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Thread: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

  1. #671
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    "The football hotbed of the high plains."

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by CAS4127 View Post
    Hope about this/her as warm-up to the real deal—>

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    In many ways, I feel like this is a test ………………….. a test of my powers of concentration, a test of my powers of objectivity, a test of my powers of appropriate commentary ……….. and that I will fail that test if I say anything, anything at all.

    But, at the end of the day, I am a true professional when it comes to analyzing the merits of AC/DC covers and interpretations, and I feel it my obligation to opine upon CAS's latest find. Therefore:

    "It is my learned opinion that this performance is a little too bouncy and free in nature, and does not have the uplifting gravitas that one would expect in an AC/DC cover. Certainly, this is a low-cut, stripped down version of the song that does, indeed, have some very titillating moments to it, but without proper enhancement and amplification of it's two greatest assets (vocalist and instrument, of course), I'm afraid that there is simply not enough shown to us in support of the otherwise very pleasing nature of the featured pair in this act (vocalist and instrument, of course). Unfortunately, in the final analysis, the guitar is required to hold up and retain everything of interest to viewers, and that what is presented just kind of hangs there in front of our eyes, waiting for someone or something to reach out and grab the duo (vocalist and instrument, of course) and squeeze them into more of a pointed hard rock style."

    Just one man's opinion.

  2. #672
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    "The football hotbed of the high plains."

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    You guys are a spoiled rotten bunch, that's for sure!

    The football team continues to dominate the standard, our tailgating is some of the best in all of college football, and, thanks to the continuing efforts of Thunderstruck Makers , we are as close as we've ever been since day one (????) in getting AC/DC to come here for a Live Intro performance and tailgate Meet 'n Greet.

    And yet …... when I'm out roaming around the tailgating lots with my fully-truncheoned jackboot security posse, checking to see that nobody is playing disco music anywhere on the premises, I overhear little sniping snippets of crap like this:

    "Loaf locks onto one donor and stares them down too often."
    "Loaf is too quick to run while he's in someone else's back pocket."
    "Loaf has a sloppy, slurring delivery that is too often incoherent and uncatchable by those he is targeting."
    "Loaf short-hops and short-changes constituents when he's flushed out and on the run."
    "Loaf doesn't have assistants who can get clear separation from public defenders."
    "Loaf sometimes misses seeing and hitting upon some very inviting tight ends."
    "Loaf tends to short-arm his booze pours when he's getting blitzed."
    "Loaf regularly wets and shits the bed after big, important tailgates."

    WTF! I swear you people are never satisfied! So I recently took out my frustrations by re-writing one of my favorite AC/DC songs from my very favorite AC/DC album. Yeah, it was a moment of rare weakness on my part, and I fully admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the hell out of doing it ……………... but that doesn't mean you should take it personally. Your continued donations, as meager as they always are, remain reasonably appreciated by us.

    We've Had It Up To Our Ass With You

    Well we've been up to our ass in flunkies
    Up to our ass in toads
    Up to our ass with big brown noses
    pushing us down rocky roads
    We've been your tool
    And you know what a tool can do (twss)
    Oh yes you do
    We promised Thunderstruck with our clout
    Now we're up ....
    We're up to our ass in doubt!

    Now we're up to our ass in bitching
    Up to our ass in whine
    Up to our ass with your finger-pointing
    at us, man, get in line!
    You've been so cruel
    Yet there's nothing that we wouldn't do
    do for you (you know it's true)
    We promised Angus, more or less
    Now we're up ......
    We're up to our ass in stress!

    Always up to our ass in charges
    Up to our ass in fault
    Up to our ass in Powers-That-Be
    demanding that we put a halt
    to things that we do
    All the things that we do for you
    It's been a few
    We promised "Meet 'n Greet" for a game
    Now we're up …...
    We're up to our ass in blame!

    We should've taken up all of those offers
    From places that wine and dine
    We shoulda took another look at those big contracts
    Just sitting there for us to sign
    and move on through
    taking all "this" away from you
    Oh boo hoo hoo (we HEAR you)
    We'd love to say "we don't give a ....... muck" (easy now, big fella, eeeeasy ….)
    but we can't .........
    We're up to our ass in stuck (stuck on you!)

    So now we cope everyday with our whiskey
    We cope everyday with our beer
    We cope everyday with our smack dab fun
    We hope we did make that clear
    We've played the fool
    But a fool who's so damn cool
    Obviously cool (except for the drool)
    Someday all of this ends, I 'spose
    But til then .........
    We're up to our ass in woes!

    (One More Time!)

    Someday all of this ends, I 'spose
    But til then .........
    We're up to our ass in woes!

