View Full Version : Anyone know what NDSU's current endowment is??

05-01-2007, 01:27 AM
I was reading on SS.com about UND's supposed "goal" of raising 500 million bucks for their endowment (Was going to include a smacky comment here, but realised this was the wrong forum. :D) And I was wondering what NDSU's current endowment is. Did I hear somewhere it was around 200-250 million or so?? Anyone know?? Thanx.

05-01-2007, 02:53 AM
I dont know, but it is no where near those numbers.

05-01-2007, 12:28 PM
Some of it depends on what you call an endowment, but the most recent(FY 06) numbers from the SBoHE put NDSU and UND's endowments at $78.3MM and $89.1MM, respectively. I know those numbers are a bit off since UND just reported that they hit $100MM. Part of the difference comes from the fact that the NDSU and UND development foundations have some money they consider endowments that doesn't fit into the SBoHE's endowment category. The total assets for both organizations were listed as $120.7MM and $161.9MM, respectively, as of June 2006. The NDSU Development Foundation is growing at a slightly faster pace and, if they both continue to grow at the current pace(doubtful), they should be equal sometime around 2015.

Oh, and I think Kuppy is bloody insane if he thinks UND can raise $400MM for endowments by 2012.

Oops, I guess I should quote my source.
NDUS Annual Financial Report - Fiscal Year 2006 (http://www.ndus.nodak.edu/Upload/allfile.asp?id=777&tbl=MultiUse)(pdf file)
pages 26 & 27 of 87.

05-01-2007, 05:10 PM
Thanks Hammersmith! I knew I could count on you to dig up the numbers.

05-01-2007, 11:15 PM
Thanks Hammersmith! I knew I could count on you to dig up the numbers.
I started keeping all those facts in little text files; kinda like computer Post-It notes. After looking up enrollments or scholarship equivalencies for the twentieth time, I finally wised up and saved them in my little notes. Saves me tons of time while letting me keep my know-it-all image.

Hey, it's hard to maintain an image. :nod:

05-02-2007, 12:04 AM
Oh, and I think Kuppy is bloody insane if he thinks UND can raise $400MM for endowments by 2012.

Ah yeah, no kidding... Really as usual his BS statement a simple response to Chapmans statements of raising ndsu's to (200M?) a few years back. No this is not intended to be smack.