View Full Version : So what do you do???

05-09-2007, 07:31 PM
Well I am relatively new to the board. Have read the board for some time as my hubby Swaghook has been a member for awhile. I decided to start my own profile and make myself heard. :p The main sport I follow of any kind is Bison football. Closely followed by our conferance mates. I am starting to get into Basketball as well. Since it is quiet around here I thought I would ask you what you do when there is no football/basketball to watch/listen too?

With the weather getting warmer I will be doing some camping and hopefully some fishing as well. The kids will have kick ball league starting shortly after school gets out but that is only once a week. Otherwise just patiently waiting for football to start again. Wish it ran all year long :D :D

05-09-2007, 08:46 PM
Hiking, camping (not the drive-up style), cycling (road and off-road), and photography on the weekends if the honey-do list is short enough.

05-09-2007, 08:53 PM
Golf and chase storms here. Occassionally visit the fine downtown establishments of Brookings. A few times I do homework.

05-09-2007, 09:09 PM
With the nice weather we are having I am back out walking 1-3 miles a day 4-5 days a week.

05-09-2007, 10:37 PM
i huddle in a dark room with a candle and a lap top to which i watch my BISON dvd on and watch.....:p

05-09-2007, 10:52 PM
fish, lakes, outdoors, dl summertime.

05-09-2007, 11:50 PM
golf, hunting (big game), run, national guard

05-09-2007, 11:52 PM
Mainly I have my job and my classes, although with my new major, my classes don't consume my whole life like they were when I was an architecture student.

My free time mostly consists of drawings and other artwork that I do. I have a lot of completed and uncompleted drawings in my apartment. My focus has been narrowed down to architectural-style renderings of sports facilities and cartoon characters (both existing and ones I made up).

My sports followings are in order: 1) Vikings (The Bison will never replace them at #1 in my heart, I've bled purple since I was in the womb), 2) Bison football/basketball (forever a close #2) and 3) Timberwolves. And also monitoring the campaign to return NHL hockey back to Winnipeg (I used to be a HUGE Winnipeg Jets fan).

Twins and Wild I don't give two hocks of spit about.

05-10-2007, 12:07 AM
In Jan we start the sport shows season with our painted feathers which keeps us very busy. April is turkey season. May-June fishing MN and Canada. July is down time. August 1 sport show and then start getting inventory built up. Sept-Oct football. November is deer hunting and football. Dec X-mas season for the feather business. Plus there is some duck hunting in there after x-mas. Then its Jan.
Plus we continually get feather orders during the year for presents, fund raising banquets etc. So we keep busy with that. PL

05-10-2007, 12:24 AM
Mainly I have my job and my classes, although with my new major, my classes don't consume my whole life like they were when I was an architecture student.

My free time mostly consists of drawings and other artwork that I do. I have a lot of completed and uncompleted drawings in my apartment. My focus has been narrowed down to architectural-style renderings of sports facilities and cartoon characters (both existing and ones I made up).

My sports followings are in order: 1) Vikings (The Bison will never replace them at #1 in my heart, I've bled purple since I was in the womb), 2) Bison football/basketball (forever a close #2) and 3) Timberwolves. And also monitoring the campaign to return NHL hockey back to Winnipeg (I used to be a HUGE Winnipeg Jets fan). Twins and Wild I don't give two hocks of spit about.

Would you be interested in creating a personal avatar for me? I have been rotating different cartoon images I found but would love something original.

05-10-2007, 01:32 AM
I run, golf, go to the lakes, the Twins(definately a diehard fan), and then I have classes in the spring and my summer jobs.

05-10-2007, 02:16 AM
I run my dog every morning before work. Definitely more enjoyable now with the nice weather. On the weekends go camping, catfishing, softball, drive the TA as the weather allows. Oh yeah, that was last year. Now it will be feed babies, change diapers and repeat.

05-10-2007, 02:49 AM
I run my dog every morning before work. Definitely more enjoyable now with the nice weather. On the weekends go camping, catfishing, softball, drive the TA as the weather allows. Oh yeah, that was last year. Now it will be feed babies, change diapers and repeat.

So glad I am done with changing diapers. At least until the kids grow up move away and get married. Then I hope to have grandkids but that better be a good 10 years from now.:D

05-10-2007, 03:11 AM
In between Fishing, Golf and attending Bison Games, I work from home. :)

05-10-2007, 03:40 AM
My avatar kind of says it........a lot of outdoor stuff now that decent weather is hear. Horse trips to the mountains for fishing, gardening, when Fall gets closer there is some bird hunting, antelope, deer and elk hunting. Once those close there are coyotes that need shooting and rabbits that have to be terminated (so I can make my Rabbit Brats!!).

So that is the life of WYOBISONMAN.....

05-10-2007, 06:30 PM
Spring/Summer: Two nights a week of softball (and the requisite parking lot drink-up afterwards), running and getting my boy/girl twin 19-month old kids outside as much as possible. Also try to get in as much drive-up camping as possible.

Winter: Old man basketball and wish it was Spring/Summer.

05-11-2007, 04:11 AM
Golf, Sports Collector, Attend All Bison Events, And Try To Tour The Country Once Each Fall To A Big 12, Big 10 Or Notre Dame Etc..

05-11-2007, 09:30 AM
In the fall and spring I have class which take up alot (civil engineering) of time but I still get out to, do some hunting(deer, grouse, and pheasant) in the fall, winter time its all about snowmobiling and snowboarding(used to get out alot more but I still get out alot for someone that lives in one of the flatest places in the world which is about 30+ times a year), and after school gets out I move back home and in the spring start doing a little atving up in MN, that last all summer long, in between working a summer job, also might work in a little fishing here and there and helping my parents on the farm and whatever else they need help with. As far as other sports teams I am Twins fan, Gopher hockey, Wild, Vikes. Oh yeah and I also got into Mountain Biking a couple summers ago so I try to get up to Lutsen or Duluth whenever I can. So basicly I'm always busy. Oh and when I'm at college for the year Im I hit the Xbox pretty good and I always have to make time for the girlfriend or she'll get pissed. :P