  3. #673
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    "The football hotbed of the high plains."

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    Australian Mist Issues Commemorative AC/DC coins …...……….. we have procured a few of these valuable Aussie beauties (on consignment of course, because we seem to be out of money again ………. how the hell does that happen so quickly?) and will make them available to you at our next home game ......…………..... We will be selling the 50 cent pieces for a very generous $500, and the (guitar-pick shaped) $5 pieces for a very charitable $1,500.
    And you people thought we were crazy! Yeah, crazy like a frickin' fox.
    (Too bad that we ended up missing the boat again, as we overslept on issue day and failed to secure ANY of these suckers for our dear constituents. The main takeaway for you, however, is to remember is that we were on the right track - again! - and that unforeseen circumstances conspired against us - again!)

    AC/DC Coins Create An EBAY Goldmine ……………………
    The two AC/DC coins, released on October 2, 2018 retailed for $15 for the 50 cent coin and $130 for the $5 collectible. The 50 cent coin is currently being sold on eBay for up to $160 and the $5 coin is hitting the $500 mark.

    "Think Big. Dream Big. Talk Big. Drink Big. Be Big.
    We're Thunderstruck Makers...………. Go Big or Go Pud."

  4. #674
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Oh great. NOW we've got Dave Grohl trying to horn in on our upcoming AC/DC extravaganza. "Dave Grohl's Last Ambition: To Play With AC/DC" …………

    I think I know where all this is heading:

    First …. Grohl demands a private, reserved tailgating spot - of which we don't have any available out there - to park his trailer on, and then throws a big hissy fit when he can't get one.

    Second …. Grohl demands that his reserved tailgating spot (that we already said, dammit, he doesn't get) be stocked with more Thunderstruck Tequila and more large, unhandled pom-poms than, quite frankly, we're willing to part with.

    Third …. Grohl demands to be feted and ferried around personally by Bison Loaf himself, as if HE was a bigger star than our beloved Loafy! ( Geez, the nerve of some people.)

    Fourth …. Grohl pisses off Phil Rudd by taking over on the drums for a few songs, and then, by continuing on to sing a few songs himself, pisses off Brian Johnson, who is already somewhat pissed off that Loaf has so graciously agreed (by crowd acclamation) to "kill it" on a few takes.

    And finally …. A very angry AC/DC band, Grohl and his Foo Fighters contingent, the surviving members of Nirvana, and, for some damn reason, Axl Rose; all take to Bisonville immediately after the Meet 'n Greet, and start ripping Thunderstruck Makers, The Powers That Be, Matt Larson, Easton Stick, the very pud FCS in general, the Dippin' Dots corporation, Pat Simmers, and North Dakota corn-fed pom-poms.

    People, I'm telling you, we can't let this happen.

  5. #675
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    "The football hotbed of the high plains."

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    By the Supreme Executive Lifetime Super Honcho and All-Around Swell Guy of Thunderstruck Makers

    A Proclamation.

    Hear ye, hear ye. This tailgating season that is drawing towards its close, has once again been filled with the blessings of fruitful liquors, bountiful grills, and curb-stomping victories. To these great bounties, of which most of you damn ingrates are prone to forget the source from which they are naturally provided (Thunderstruck Makers), other perks have been added, which are of so extraordinary in nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the hardened hearts which are habitually insensible to the ever watchful eye (and future retribution there of) of ThM's vengeful management. But I digress.

    In the midst of a lot of bitching and sniping of unequalled magnitude and severity, which seems nonsensical to those that wish they could have what you have (Thunderstruck Makers), priority point peace has been mostly preserved, Rock and Roll order has been strictly maintained without the use of deadly force (although we came close one time when a Barry Manilow/Justin Bieber mashup was once heard out in the general admission lot, the filthy animals), tailgating laws that have been so egregiously handed down by The-Powers-That-Be have been reasonably tolerated and tokenly obeyed, and harmony has generally prevailed everywhere within our voluminous membership ranks, except in the theatres of conflict for FBS change, AC/DC Meet 'n Greet access, Minimum Donation standards, and unsolicited Axl Rose opinions.

    While these theatres of confilct have been greatly advanced by the unwarranted revolutionary activities of idiotic opinion purveyors within a small sample of fringe membership inside of this great and proud organization, we have steadfastly continued to provide needful diversions of sophomoric humor, moronic and disgusting thought patterns, unceasing levels of disturbing parody, and laser-like adherance to uncompromising principles of power tailgating and power rock. All of this has served to enhance your small little lives in great abundance; even if AC/DC (technically) has not showed their damn faces upon this place in many a long over-due and over-promised time period.

