View Full Version : Chapman behaving badly?

06-16-2006, 12:10 AM
Thought this might be of some interest. ;)


06-16-2006, 01:40 AM
How is fighting for a larger share of state money for NDSU behaving badly? What do you expect when you have 11 damn institutions, when several of them aren't needed but suck up funds? Chancellor Potts, yes is the head honcho, but I don't really think he has any idea on what each of the state's institutions need. He, in my opinion, likes to take the thinking everybody should be treated equally, when the case is, some of the institutions do much more for the state than the others.

I guess this is what happens when you have a successful program and plan for a University and the rest get jealous, the others try to bring us back down to typical North Dakota conformity. President Chapman is right though, when he says the "Presidents have the right to run their Universities as they see fit". Maybe Chancellor Potts should concentrate on the problem of funding imbalances amongst the schools.

Finally what the hell is with the leaders higher up in Education these days spitting out this sh*t that makes the entire state look bad. Wasn't there a big fuss about the same crap a month ago with people saying Potts should get fired? Maybe we should revisit that....

Then again, this may be the greatest compliment ever, showing how much pull our President has, makes the Chancellor cringe. What does he want? Morons running the institutions?

We've got a great President moving one of ND's campuses to a much higher level than the rest of the state. If this isn't what North Dakota wants for itself, I'm beggining to think Minneapolis is looking better and better...

06-16-2006, 02:25 AM
I don't know what any of the past presidents were like, the only president of NDSU I have actually gotten a chance to pay attention to was Chapman. I am sure in the history of NDSU there have been better and worse, but I do have to say the man gets things done and he does them well. I have a lot of faith and respect for Chapman and the rest of NDSU's higher ups.

That being said, isn't the Herald just a tabloid anyways?

06-16-2006, 02:39 AM
That article is actually from the Associated Press though...

I fully support Chapman. He gets the job done, even if he has to put up with whining and sniveling from Potts. After I read the article in greater detail, I see the Board also defeated a motion which Potts presented to "ensure he is numero uno". Then after that he gave another measure which, they didn't even vote on. Seems like he was desperately and futilely reaching for something unattainable at the current time.

Perhaps, what we need to do, is look into how the Board of Higher Education is run and evaluate if it can effectively handle management of our university system and a close to $400 million dollar budget.

06-16-2006, 03:58 AM
Seems kind of funny that the Chancellor would put out this drivle about President Chapman fighting for more money and a disagreement about international students as his reason for wanting Chapman to change. Let me see, which campus is the best run campus in North Dakota, NDSU. Where does NDSU rank in terms of research dollars in the upper midwest? President Chapman has done a great job and will continue to do so. His job as president of the greatest university in North Dakota is to fight for that university so it can help the rest of the state. He is obviously diong a great job. I don't know what Potts thinks NDSU should do anything the same as Valley City State, Mayville State or UND for that matter.

The ironic thing is the Board votes 8-0 to allow UND to piss money down the drain suing the NCAA about a controversial nickname. The president at UND has embarrassed not only UND but the entire state and Potts comes out complaining about Chapman. I think he must have hit his head if he doesn't know the president that needs to shape up is the one from up north.

06-16-2006, 04:02 AM
I just heard the blurbs on the radio today, but WDAZ reported tonight that Chancellor Potts will ask the State Board of Higher Education to buy out Chapman's contract if he doesn't acknowledge Potts' authority.

06-16-2006, 04:05 AM
That would be a huge mistake. Why would they try and get rid of the best president in the system to save an inept and bungling chancellor? There would be a huge uprising against the idiotic board of higher education. You can't tell me a board that authorizes UND suing the NCAA for a case they can't win on the same day the chastize the best president in the university system has any idea what they are doing.

06-16-2006, 04:31 AM
I just heard the blurbs on the radio today, but WDAZ reported tonight that Chancellor Potts will ask the State Board of Higher Education to buy out Chapman's contract if he doesn't acknowledge Potts' authority.

Yes, that's it, buy out the contract of the man running an institution that has a $1 billion dollar/year impact on the state of North Dakota, just so Potts can feel good about himself...

If the legislature gets into this and it looks like they may be stupid enough to do it, I would advise everyone on here to mail Dorgan, Conrad, Pomeroy and Hoeven informing them of what a terrible mistake that would be.

Envision it now, we lose Chapman, and they put some Kupchella-like idiot in his place, so NDSU slows down in progress, and the other institutions in the state can feed off our remains...

06-16-2006, 04:53 AM
I just heard the blurbs on the radio today, but WDAZ reported tonight that Chancellor Potts will ask the State Board of Higher Education to buy out Chapman's contract if he doesn't acknowledge Potts' authority.

