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Thread: Watching last night in Wyoming......

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Watching last night in Wyoming......

    Quote Originally Posted by Ndsu84 View Post
    UNI coach is from North Dakota. We've been cheering for UNI for a long time.
    I pull for Jacobson as well, but he played at UND so I'm sure not everyone here likes that.
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  2. #12
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    Default Re: Watching last night in Wyoming......

    Quote Originally Posted by bisonaudit View Post
    I pull for Jacobson as well, but he played at UND so I'm sure not everyone here likes that.
    He was more recently a former NDSU assistanst so we got that going for us....
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  3. #13
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    Default Re: Watching last night in Wyoming......

    Can't bring myself to root for anyone but NDSU. I don't want to see UNI fans get bigger heads then they already have over their BB team. I hope they lose. Not that I don't want to see ND natives have success but my loyalties are with NDSU, your either with us or against us!

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Watching last night in Wyoming......

    I really enjoy the Wyoming BBall team but I will always cheer for Jacobson. Tuttle is a super fun player too...I'm fully on the UNI support train WOOWOO

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Watching last night in Wyoming......

    Quote Originally Posted by CaBisonFan View Post
    It's kind of like bringing Tim Miles to a program. He builds it and someone else maintains it. That's been the pattern so far. Hope he can hang in there at Nebraska and have a great program. He deserves it. But I agree that Bohl probably has one more move up the ladder in him.
    You are a badass commodity as a coach in any sport if this becomes your M.O. Programs are very happy knowing what they are getting, the coach always has job security if they can replicate this success over and over, and recruits become part of a system greater than who is coaching them and become tied to a process and not who is coaching them. Guys like Miles have established more of a pattern in this regard. Bohl, not so much. One can say Bohl looked like a career Bison coach until he wasn't. Miles built up multiple programs and left along the way. It won't be a surprise to anyone when Miles builds Nebraska into a winning program and moves on to the next challenge. I don't think there will be much of a surprise if Bohl were to do this either, but while it might be expected now, it wasn't always the way it seemed like he does business. Miles is still young enough he might be able to do this 4 more times. Bohl, maybe not so much. Guys like Urban Meyer and Nick Saban are defined by National Championships and not the schools they coach, but you would think eventually most coaches would want that legacy position where they would be forever tied to. Maybe with Tim Miles it is Nebraska. Great facilities, nice conference, and some winning to get the ball rolling in their direction for more recruits, it could lead to a very nice career with that legacy tied to a school some coaches might want. I don't know if that is important to Miles.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Watching last night in Wyoming......

    Quote Originally Posted by stevdock View Post
    So are NDSU fans that are going to Spokane going to cheer for Northern Iowa or Wyoming?? Don't really know how I feel about that one yet.
    WYO all the way. They will beat UNI. The Pokes are very underrated. Earlier this season when WYO nudged into the national rankings at #25 they suffered 2 players coming down with mono. One who had mono was Larry Nance Jr. He looks to have finally recovered from it and is back playing his game albeit 17 pounds lighter. This is not at all the same WYO team that had some losses during the battle with mono. This is a team with a lot to prove and players that are back to 100%. I could definitely see WYO in the Sweet 16.

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