    Ye, those of sound mind and right thinking in this organization, rejoicing in the fact that we have not yet succumbed to the pressures of an Axl Rose appearance, are permitted to expect the continuance of these tailgating freedoms, mind-shredding Australian guitar riffs, and reasonably short port-a-potty lines going forward (don't hold us to that last one though). No other human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things for you. They are the gracious gifts of Thunderstruck Makers and Thunderstruck Makers alone, period, exclamation point, facepalm and hashtag. Oh sure, we get so angry with you sometimes that we'd honestly like to slap you silly, kick you in the nut sack, and beat you senseless most days, but that doesn't mean that we don't love you damn people OR love your sporadic monetary gifts that help keep us reasonably inebriated and working hard at looking like we're working hard on your behalf.

    I do therefore invite and require all fellow Thunderstruckers in every part of the United Reserved Lots of Thunder Tundra, and also those of our bretheren who we haven't seen in quite some time while they have been engaged in fighting the good fight in terribly long foreign porta-potty lines, and, yes, even those poor souls who have been in the 5-day in advance, 3-mile long general admission tailgating line right here in River City since well before Labor Day; To set apart and observe the last Thursday of every November henceforth, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise for AC/DC (damn, I hope they see this and are impressed by it) and to our beneficent Thunderstruck Makers leaders who dwelleth among us largely against their own free will.

    And I recommend to you that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to these great men for such singular deliverances and blessings, that we also ask for humble forgiveness for the collective perverseness and disobedience of those that currently lead you into the dark abyss. Amen.

    In testimony whereof, and with certain apologies to one A. Lincoln, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of Thunderstruck Makers to be thus affixed.

    Done at the Thunderstruck Makers bunker, City of Fargo, this 19th day of November, in the year of our Loaf two thousand and eighteen, and of the Bison football championship the fifteenth, and seven of the last eight.

    By the Supreme Lifetime Super Honcho: Bison Loaf XOXOXO

    Delivered and read this day by: I Miss Chubs,
    Sargent at Arms

    Briefly scanned for legal errors by: Runtheoption, Esq.
    of Dubious Counsel

    Lunch, booze & entertainment while I was writing this proclamation: TransAmBison,
    Court Jester

    The first person I noticed cracking a cold one while I was writing this historic document: Roadwarrior,
    Keeper of the Cooler

    The first person I noticed not doing a damn thing while this was being written: Vet70,
    Keeper of the Thunder and Tester of the Spinach Dip

    From All Of Us Here At Thunderstruck Makers ..................... We Wish You A Safe, Thankful and Rockin' AC/DC Thanksgiving!!

  6. #676
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    1 block from AG's house.

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    By the Supreme Executive Lifetime Super Honcho and All-Around Swell Guy of Thunderstruck Makers

    A Proclamation.

    Hear ye, hear ye. This tailgating season that is drawing towards its close, has once again been filled with the blessings of fruitful liquors, bountiful grills, and curb-stomping victories. To these great bounties, of which most of you damn ingrates are prone to forget the source from which they are naturally provided (Thunderstruck Makers), other perks have been added, which are of so extraordinary in nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the hardened hearts which are habitually insensible to the ever watchful eye (and future retribution there of) of ThM's vengeful management. But I digress.

    In the midst of a lot of bitching and sniping of unequalled magnitude and severity, which seems nonsensical to those that wish they could have what you have (Thunderstruck Makers), priority point peace has been mostly preserved, Rock and Roll order has been strictly maintained without the use of deadly force (although we came close one time when a Barry Manilow/Justin Bieber mashup was once heard out in the general admission lot, the filthy animals), tailgating laws that have been so egregiously handed down by The-Powers-That-Be have been reasonably tolerated and tokenly obeyed, and harmony has generally prevailed everywhere within our voluminous membership ranks, except in the theatres of conflict for FBS change, AC/DC Meet 'n Greet access, Minimum Donation standards, and unsolicited Axl Rose opinions.

    While these theatres of confilct have been greatly advanced by the unwarranted revolutionary activities of idiotic opinion purveyors within a small sample of fringe membership inside of this great and proud organization, we have steadfastly continued to provide needful diversions of sophomoric humor, moronic and disgusting thought patterns, unceasing levels of disturbing parody, and laser-like adherance to uncompromising principles of power tailgating and power rock. All of this has served to enhance your small little lives in great abundance; even if AC/DC (technically) has not showed their damn faces upon this place in many a long over-due and over-promised time period.