Chapman is way too popular to be let go, it would anger way too many people. I don't know why Potts is going on this power trip, he should be happy he still has his job and not going after Chapman's head. This is not the way to work out their differences, I expect better out of the Chancellor of NDUS.

06-16-2006, 06:06 AM
Especially one who's making $183,750/year.

Potts got a slap back though when Bruce Christianson stated this ...{from article} Board member Bruce Christianson said there should not be any question about who is in charge, “and that’s the board.” Christianson said the chancellor and the presidents serve at the pleasure of the board.

Edited by Admin. No partisan politics please.

Edited by Nano. What are you talking about Tony? Pass me whatever you were smoking when you did that...

06-16-2006, 11:31 AM
So what exactly are Chapman's crimes against the Chancellorship supposed to be?

Before I start ragging on Potts, I want to hear what his malfunction is all about.

06-16-2006, 12:27 PM
So what exactly are Chapman's crimes against the Chancellorship supposed to be?

Before I start ragging on Potts, I want to hear what his malfunction is all about.

Hey Potts is a real stand up guy - he complains but didn't give any examples or reasons. :-/

06-16-2006, 01:14 PM
We need a grass roots letter writing campaign. Does anybody know the mailing address? Are they in Bismarck?

06-16-2006, 01:16 PM
Anyone know where you can access the email addresses of the State Board of Higher Ed board members? I have went to the web site and it lists the board members but there is no contact information.


06-16-2006, 01:32 PM
FOX news last night made it sound like Potts would ask to have his contract (Potts') bought out if Chapman didn't recognize his authority. *Kind of like, "recognize me as the big cheese or I quit". *That's FOX though, they often mess up.

06-16-2006, 01:32 PM
I think that the main problem that President Chapman has with the system is that Potts or whoever thinks that all 11 schools should be treated equally. UND and NDSU are graduate and research Universities and can not be treated equally with the other 9. He also gets tired of the jelousy form the other institutions of the recent succedd of NDSU.

06-16-2006, 02:05 PM
Potts must be smoking Pot if he thinks people will stand still while he tries to get rid of one of the best if not the best president NDSU has ever had. Talk about an ego as well, he's like the kid who cries if he doesnt get his way that he's going to take his toys and go home. If the NDUS Board goes along with this those people have no idea the firestorm that will follow.

06-16-2006, 02:47 PM
I am using this address for my letter:

North Dakota University System
10th Floor, State Capitol
600 East Boulevard Ave, Dept. 215
Bismarck, ND 58505-0230

(P) 701-328-2960
(F) 701-328-2961

06-16-2006, 02:54 PM
I just heard the blurbs on the radio today, but WDAZ reported tonight that Chancellor Potts will ask the State Board of Higher Education to buy out Chapman's contract if he doesn't acknowledge Potts' authority.

I think bin has this backwards. *I think Potts wants to leave if he doesnt get his way, not remove Chapman.

The following from the Forum article:

"Potts never named Chapman in his opening comments Thursday, but he told the board he needed formal clarification of his duties or responsibilities. Lacking that, Potts said he wants to negotiate his own departure."

06-16-2006, 03:29 PM
This fiasco is one of the main reasons why Chapman was looking at other jobs. *As someone else already mentioned - this issue has to do with the state always trying to maintain the status quo. *When someone (or some institution) tries to break out of the stagnant mold, they get labeled as a rebellious rogue. * *

Let the presidents run their universities, they know what is best for their constituents. *And give them the reasonable and equitable funds to do it.

06-16-2006, 04:03 PM
I emailed them.. I DOUBT they will read it... probably clicck delete on it.

face it, secretaries get those emails....

I just said.... 2 big unversities, 9 small, struglling ones.... treat them proportionally in that light.

Im sorry, but the strongest survive.. darwinism... period.

i threw in... p.s "you challenge Dr Chapman and/or DISRESPECT NDSU or their president, be prepared to experience a firestorm that u never imagined.... good day"


06-16-2006, 04:59 PM
Though I would pass this along.

Front page headline in today's Minot Daily News:

"Chancellor: Either NDSU pres shapes up or I am gone."

06-16-2006, 05:48 PM
I just heard the blurbs on the radio today, but WDAZ reported tonight that Chancellor Potts will ask the State Board of Higher Education to buy out Chapman's contract if he doesn't acknowledge Potts' authority.

I think bin has this backwards. *I think Potts wants to leave if he doesnt get his way, not remove Chapman.

The following from the Forum article:

"Potts never named Chapman in his opening comments Thursday, but he told the board he needed formal clarification of his duties or responsibilities. Lacking that, Potts said he wants to negotiate his own departure."

That's the way KVLY reported it last night.

