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Thread: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

  1. #831
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by Bison Loaf View Post
    The Peaceful Demands of General Admission (GA) Tailgaters in Fargo.....
    Quote Originally Posted by TransAmBison View Post
    Now you reference Nickleback in an AC/DC thread?!?! Nickleback?!?! You have gone too far now.
    TAB, as a general rule I detest everything Bison Loaf stands for -- you can fill in the blanks as to what that is. However, in light of "The Peaceful Demands" from the dirty General Admission tailgate scum, I reluctantly find myself in the unenviable position of backing Bison Loaf (it's kinda like how PL and Lakes have become bedfellows on a couple of threads). If that means throwing those GA lowlifes a little Nickleback bone to placate them, then so be it.

    However, if they persist in their demands and we start to see them make some progress (doubtful, as they are probably too stupid to come up with a meaningful strategy other than #OccupyReservedTailgating), nothing will be off the table.
    My Mom yells louder than your Mom.

  2. #832
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by runtheoption View Post
    TAB, as a general rule I detest everything Bison Loaf stands for -- you can fill in the blanks as to what that is. However, in light of "The Peaceful Demands" from the dirty General Admission tailgate scum, I reluctantly find myself in the unenviable position of backing Bison Loaf (it's kinda like how PL and Lakes have become bedfellows on a couple of threads). If that means throwing those GA lowlifes a little Nickleback bone to placate them, then so be it.

    However, if they persist in their demands and we start to see them make some progress (doubtful, as they are probably too stupid to come up with a meaningful strategy other than #OccupyReservedTailgating), nothing will be off the table.
    You know …………………… I am working my butt off 24/7 around here, taking monumentally heroic measures, including missing quite a few episodes of "Days Of Our Lives" and "90-Day Fiancι" ...…….

    .................... in order to build the world a true tailgating home, and then furnish it with love.
    Would it be wrong for me to provide a couple of apple trees, some non-stinging honey bees, and a couple of white turtle doves? (or pigeons, depending on funding)
    Honestly, I'd like to teach the tailgating world to sing, in perfect classic rock harmony (within the AC/DC catalogue, of course),
    And hold you all within my arms (especially the hot ladies out there), to keep me company (in this beautiful undertaking, duh, what else?).
    I like to see the tailgating world, for once, all standing hand in hand (with 90-proof drinks in hand, obviously),
    And hear us echo throughout these hills, for peace throughout our land.

    Pipe dream? Maybe. (although we've had a lot of good pipe dreams recently),

    But folks (sob, sniffle), that's the song I hear.
    So let tailgaters everywhere sing today,
    This song of peace (GA or Reserved) that echoes on,
    And never goes away!

    Oh, and in an unrelated note, we will be serving free Coca-Cola in the ThM Hospitality tent this fall.

  3. #833
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Dear Thunderstruckers,

    Well, Well, Well …………… I really hate to tell you all that "I told you so" (dammit, I'm fibbing again, because I really don't hate it at all), but it looks like our little propaganda wing of Thunderstruck Makers ………… namely, this thread ………….. has exploded past the 150,000 view mark recently here on Bisonville, and is now just a mere 5.25 million views (and closing fast) behind a so-called "Carson Wentz" thread (?? Meh, never heard of him ).

    Unfortunately, we still haven't figured out a way to monetize the living hell out of each and every one of those views yet, but when we do, there will be no stopping us on our way to world tailgating domination! (But let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?)

    Meanwhile, we choose to celebrate this majestic milestone in the same professional and workman-like way that you've come to expect from ThM, as we continue doing all the dirty little work behind the scenes that makes this organization truly one-of-a-kind. Currently, we are actively:

    1. Spending most of your meager donations, and ALL of the remaining petty cash (which is unfortunate and a bit cumbersome to replenish now that the bank has banned us from all branch lobbies for lack of proper clothing and lude T-shirt slogans), and throwing ourselves a big congratulatory "150k Views" party, replete with hookers and blow, and NO social distancing. (We're Back!!! Take that, Fauci!)

    2. Engaging an expensive Las Vegas impersonator to make some very funny, but tasteful and strategic, crank calls in the voice of Axl Rose to AC/DC members world-wide, extolling the virtues of a Fargo tailgating appearance or else there will be dire consequences for their flagging careers. (Don't worry, nobody will ever know it's us behind this ruse.)

    3. Tamping down unprecedented insurrection and peaceful window-breaking fire-starting protests within our loving and inclusive West Lot community, with the speed and viciousness necessary to shield a toddler's eyes from viewing it, and to make sure that GA tailgaters never rise up again and dare to believe that they shouldn't have to wait in a first-come, first serve entrance line ever again.

    4. Unleashing the best and brightest of ThM's crack team of number crunchers and bean counters to forecast the exact day and time in which this thread actually catches and surpasses that "Carson Wentz" thread (whoever THAT is) in the future, and we expect them to confirm that this should happen around the same time AC/DC finally makes an appearance in the West Lot. ……………???.…………………. So we've got that going for us …… which is nice.