    Ye, those of sound mind and right thinking in this organization, rejoicing in the fact that we have not yet succumbed to the pressures of an Axl Rose appearance, are permitted to expect the continuance of these tailgating freedoms, mind-shredding Australian guitar riffs, and reasonably short port-a-potty lines going forward (don't hold us to that last one though). No other human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things for you. They are the gracious gifts of Thunderstruck Makers and Thunderstruck Makers alone, period, exclamation point, facepalm and hashtag. Oh sure, we get so angry with you sometimes that we'd honestly like to slap you silly, kick you in the nut sack, and beat you senseless most days, but that doesn't mean that we don't love you damn people OR love your sporadic monetary gifts that help keep us reasonably inebriated and working hard at looking like we're working hard on your behalf.

    I do therefore invite and require all fellow Thunderstruckers in every part of the United Reserved Lots of Thunder Tundra, and also those of our bretheren who we haven't seen in quite some time while they have been engaged in fighting the good fight in terribly long foreign porta-potty lines, and, yes, even those poor souls who have been in the 5-day in advance, 3-mile long general admission tailgating line right here in River City since well before Labor Day; To set apart and observe the last Thursday of every November henceforth, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise for AC/DC (damn, I hope they see this and are impressed by it) and to our beneficent Thunderstruck Makers leaders who dwelleth among us largely against their own free will.

    And I recommend to you that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to these great men for such singular deliverances and blessings, that we also ask for humble forgiveness for the collective perverseness and disobedience of those that currently lead you into the dark abyss. Amen.

    In testimony whereof, and with certain apologies to one A. Lincoln, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of Thunderstruck Makers to be thus affixed.

    Done at the Thunderstruck Makers bunker, City of Fargo, this 19th day of November, in the year of our Loaf two thousand and eighteen, and of the Bison football championship the fifteenth, and seven of the last eight.

    By the Supreme Lifetime Super Honcho: Bison Loaf XOXOXO

    Delivered and read this day by: I Miss Chubs,
    Sargent at Arms

    Briefly scanned for legal errors by: Runtheoption, Esq.
    of Dubious Counsel

    Lunch, booze & entertainment while I was writing this proclamation: TransAmBison,
    Court Jester

    The first person I noticed cracking a cold one while I was writing this historic document: Roadwarrior,
    Keeper of the Cooler

    The first person I noticed not doing a damn thing while this was being written: Vet70,
    Keeper of the Thunder and Tester of the Spinach Dip

    From All Of Us Here At Thunderstruck Makers ..................... We Wish You A Safe, Thankful and Rockin' AC/DC Thanksgiving!!
    I see a hidden message has been entered in this post. Quite clever...I'll give you that...but I found it! Makes me wonder how many other hidden messages you have been hiding in your drivel.

    Notorious--Bisonville all-time POTY
    Proud member of TOHBTC[/B]

  7. #677
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    By the Supreme Executive Lifetime Super Honcho and All-Around Swell Guy of Thunderstruck Makers

    A Proclamation.

    Hear ye, hear ye. This tailgating Season that is drawing towards its close, has once again been filled with the blessings of fruitful liquors, bountiful grills, and curb-stomping victories. To these great bounties, of which most of you damn ingrates are prone to forget the source from which they are naturally provided (Thunderstruck Makers), other perks have been added, which are of so extraordinary in nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the hardened hearts which are habitually insensible to the ever watchful eye (and future retribution there of) of ThM's vengeful management. But I digress.

    In the midst of a lot of bitching and sniping of unequalled magnitude and severity, which seems nonsensical to those that wish they could have what you have (Thunderstruck Makers), priority point peace has been mostly preserved, Rock and Roll order has been strictly maintained without the use of deadly force (although we came close one time when a Barry Manilow/Justin Bieber mashup was once heard out in the general admission lot, the filthy animals), tailgating laws that have been so egregiously handed down by The-Powers-That-Be have been reasonably tolerated and tokenly obeyed, and harmony has generally prevailed everywhere within our voluminous membership ranks, except in the theatres of conflict for FBS change, AC/DC Meet 'n Greet access, Minimum Donation standards, and unsolicited Axl Rose opinions.

    While these theatres of confilct have been greatly advanced by the unwarranted revolutionary activities of idiotic opinion purveyors within a small sample of fringe membership inside of this great and proud organization, we have steadfastly continued to provide needful diversions of sophomoric humor, moronic and disgusting thought patterns, unceasing levels of disturbing parody, and laser-like adherance to uncompromising principles of power tailgating and power rock. All of this has served to enhance your small little lives in great abundance; even if AC/DC (technically) has not showed their damn faces upon this place in many a long over-due and over-promised time period.