06-16-2006, 05:59 PM
I just heard the blurbs on the radio today, but WDAZ reported tonight that Chancellor Potts will ask the State Board of Higher Education to buy out Chapman's contract if he doesn't acknowledge Potts' authority.

I think bin has this backwards. *I think Potts wants to leave if he doesnt get his way, not remove Chapman.

The following from the Forum article:

"Potts never named Chapman in his opening comments Thursday, but he told the board he needed formal clarification of his duties or responsibilities. Lacking that, Potts said he wants to negotiate his own departure."

That's the way KVLY reported it last night.

I just hope everyone rallys behind Chapman. He is a fantastic President.

06-16-2006, 06:17 PM
So what exactly are Chapman's crimes against the Chancellorship supposed to be?

Before I start ragging on Potts, I want to hear what his malfunction is all about.

I don't think thats going to happen. We're never going to hear a point-by-point listing of what set him off. Potts is internally going to get his wish (highly unlikely) or walk away from the mess he is creating with a good severance package (most likely).

06-16-2006, 06:46 PM
You know, I'd be interested to see what the deal is, too. I've spoken with a few faculty members in the sciences and they DO NOT like Chapman whatsoever. We didn't have a lot of time to go into details and the place we were at wasn't the place to talk about that type of stuff anyway. I kind of got the impression they thought he was more show and no go or he wasn't really on the side of the faculty. I'm not about to agree one way or the other until somebody tells me exactly what their beef is with Chapman. Hopefully somebody airs their dirty laundry.

06-16-2006, 07:17 PM
These are publicly funded universities. Being such the information on funding and the problems involved should be public knowledge. If Potts has issues (other then personal) with Dr. Chapman then it needs to be addressed by the board and if he has examples of legitimate issues (again not personal) then they should be open to the public. Now without being privey to any kind of inside information I will reserve judgement but on the face it appears as though Dr. Chapman is doing a fine job. Until someone shows me an honest example of where he's done something outside the lines then I will side with him. As for the behind the scenes cooler talk I have no time for that crap or those who spew it. I once lost a job due to some spineless jellyfish who said something about me but wouldn't put it on paper or his name behind it. For anyone to defend themselves against alleged wrongdoing yet the accuser won't go on the record as to what the issue is then they don't belong in the job period. I think Mr. Potts either needs to grow up and act like a man or get a new job.

06-16-2006, 07:34 PM
You know, I'd be interested to see what the deal is, too. I've spoken with a few faculty members in the sciences and they DO NOT like Chapman whatsoever. We didn't have a lot of time to go into details and the place we were at wasn't the place to talk about that type of stuff anyway. I kind of got the impression they thought he was more show and no go or he wasn't really on the side of the faculty. I'm not about to agree one way or the other until somebody tells me exactly what their beef is with Chapman. Hopefully somebody airs their dirty laundry.

I have yet to hear someone speak badly about Chapman in the college of Science and Mathematics... If someone does have a beef with him, they should grow some gahonas and talk with him about it. I think plenty arguements could made against the "all show and no go". He's working to raise their salaries, get them more money so they can hire new teachers to handle the new amount of student growth we've seen on campus. I guess, I could see where they come up with "all show", with all the success we're having right now, it's almost impossible to see anything on campus, that couldn't be described as "all show".

Then again, I do occasionally hear people bad-mouthing some of the VP's. I guess when you have an institution this large, you can't please EVERYONE... but if there is sentiment towards the leader, the employees should speak up with their concerns, preferably directly to Chapman.

Chancellor Potts, is on his way out... just my 2 cents.

06-16-2006, 10:10 PM
I can't speak for others, but this faculty member enjoys the $1,000 in traveling money he gives EVERY employee at the university for professional development. Chapman is a good man. :D

06-17-2006, 03:37 AM
I’ve done some digging online between Potts and Chapman and came up with some interesting items.

Campus Officials Suggest Focus On Priorities
Leaders from ten of North Dakota's 11 state campuses say higher education officials should focus on running a unified university system, and on trying to get more state money for it. …. Nine campus presidents and the dean of Minot State University's Bottineau campus sent a letter recently to board members to stress the two priorities. …Joseph Chapman, the president of North Dakota State University, declined to sign the letter. … ”I'm just a little uncomfortable in signing something that seems to be telling board members how to do their jobs”, Chapman said. …The letter also said it is the board's job to evaluate the chancellor's performance.

