• Upgraded the board software, doom ensues

    Several users are having trouble viewing the board since the upgrade. I believe this is because the web address they are entering goes to an obsolete page. Directing your browser to www.bisonville.com should take care of that. Or you can just click the Forum button up top.

    The Home button gives everybody a permission error. I'm researching that right now. (Update: fixed)

    The color scheme is obviously way off from where it needs to be. I'm working on that as well.

    Anyway, welcome to the newly-updated board even though it's a work-in-progress.
    Comments 11 Comments
    1. Tatanka's Avatar
      Tatanka -
      Thanks Tony! Love the new features!!!
    1. AdmiralAckbar's Avatar
      AdmiralAckbar -
      Well at least the permission error seems to be resolved.
    1. BlueBisonRock's Avatar
      BlueBisonRock -
      Tony, Thank you for your hard work and resource commitment simply to let the rest of us rubes come to your site and complain. Now, I have done some thinking on the problems you are having (actually was helped by a GFCCC booster) and have concluded that these problems like the rest of the problems associated with NDSU are Chapman's fault.I do hope to catch up to you at the Gopher game to thank you person to person. Where will you be hanging out?
    1. Superfan's Avatar
      Superfan -
      Quote Originally Posted by BlueBisonRock View Post
      Tony, Thank you for your hard work and resource commitment simply to let the rest of us rubes come to your site and complain. Now, I have done some thinking on the problems you are having (actually was helped by a GFCCC booster) and have concluded that these problems like the rest of the problems associated with NDSU are Chapman's fault.I do hope to catch up to you at the Gopher game to thank you person to person. Where will you be hanging out?
      I, too, would like to thank you in person* for all you've done for "Bisonville". Both the board and the community. Please let me know when this can happen.

      * in a totally straight, manly sort of way. Not the way AG prefers.
    1. Bison"FANatic"'s Avatar
      Bison"FANatic" -
      Thanks for your hard work, if you want to make some money my wife would probably pay you to disable my account. I guess I don't listen when I am reading bisonville.
    1. Twentysix's Avatar
      Twentysix -
      Those were the hardest 7 hours of my life.
    1. duluthbison's Avatar
      duluthbison -
      Thanks for your hard work. Even with out the new theme, the place looks great!
    1. MOTBison's Avatar
      MOTBison -
      Everybody that frequents this board really appreciates the hard work you put into the place. Keep it up!!!
    1. Bison bison's Avatar
      Bison bison -
      New board, same crappy posters.
    1. jarhead's Avatar
      jarhead -
      I concur, thanks Tony.
    1. tjbison's Avatar
      tjbison -
      Does this count as a blog entry??