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    01-27-2025, 12:19 AM
    Civil06 replied to a thread Gdt: Und in Men's Basketball
    Great job to the student's by actually showing up. For real! Now, that said, that had to be the worst full student section in all of college...
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    I'm shocked at the civility of this discussion.

    It says to me that people are actually taking this pretty serious, which is a good thing.

    I try to lay out my position and the reasoning behind it and mix in a bit of humor now and then. The tin foil hat thing may have been a little over the line though.

    This has been an enjoyable and suprisingly civil political discourse compared to what these things usually devolve into on this board. I know I'm more left most of the people on here but I don't feel like I'm some crazy left nut. I'm pretty sure I'm center left and the relative civility of this discussion today gives me some hope that maybe, just maybe, the vast majority in the middle can get together and take our politics back from the extemists on both flanks.
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About Civil06

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February 22, 1983 (41)
About Civil06
Fargo, ND
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"Rugby is a beastly game played by gentlemen; soccer is a gentleman's game played by beasts; football is a beastly game played by beasts."
- Henry Blaha


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