It looks, to me, that the other 10 institutions are the ones telling Potts how to run things... ::)

ConnectND Issues Reaching Critical Stage
ConnectND has serious problems that need to be fixed, university administrators and State Board of Higher Education members said Thursday. “ We’re reaching the critical stage here,” NDSU President Joseph Chapman said at a board meeting, held via conference call, of the recently implemented statewide software system. ….. At North Dakota’s two research universities, NDSU and UND, that spells big trouble. “ There are enormous amounts of money at risk,” John Q. Paulsen, board member, said. “As long as these problems exist, we have substantial financial risk to the system.” ……
Chancellor Robert Potts recommended waiting until February’s state board meeting to fully delve into ConnectND problems, when the oversight committee will make a full report. …… Also raised at the meeting was the fact that full-time students are paying $81 a semester in a fee for the system, about twice what is allowed by State Board of Higher Education policy. Potts said the policy, 805.3, was overlooked. …

Yes, that's a wise thing to do Chancellor, wait for a while. We only have $500 million in school and research budgetary items, some of which we risk losing them if the problem is not addressed. But hey, lets wait until the next meeting... >:( Glad they overlooked that fee limit as well, I was sick of holding onto a spare $40.50 in my pocket...
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

and the reason I think this whole mess got out of hand ……

Board of Higher Education advocating $63 million spending increase (I know, it’s a tabloid paper…)
UND President Charles Kupchella, in a letter to Robert Potts, chancellor of the state university system, said NDSU's general support for its main experiment station, research centers and extension service should be factored in as well. That would require NDSU to figure the agricultural share of the school's overall budget for support services, including building maintenance, police protection and administrative time. It would also have the effect of lowering NDSU's share of the equity funds. Schnell said the request amounted to UND meddling in NDSU's administration. "They want to control our destiny, and this happens over and over and over again, and I'm getting very tired of it," Schnell said. "Let them spend their time on UND. Let us spend our time (on NDSU)." …... Chapman said it made no sense to include NDSU's budget for its experiment station, research centers and extension service when calculating the school's share of equity money, because those expenditures are intended for agricultural research, not student instruction. "How do these dollars that are going to the Dickinson field station, to Williston, to Streeter ... how does that relate to our students?" Chapman said. "This whole equity thing, to me, is about fairness to the students. These agency dollars are not for the support of students."

Yes, Heaven Forbid, our President fights for our dollars of which we are entitled to … >:(

It really bugs me what the other people are saying, those coming out of the holes in the ground, or from under their rocks, taking aim at Chapman. He's done more for the state of North Dakota and NDSU than ANY OTHER North Dakota University System PRESIDENT in history. Where it appears Potts, really doesn't seem to know or care what's going on...


06-17-2006, 04:29 AM

06-17-2006, 04:35 AM


I still haven't seen the email addresses for the higher ed board members. The one email address posted previously is just the main address at Bismarck. Anyone have a clue how to get the individual email addresses of all higher ed board members?

06-17-2006, 05:01 AM
Here's the email address for Potts if you want, I'll keep looking for the others :


I'm pretty sure his email is screened by his secretaries...

06-17-2006, 05:50 AM
Boy this keeps getting better and better....

I just took a look online at the Agenda for the most recent June 15th, 2006 meeting the SBoHE had in Williston.
Once you get to page 187 you can read about a "Self Assessment" the NDUS gave themselves. The entire board, faculty advisor, chancellor, vice chancellors and the 11 presidents of the universities (24 people total) were asked to respond to several questions. Only 21 actually replied. Their responses are all there, but no names are attached. It's a very disturbing read as you go through the questions and people reply "Success", "Mission Accomplished", etc. and someone always pipes in and says, "I won't lie, this has been a complete and utter failure". It appears that nobody in NDUS (North Dakota University System) is actually on the same page and all have different opinions on what's an important issue and what isn't.


Here are some of the more interesting ones...

Q : Objective 1-2: Develop and implement a statewide plan that will increase the
capacity of the University System to respond to the workforce development needs of
business and industry in a timely manner.

A : No comment.
A : I don’t know.

Q : Objective 3-2: Cooperate with the Legislative Council in selecting a consultant and
conducting the interim study of the higher education Roundtable goals and
objectives, funding methodology and accountability.

A : The MGT Report, I think, did a fairly good job of telling it like it is. However, they
didn’t develop a methodology for funding and accountability. Instead the report
gives us the same funding methodology of peer institutions. Now we just have
more peers. We are in somewhat of a different order of who is under-funded. Their
final comment was “We can’t tell you anything else because we can’t get the
information out of ConnectND.” The real issue, that no one wants to face up to, is
that 1) every college in this system is under-funded and 2) we continue to stand up
before legislative committees and say what a great job we’re doing and we have the
best system in the country. I had a legislator say to me, “If you’re doing such a
great job, why do you need more money?” What I didn’t have time to tell him is
that when hiring people, I’m often forced to take second, third, or fourth and
sometimes no choice. Positions stay vacant for months at a time. Burnout occurs.
Programs aren’t started. Community and business needs aren’t met. I could go on
and on, but I think you get the point. We did cooperate with the Legislative
Council. We shared our concerns and frustrations with the consultant, but I haven’t
seen a positive outcome of the study so far.

