AG's house.

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    Where do you think Campbell's got the name "Chunky Beef" from? Out of thin air? No no my friend, legal action over that great invasion of my privacy has been tied up in the courts for years. I have RTO on retainer (at ThM expense, of course).
    If I may be allowed to stay with the same soup theme...RTO would be the muddy water tracked in the front door (as far as lawyers go). Good luck not going to jail.

    Notorious--Bisonville all-time POTY
    Proud member of TOHBTC[/B]

  9. #499
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    Where do you think Campbell's got the name "Chunky Beef" from? Out of thin air? No no my friend, legal action over that great invasion of my privacy has been tied up in the courts for years. I have RTO on retainer (at ThM expense, of course).
    Quote Originally Posted by TransAmBison View Post
    If I may be allowed to stay with the same soup theme...RTO would be the muddy water tracked in the front door (as far as lawyers go). Good luck not going to jail.
    Loaf, regarding our retainer agreement, I am not so sure about you insisting to pay me in ThM priority points instead of our agreed upon Busch Lattes and breakfast burritos.

    TAB, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day.*

    *Life is like a bowl of soup. You only get blown if you're hot.
    My Mom yells louder than your Mom.

  10. #500
    CyPanth's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    I haven't been on the site for weeks, but I was reassured that all is well in Bison-land when I saw this thread had recent posts. It continues to deliver!
    "You should host seminars on how to behave on opposing fan forums. Charge a pretty penny toward that Bison tailgating rig. " from Milkman 1/6/2016

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