    Heck yes, we know that you continue to be amazed at how damn successful and efficient we can be in all the important work that we do for you, but it is not for you to know our little secrets. Your role is to send more money and blindly follow everything we tell you to do, IF you don't want more people to get hurt AND if you ever want another shot at AC/DC again in the future (remember, the first event was cancelled due to Covid, darn it. ).

    You have 30-days to decide. Choose wisely.

    Last edited by Bison Loaf; 06-25-2020 at 07:03 PM.

  4. #834
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    My goodness! Is it almost July 4th already? Man, who can ever forget that historic time almost 250 years ago when these solumn and inspirational words were given to the people as the foundation of an autumnal Saturday well spent, and an overall life worth living.

    We, the legendary Strength of the Herd, in order to form and enjoy a more perfect tailgating experience, establish as few damn rules as possible, insure that mass quantities of alcohol are available to us before Bison games, provide for the common and ravenous appetite of all before our team proceeds to kick an opponent's ass, promote general urinary tract welfare and overall digestive health with adequate numbers of port-a-potties, and secure the blessings of AC/DC and their righteous 'effin tunes for ourselves and our posterity ................. do ordain and establish this West Lot as the center of the world tailgating universe and the everlasting preamble for multiple football championships based on simply running the damn football .................. from this day forward .............. so help us Thunderstruck Makers. Amen.

  5. #835
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    I know some of you have put your trust in Loaf. Some of you probably even have signs, flags, bumper stickers, etc. showing your support for him...and this may fall on deaf ears...but you should know what has happened. I have heard on good authority (I got a text) that Loaf has been having email correspondence with Justin Bieber's agent. Loaf believes he is going to secure Biebs to play at the first home game. He's even change the name to ThunderBiebs (printer got it mixed up and printed ThunderBoobs by mistake...may not be all bad...see what he does with it). He is taking a once great organization and using it to advance his selfish plans.

    Loaf...let's see the emails. Grant Bisonville access to the servers. Bisonville needs to know.

    Notorious--Bisonville all-time POTY
    Proud member of TOHBTC[/B]

  6. #836
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    The American Tailgating Association Blasted On Yuengling (ATABOY) has withdrew their support from Loaf. Dark times indeed for this man and the association he "represents". No more ATABOY's for Loaf. Time to step down...before the emails come out.

    Notorious--Bisonville all-time POTY
    Proud member of TOHBTC[/B]

  7. #837
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Quote Originally Posted by TransAmBison View Post
    I know some of you have put your trust in Loaf. Some of you probably even have signs, flags, bumper stickers, etc. showing your support for him...and this may fall on deaf ears...but you should know what has happened. I have heard on good authority (I got a text) that Loaf has been having email correspondence with Justin Bieber's agent. Loaf believes he is going to secure Biebs to play at the first home game. He's even change the name to ThunderBiebs (printer got it mixed up and printed ThunderBoobs by mistake...may not be all bad...see what he does with it). He is taking a once great organization and using it to advance his selfish plans.

    Loaf...let's see the emails. Grant Bisonville access to the servers. Bisonville needs to know.
    What? Loaf does Bieber!?! Nobody is going to belieb THAT tall tale!

    Yeah, alright, I very well MAY have (secretly, or so I presumed) in the past expressed some modest admiration for the term "Belieber" as in "I'm a Bieber Belieber", but ONLY as a marketing tool and brand, NOT in relation to his music or his smokin' hot wife! Hell bells, what I wouldn't give for a marketing team like Justy - oops, I mean - The Biebs - no, I mean - Justin Bieber, has ……….. but when I put my own guys to work on it, all they could came up with was "Payloafer", as in "I'm a Hot Load of Loafin' Payloafer", and it just didn't seem to have the same cool ring to it ........the amateurs'.

    And why would we EVER change the name Thunderstruck Makers? That makes no sense at all. The whole world knows our iconic brand by now, so only a real idiot would even think about changing it, and believe me, I have thought about changing it many times. But new names like Thunderdump, Thunderbutter, Thunderbaby, Thundertrouble, Thunderwedgy, Thunderflatulance, and Thunderpucker, just don't seem to go well with 'Makers' attached to the end of it, and they don't have a great INTRO song associated with it that we can ride coattails on forever and ever. (ThunderBoobs, however ........ mistake or not ............ does seem to have a nice marketing bounce to it, and I've already assigned CAS to study the feel of it as a potential new moniker.)

    But dammit, if AC/DC doesn't start playing nice with us real soon …………………… we may be forced to change into something else!. Man, it's time to take one of the 16 weeks of vacation I get from Thunderstruck Makers, so don't expect any work out of me anytime soon and don't call us, EVER!