Q : Objective 3-3: Strengthen communication and working relationships with
legislators, the governor, the private sector and K –12, and with and among
SBHE members, the chancellor, the presidents and system office staff.

(I would venture that this is Chancellor Potts response...)

A : This is an absolutely essential objective with a grade of “F” for FY2006 due to
inappropriate Board actions or inaction that outshone any positive steps they may
have made. The Board publicly embarrassed all of us this spring by failing to live
up to their responsibilities as defined in policy 310.1. This series of events was a
predictable outcome of a weak culture of governance on the Board. Some of the
broken and under-appreciated Board responsibilities in policy 310.1 include:
1a (president alone as spokesperson),
2b (member shall conform to Board beliefs and core values – including an
environment conducive to innovation, creativity, and flexibility; expect the
University System to function as a system; high integrity; open, honest, forthright
and mutually respectful discussion and actions; trustworthy; accountable)
2c (member shall help…an atmosphere of respect, openness, civility and
partnerships in all relationships with fellow Board members, the Chancellor and
System staff)
2e (member shall be an advocate of quality, efficient, and effective higher
education in North Dakota by…assisting in evaluating Board performances and the
performance of the Chancellor…)

A : The communication and working relationship with legislators was severely strained
by the controversy over equity funding. The Board’s credibility has suffered as a
result of this issue and the recent controversy over the Chancellor.
Communication with the private sector, in particular the private sector members
of the Legislative Roundtable, appears to be very good. The position paper that was
forwarded to the Board by the Roundtable private sector committee represents a
major step in the right direction.

The communication and working relationships between the State Board of Higher
Education members, the chancellor, the presidents, and the system office staff were
severely strained by the stories in the media related to the relationship between the
Board and the chancellor. Comments made by the MGT consultant regarding the
desire on the part of some campus administrators to disregard the system model
embedded in the State Board policies and Legislative Roundtable guidelines created
considerable consternation. The fact that the consultant refused to clarify or
elaborate on these comments in public created negative speculation and ill feelings
and diminished the Board’s image and the System’s credibility.

:( WTFIGO in SBoHE ??

06-18-2006, 01:28 AM
THANKS NANO+++++++++

06-18-2006, 02:38 PM
Nano, Kudo's to you for doing the work that all of the news media should be doing, of course its not as fun to have to drudge through hundreds of pages of information to get the facts so lets just turn the news into tabloid crap. The more information that comes out on this the more it appears that the NDUS is a complete mess and Chapman should stick to his guns. Of course facts like these won't be found on sites such as the joke of a board the susies run, they don't want to let the facts interfere with bashing NDSU and Chapman.

06-19-2006, 01:08 PM
I don't think any of us know precisely what the hell is going on between Potts and Chapman.

Some points Bison fans might not want to hear:

1) Potts is a good man trying to do his job

2) Chapman, while looking out for NDSU, has done and said some things that were borderline, if not overtly, insubordinate

3) I don't blame Chapman

4) Many NDUS policies are to the express disadvantage of NDSU

5) To spend millions to attract foreign students to the NDUS when PeopleSoft is tearing the large institutions apart is/was ridiculous.

6) Most faculty and staff at NDSU know no more about Chapman than how to spell his name. Many are upset about the move to DI, many are upset that they are underpaid; many are upset that they don't have afternoon tea with him.

06-19-2006, 02:23 PM
I don't think any of us know precisely what the hell is going on between Potts and Chapman.

Some points Bison fans might not want to hear:

1) *Potts is a good man trying to do his job

2) Chapman, while looking out for NDSU, has done and said some things that were borderline, if not overtly, insubordinate

3) I don't blame Chapman

4) Many NDUS policies are to the express disadvantage of NDSU

5) To spend millions to attract foreign students to the NDUS when PeopleSoft is tearing the large institutions apart is/was ridiculous.

6) Most faculty and staff at NDSU know no more about Chapman than how to spell his name. *Many are upset about the move to DI, many are upset that they are underpaid; many are upset that they don't have afternoon tea with him.

Would you please cite what you call insubordinate? This is part of the problem, folks just making blanket statements without examples.

06-19-2006, 02:40 PM
1. Approaching the legislature independently.

2. Speaking out against the foreign student program.

both have received considerable press, including the story in the Forum/AP on Friday.

06-19-2006, 03:40 PM
I don't think any of us know precisely what the hell is going on between Potts and Chapman.

Some points Bison fans might not want to hear:

1) *Potts is a good man trying to do his job
This is probably true. *Potts mentioned that the system is flawed - which is causing the majority of the problems.

