Don't know why this should be done in the media. They'll never give us enough information to decide who said what and when. It all becomes speculation and rumor mill information.

Bad/unfair things happen to good people all the time. You rant and rave with yourself and maybe your close family deal with it and move on.

Did Coach Walseth maybe miscommunicate something or insinuate something she shouldn't have? Perhaps she's a 2nd year head coach; people make mistakes, is the explanation something you'd want to hear as the player being pushed out probably not. Not sure why this couldn't be fought and hugged out in a coaches office instead of the media, and that part of it doesn't seem to be coming from Walseth as she has nothing to gain from airing it out there.

That said good luck to Holly, sounds like she might end up at UN_ or SDSU or USD... Hope she can learn from this experience and this is the last we hear of it. She can still save a bit of face in my opinion by leaving it at this and going somewhere who will give her the opportunity and play her heart out there as she did here.