    THUNDERCRACK ............…. (The Thundercrack Makers Version) ………………

    Their brains are gonna rattle and their bones will shake
    Whoah, they're the Bunnies from the lower state (repeat x 4 )

    Thundercrack, Herd is back
    It's time to show 'em how we really feel
    Bring us down to the Thunder Shack
    We'll make the noise that will seal the deal

    We stand up ...... batshit crazy
    Up in the stands ain't no time to get lazy
    We'll shout you down until your drives get shorter
    We got the heart of a Title hoarder

    Straight from the West Lot
    Look at that line!
    We drink, we drool, we laugh, we win,
    We'll be ...... just fine!
    Even them Section 20 hacks
    From the GA tailgate tracks
    Will raise their voice if you damn well bribe 'em

    We stand up ...... couldn't be prouder
    Up in the stands it just keeps getting louder
    We'll shout and shout until you're in disorder
    We got the heart of a Title hoarder

    We don't like the passing game, unless it scores that's fine
    Keep calling runs up the middle, 6 rugged yards at a time
    with Ground and pound and ground and pound and
    Ground and pound and ground and pound

    My heart's good, got up early today
    Gonna be with good friends and tailgate the Herd Way!
    So, Drink with me, partner, drink with me, partner
    Drink with me, partner, 'til game time ......... and we get in line!

    (Everybody together now! ..............................)
    Whoa-oa-oa-oa, whoa-oa-oa-oa. whoa-oa-oa-oa, whoa-oa-oa-oa!

    (Oh hell yes, we gotta have a guitar solo here, so suck it Angus!)

    Thundercrack, Herd is back
    It's time to show 'em how we really feel
    Bring us down to the Thunder Shack
    Where no one fights and nobody kneels

    We stand up ...... couldn't be prouder
    Up in the stands it just keeps getting louder
    We'll shout all day until our voice gets hoarser
    We got the heart of a Title hoarder

    We're not sophisticated, just wanna have a good time
    Drink a little hooch in the West Lot, game in hand by halftime
    with Ground and pound and ground and pound and
    Ground and pound and ground and pound!

    My heart's good, another win today
    Still couldn't find Loaf's damn tailgate but that's okay
    Drink with me, partner, drink with me, partner
    Drink with me, partner, all night (all night)
    All night (all night)

  8. #838
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Damn You, Covid!!! ……………………….. Although I'm sure that SOOOOOOOME of you people will try to put the blame squarely on my own broad, yet slightly effeminate, shoulders!

    New AC/DC Album Is Finished, But It Has Been Delayed …………………...

  9. #839
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    A Special Announcement From The Damp Server Closet That Houses Thunderstruck Maker's IT Department

    Here Ye, Hear Ye, All Friends and Donators (who, in fact, are always one and the same in the eyes of ThM),

    As per the instructions and orders of the Powers-That-Be in the ThM hierarchy, and in order to henceforth keep all the stupid damn crap out of this beloved and important thread, we at Thunderstruck Makers IT, have set up and instituted a secure, more private and unseen, double-secret probation thread called: "Post All Your Stupid Damn Crap In THIS AC/DC To The West Lot ……… rumors" thread.

    If you would like to be given authorization to view the new content, please let us know.


    The Nerdy Dweebs at ThM IT

  10. #840
    Bison Loaf's Avatar
    Bison Loaf is offline Senior Member Gets their mail at the West Parking Lot
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    Default Re: AC/DC to the West Lot.........rumors

    Take This Mask And Shove It! …………………………………….

    Take this mask and shove it!
    I ain't cheering here this year
    Our AD gave up, then scheduled one game
    To stick it in our rear!
    And you better not try to come and tailgate
    You'll be thrown out on your ear
    So take this mask and shove it
    I ain't cheering here this year

    I've been coming to this stinking Dome
    For on about thirty years
    And all this time I've been in the West Lot
    Chug-a-lugging beers
    Oh the money I've spent to make it happen
    This first-rate program we see
    But they've politicized a virus
    And took it all away from me, SO .............

    Take this mask and shove it!
    I ain't cheering here this year
    My AD done quit, then scheduled one game
    To stick it in our rear!
    And you better not try to come and tailgate
    You'll be thrown out on your ear
    So take this mask and shove it
    I ain't cheering here this year

    Our President, he's an S.O.B.
    His opponents, God they're fools
    Got ourselves a China virus here
    So they both use it as a tool
    It's election year and the fear is clear
    Too bad football's in the fall
    Cause if voting day wasn't in the way
    We wouldn't be cancelling games at all, SO ..............

    Take this mask and shove it!
    I ain't cheering here this year
    My AD gave up, then scheduled one game
    To stick it in our rear!
    And you better not try to come and tailgate
    You'll be thrown out on your ear
    So take this mask and shove it
    I ain't cheering here this year

    Loaf had AC/DC scheduled once
    But then Covid reared it's head
    Had to cancel like Coachella did
    T'was for our own safety, he said
    But he promised they'd be back this fall
    When our Flags were waving in the breeze
    How could he ever see, that the Powers-That-Be
    Would cut us all off at the knees! SO ...............

    Take this mask and shove it!
    I ain't cheering here this year
    My AD gave up, then scheduled one game
    To stick it in our rear!
    And you better not try to come and tailgate
    You'll be thrown out on your ear
    So take this mask and shove it
    I ain't cheering here this year

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