2) Chapman, while looking out for NDSU, has done and said some things that were borderline, if not overtly, insubordinate

3) I don't blame Chapman

4) Many NDUS policies are to the express disadvantage of NDSU
Provide examples, because I don't think this is exactly clear. *Equity for sure is a problem...others?

5) To spend millions to attract foreign students to the NDUS when PeopleSoft is tearing the large institutions apart is/was ridiculous.
Absolutely! *Besides, attracting foreign students should be up to the individual universities.

6) Most faculty and staff at NDSU know no more about Chapman than how to spell his name. *Many are upset about the move to DI, many are upset that they are underpaid; many are upset that they don't have afternoon tea with him. *
Honestly - faculty and staff are directly affected by athletics in a very minor way. *So the DI move is not a factor. *Everyone feels that they are underpaid, not just NDSU employees. *Finally, I would imagine that Pres Chapman engages the full faculty as much as any other president. *He is quite visible around campus and at university events.

06-19-2006, 04:19 PM
1. *Approaching the legislature independently.

I would not consider this inappropriate behavior. I think that it is probably highly likely that ALL of the presidents talk to their area legislators to get support for their schools. Isnt this how the system works?

06-19-2006, 04:27 PM
The NDUS is supposed to represent all institutions during the legislative session.

06-19-2006, 05:00 PM
The NDUS is supposed to represent all institutions during the legislative session.

But do they?? :-/ :-/

06-19-2006, 08:02 PM
No, they don't. Not affectively.

Approaching the legislature individually is not being insubordinate.

06-19-2006, 08:12 PM
Actually it is.

Section 304.1.2.h

(Duties of the Chancellor)

Serve as the official representative of the Board and the institutions and entities it governs to the Legislature, to the Office of the Governor, to the Executive Branch, and to other governmental entities.


(Duties of the President)

Developing effective communication with legislators and with other public policy makers in coordination with the Chancellor.

Going to the legislature and lobbying for funding/legislation that does not align with the SBHE is a no-no.

06-19-2006, 08:21 PM
I think the MAJOR causes of all of the tension are :

1. ) The entire North Dakota University System is sorely underfunded. Even with the Additional $65 million over the next couple of years, we will still be badly underfunded.

2. ) There are 11 institutions in the NDUS. Even though they are all supposed to work together, there's only so much money to go around for funding. The most successful institutions will be those that can get the largest share of that funding. Those that guarantee their school's voice is heard, especially in the legislature.

3. ) The blanket of a "system working together" implicitly creates the ideal that institutions are all treated and funded equally. We all know that per student, the larger universities receive less funding than the smaller institutions.

4. ) The SBoHE is ineffective and so is Chancellor Potts. If anyone remembers last year, he order an edict for UND to get the heck out of Fargo. He said it was duplication of programs, and most thought it was borderline backstabbing on UND parts. Once again, UND has a Fargo campus. They offer the same programs NDSU offers. Such duplication of programs stretches budgets even thinner.

5. ) People assume just because UND has the "University of " in it's name, it should always be the flagship, largest, and greatest University in the state. That's obviously not the case with the strides NDSU has been making over the last 5 years. We soon will surpass them in enrollment. When it appears one institution will overtake the other, I think those people, tend to make sure we stay in the #2 spot. Kupchella is one of those people. He is always trying to undermine what NDSU does and even stated that NDSU should get less money per student than UND by including the budgets of all of the research stations in the state into the funding model, when that clearly has nothing to do with our students. That's a service to the state. He constantly attempts to block any new programs NDSU tries to initiate. Ask VP Craig Schnell on that topic. He constantly bad mouths NDSU every chance he gets. I find it highly critical of Chancellor Potts to come out on Chapman like he did, but let all of the comments by Kupchella slide...remember the "I absolutely hate to see NDSU beating UND in any way what-so-ever".... or allow Kupchella to publicly release many of the letters he has to the NCAA which obviously make him look like an ass, but brings down the entire state as well.

06-19-2006, 08:29 PM
Actually it is.

Going to the legislature and lobbying for funding/legislation that does not align with the SBHE is a no-no.

Not in my books. Glad we have him here to get the maximum amount for NDSU. I'm also glad we have lobbyists in Washington fighting for NDSU. I could care less if we manage to take money that should have gone to a different ND institution. If North Dakota can't fund the campuses it currently has at 100% of the it's peers, then this will continue on and on.

I think the SBofHE is ineffective. Don't try to fix a problem by removing a success (Chapman). Try attacking it at the source (SBoHE and Potts). Potts, in my opinion, could care less about if NDSU survives or get's the money it needs to grow... He's got his baby, UND.

06-19-2006, 08:36 PM
I think the MAJOR causes of all of the tension are :

1. ) The entire North Dakota University System is sorely underfunded. Even with the Additional $65 million over the next couple of years, we will still be badly underfunded.