    Ye, those of sound mind and right thinking in this organization, rejoicing in the fact that we have not yet succumbed to the pressures of an Axl Rose appearance, are permitted to expect the continuance of these tailgating freedoms, mind-shredding Australian guitar riffs, and reasonably short port-a-potty lines going forward (don't hold us to that last one though). No other human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things for you. They are the gracious gifts of Thunderstruck Makers and Thunderstruck Makers alone, period, exclamation point, facepalm and hashtag. Oh sure, we get so angry with you sometimes that we'd honestly like to slap you silly, kick you in the nut sack, and beat you senseless most days, but that doesn't mean that we don't love you damn people OR love your sporadic monetary gifts that help keep us reasonably inebriated and working hard at looking like we're working hard on your behalf.

    I do therefore invite and require all fellow Thunderstruckers in every part of the United Reserved Lots of Thunder Tundra, and also those of our bretheren who we haven't seen in quite some time while they have been engaged in fighting the good fight in terribly long foreign porta-potty lines, and, yes, even those poor souls who have been in the 5-day in advance, 3-mile long general admission tailgating line right here in River City since well before Labor Day; To set apart and observe the last Thursday of every November henceforth, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise for AC/DC (damn, I hope they see this and are impressed by it) and to our beneficent Thunderstruck Makers leaders who dwelleth among us largely against their own free will.

    And I recommend to you that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to these great men for such singular deliverances and blessings, that we also ask for humble forgiveness for the collective perverseness and disobedience of those that currently lead you into the dark abyss. Amen.

    In testimony whereof, and with certain apologies to one A. Lincoln, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of Thunderstruck Makers to be thus affixed.

    Done at the Thunderstruck Makers bunker, City of Fargo, this 19th day of November, in the year of our Loaf two thousand and eighteen, and of the Bison football championship the fifteenth, and seven of the last eight.

    By the Supreme Lifetime Super Honcho: Bison Loaf XOXOXO

    Delivered and read this day by: I Miss Chubs,
    Sargent at Arms

    Briefly scanned for legal errors by: Runtheoption, Esq.
    of Dubious Counsel

    Lunch, booze & entertainment while I was writing this proclamation: TransAmBison,
    Court Jester

    The first person I noticed cracking a cold one while I was writing this historic document: Roadwarrior,
    Keeper of the Cooler

    The first person I noticed not doing a damn thing while this was being written: Vet70,
    Keeper of the Thunder and Tester of the Spinach Dip

    From All Of Us Here At Thunderstruck Makers ..................... We Wish You A Safe, Thankful and Rockin' AC/DC Thanksgiving!!
    I found this one earlier. He proceeded to post this over my objections.
    My Mom yells louder than your Mom.

  8. #678
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Aug 2014
    "The football hotbed of the high plains."

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by TransAmBison View Post
    I see a hidden message has been entered in this post. Quite clever...I'll give you that...but I found it! Makes me wonder how many other hidden messages you have been hiding in your drivel.
    Quote Originally Posted by runtheoption View Post
    I found this one earlier. He proceeded to post this over my objections.
    At least I lernt that you both can spell. That's a higher skill-level than I have with most of my minions, lackeys & freeloaders around here, and, frankly, a real puzzling bit of an overlooked shocker coming from you two.

    Truth be told, I was going to send you guys packing once the tequila and blow ran out, but in retrospect, I now have to admit that you both seem to have bright futures within this organization! Congratulations Boys!

  9. #679
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    FCS Title Town

    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Mr. Bison Loaf: This is to inform you that I will no longer stand idly by while you use my nom de plume in your inane (or as some have said insane) posts. I see a lawsuit in your future. Consider this to be your final warning.

    P.S. I am still open to use your parking pass and drinking your liquor.
    The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
    Paul Fix

  10. #680
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    At least I lernt that you both can spell. That's a higher skill-level than I have with most of my minions, lackeys & freeloaders around here, and, frankly, a real puzzling bit of an overlooked shocker coming from you two.

    Truth be told, I was going to send you guys packing once the tequila and blow ran out, but in retrospect, I now have to admit that you both seem to have bright futures within this organization! Congratulations Boys!
    And nothing, ZERO respect ... or reference to your supreme, and well-educated and respected and hallowed BV “JUDGE” and mediator/arbitrator and Armchair QB/Headcoach that is ... CAS4137 .... errrr .... CAS4127.

    The lack of irrespectableism (irregardless) is palpable.

    I’m over this thread ...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Bisonville: Making football coaches out of arm-chair-QB's and jock sniffers for years!
    Today's CAS GASF = ZERO

    And, don’t believe everything you think—jussayin’.

    Liberals of BV need not respond to my posts. I don’t need to get any more dumb.

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