Absolutely WRONG! You've been hornswaggled by the public education cabal, Nano!

We as ND taxpayers are paying big bucks to fund our system.

$316/person (5th highest in the country)

$11.09/$1,000 of personal income (4th highest in the country)

And don't forget that we are a low-income state!

2. ) There are 11 institutions in the NDUS. Even though they are all supposed to work together, there's only so much money to go around for funding. The most successful institutions will be those that can get the largest share of that funding. Those that guarantee their school's voice is heard, especially in the legislature.

3. ) The blanket of a "system working together" implicitly creates the ideal that institutions are all treated and funded equally. We all know that per student, the larger universities receive less funding than the smaller institutions.


4. ) The SBoHE is ineffective and so is Chancellor Potts. If anyone remembers last year, he order an edict for UND to get the heck out of Fargo. He said it was duplication of programs, and most thought it was borderline backstabbing on UND parts. Once again, UND has a Fargo campus. They offer the same programs NDSU offers. Such duplication of programs stretches budgets even thinner.

Don't be so tough, the SBHE is playing a game it can't win.

5. ) People assume just because UND has the "University of " in it's name, it should always be the flagship, largest, and greatest University in the state. That's obviously not the case with the strides NDSU has been making over the last 5 years. We soon will surpass them in enrollment. When it appears one institution will overtake the other, I think those people, tend to make sure we stay in the #2 spot. Kupchella is one of those people. He is always trying to undermine what NDSU does and even stated that NDSU should get less money per student than UND by including the budgets of all of the research stations in the state into the funding model, when that clearly has nothing to do with our students. That's a service to the state. He constantly attempts to block any new programs NDSU tries to initiate. Ask VP Craig Schnell on that topic. He constantly bad mouths NDSU every chance he gets. I find it highly critical of Chancellor Potts to come out on Chapman like he did, but let all of the comments by Kupchella slide...remember the "I absolutely hate to see NDSU beating UND in any way what-so-ever".... or allow Kupchella to publicly release many of the letters he has to the NCAA which obviously make him look like an ass, but brings down the entire state as well.

No comment.

06-19-2006, 08:37 PM
Actually it is.

Going to the legislature and lobbying for funding/legislation that does not align with the SBHE is a no-no.

Not in my books. Glad we have him here to get the maximum amount for NDSU. I'm also glad we have lobbyists in Washington fighting for NDSU. I could care less if we manage to take money that should have gone to a different ND institution. If North Dakota can't fund the campuses it currently has at 100% of the it's peers, then this will continue on and on.

I think the SBofHE is ineffective. Don't try to fix a problem by removing a success (Chapman). Try attacking it at the source (SBoHE and Potts). Potts, in my opinion, could care less about if NDSU survives or get's the money it needs to grow... He's got his baby, UND.

You can think whatever you want, but Chapman was out of line going to Bismarck and seeking additional funds for NDSU.

Potts is doing his job.

06-19-2006, 08:44 PM
All this being said, I've decided to refer to MaSU as Wilbur State College in homage to the runt from Charlotte's Web that would have been axed prior to being adopted by Fern, the kind-hearted farm girl.

06-19-2006, 08:59 PM
I think the MAJOR causes of all of the tension are :

1. ) The entire North Dakota University System is sorely underfunded. Even with the Additional $65 million over the next couple of years, we will still be badly underfunded.

Absolutely WRONG! You've been hornswaggled by the public education cabal, Nano!

We as ND taxpayers are paying big bucks to fund our system.

$316/person (5th highest in the country)

$11.09/$1,000 of personal income (4th highest in the country)

And don't forget that we are a low-income state!

You did not just use the "education cabal" did you? I only know of one other person who uses that in the Forum blogs and he is a complete idiot. I hope your thinking goes farther outside the box than his.

We are basically funding a system larger than was meant to be...(11 institutions is TOO MANY).

That's the reason you pay so much. It's not charity, it's not out of the goodness of our hearts. It's becuase we only have 640,000 people living in this state attempting to fund a system which is too large for the state of North Dakota. We have a very large system, for a very small population. That's all. Don't make it out to be what it's not. It is NOT a well-funded system. It is 11 institutions fighting for "fair" funding.

We need to reform the SBoHE, we need to fund the system at 100% of it's peers to remain competitive. We need to close some of the institutions down. Preferably the ones that do nothing for the state (they just absorb money).

06-19-2006, 09:02 PM
Where did you say Wilbur was NorthDakotaBison? :)

[*Nano sharpening his axe for the seasonal slaughter...]

06-19-2006, 09:06 PM
Actually it is.

Going to the legislature and lobbying for funding/legislation that does not align with the SBHE is a no-no.

Not in my books. Glad we have him here to get the maximum amount for NDSU. I'm also glad we have lobbyists in Washington fighting for NDSU. I could care less if we manage to take money that should have gone to a different ND institution. If North Dakota can't fund the campuses it currently has at 100% of the it's peers, then this will continue on and on.

I think the SBofHE is ineffective. Don't try to fix a problem by removing a success (Chapman). Try attacking it at the source (SBoHE and Potts). Potts, in my opinion, could care less about if NDSU survives or get's the money it needs to grow... He's got his baby, UND.

You can think whatever you want, but Chapman was out of line going to Bismarck and seeking additional funds for NDSU.

Potts is doing his job.

I expect more out of someone we're paying $185,000/yr. I should apply for that job. I can throw a tantrum like a little child when things dont' go my way ...

Chapman on the other hand earns what we pay him.

Here's a radical idea. How about we DISBAN the SBoHE. Every campus is protected under the state constitution, but has to fend for itself in the legislature...

06-19-2006, 09:09 PM

You did not just use the "education cabal" did you? I only know of one other person who uses that in the Forum blogs and he is a complete idiot. I hope your thinking goes farther outside the box than his.

Then I better try not to use the word strategery or you might think I'm the President of the United States. ;)

06-19-2006, 09:09 PM
You can think whatever you want, but Chapman was out of line going to Bismarck and seeking additional funds for NDSU.

Potts is doing his job.

Here's a radical idea. How about we DISBAN the SBoHE. Every campus is protected under the state constitution, but has to fend for itself in the legislature...[/quote]

But that's the primary reason it was created!

06-19-2006, 09:35 PM

I think I would have liked the times before...

06-19-2006, 09:36 PM

You did not just use the "education cabal" did you? I only know of one other person who uses that in the Forum blogs and he is a complete idiot. I hope your thinking goes farther outside the box than his.

Then I better try not to use the word strategery or you might think I'm the President of the United States. ;)

Or Nu-cu-lar Weapons. ;D

06-20-2006, 09:21 PM
Actually it is.

Going to the legislature and lobbying for funding/legislation that does not align with the SBHE is a no-no.

Not in my books. Glad we have him here to get the maximum amount for NDSU. I'm also glad we have lobbyists in Washington fighting for NDSU. I could care less if we manage to take money that should have gone to a different ND institution. If North Dakota can't fund the campuses it currently has at 100% of the it's peers, then this will continue on and on.

I think the SBofHE is ineffective. Don't try to fix a problem by removing a success (Chapman). Try attacking it at the source (SBoHE and Potts). Potts, in my opinion, could care less about if NDSU survives or get's the money it needs to grow... He's got his baby, UND.

You can think whatever you want, but Chapman was out of line going to Bismarck and seeking additional funds for NDSU.

Potts is doing his job.

Someone had to start the dialogue regarding equity funding, because the chancellor and SBHE were not doing it. As a result, some money has been allocated to help address this issue. And, during the next legislative session - more $ will be allocated. Each President has to stand up for its University - if that is out of line, then the system needs to be fixed.

06-20-2006, 11:14 PM
You did not just use the "education cabal" did you? I only know of one other person who uses that in the Forum blogs and he is a complete idiot. I hope your thinking goes farther outside the box than his.

I wouldn't go so far as to call Kevin from the Valleydeals BB (http://www.valleydeals.com/cgi-bin/board2/YaBB.pl) a complete idiot. He is a conservative that revels in poking fun at the left(and any group associated with supporting them) every chance he gets. Some of things he posts are off the wall but it sure gets the liberals panties in bunch. ;D

06-21-2006, 01:59 AM
You did not just use the "education cabal" did you? I only know of one other person who uses that in the Forum blogs and he is a complete idiot. I hope your thinking goes farther outside the box than his.

I wouldn't go so far as to call Kevin ... a complete idiot. He is a conservative that revels in poking fun at the left(and any group associated with supporting them) every chance he gets. Some of things he posts are off the wall but it sure gets the liberals panties in bunch. ;D

I certainly would. You can support him if you want, but I'm entitled to my opinions on the man. :P

06-25-2006, 08:31 AM
Excellence opinion article straight from the Forum on the topic.

Higher ed chancellor should go

At least someones thinking correctly... ;)

06-25-2006, 01:18 PM
It is time that Potts packs his bags and GOs!!

06-25-2006, 01:45 PM
Former Lt Gov Lloyd Omdahl wrote a piece that was in saturday's Forum.

Potts said that he was recruited to be a strong chancellor. That is very likely true. He didn’t know that we’ve been kidding ourselves about chancellors since the title was created. We want them to have the authority to manage the system but we don’t want them to have the authority to manage the system. Ambivalent is the word.
