View Full Version : What the Heck is Wrong with The Bismarck Trib?

09-24-2006, 02:20 PM
OK, This really burns me. In the Bismarck Tribune this morning the article on UND's win over Western Washington (a DII vs DII) is on top of, and more than twice the size of, the article on NDSU's win over Ball St. (A DI-AA vs DI-A). How is this program going to get more exposure with terrible coverage like this. The ENTIRE state needs to get behind NDSU if we want to become an elite I-AA program. How is that going to happen with a 100 word summary of a tremendous game in NDSU's history.

Is it just me or is the Tribune biased in favor of UND? Is the editor from UND or something? Am I just imagining this? Does anyone else care?

If you do, please join me in writing letters to the editor.


>:( :'( >:( :-[ >:( :( >:( :o >:( :-? >:( :-/ >:(

09-24-2006, 02:25 PM
Bismarck is a UND town? Our teammaker golf outing this year 28 golfers. We go to Park River over 100. I do not know whats up. Bis Bison maybe can shed some light on this.

09-24-2006, 02:47 PM
OK, This really burns me. *In the Bismarck Tribune this morning the article on UND's win over Western Washington (a DII vs DII) is on top of, and more than twice the size of, the article on NDSU's win over Ball St. (A DI-AA vs DI-A). *How is this program going to get more exposure with terrible coverage like this. *The ENTIRE state needs to get behind NDSU if we want to become an elite I-AA program. *How is that going to happen with a 100 word summary of a tremendous game in NDSU's history.

Is it just me or is the Tribune biased in favor of UND? *Is the editor from UND or something? *Am I just imagining this? *Does anyone else care?

If you do, please join me in writing letters to the editor.


>:( :'( >:( :-[ >:( :( >:( :o >:( :-? >:( :-/ >:(

I'm not defending the Bismarck Tribune, it's a piece of crap. But the Bison game was an evening game - the Sioux game was an afternoon game. Less time to prepare generally means a shorter article.

09-24-2006, 02:53 PM
The Forum had the same amount of time to prepare and they have five full length artlcles. *In today's age of advanced technology I would have been happy with some "copy/paste" action.

09-24-2006, 03:14 PM
The Forum had the same amount of time to prepare and they have five full length artlcles. *In today's age of advanced technology I would have been happy with some "copy/paste" action.

You can't expect the Bismarck Tribune to make the same sort of effort to cover NDSU football as does the Fargo Forum. Simple as that.

09-24-2006, 03:17 PM
The Forum had the same amount of time to prepare and they have five full length artlcles. *In today's age of advanced technology I would have been happy with some "copy/paste" action.

You can't expect the Bismarck Tribune to make the same sort of effort to cover NDSU football as does the Fargo Forum. Simple as that.

Granted. However, did you see the size of the article? I do expect more than a 100 word summary.

09-24-2006, 03:40 PM
The Mary-CSP was telivised in Bismarck also. Mary usually has 2 or 3 televised games a year out here. NDSU need more exposure in the Western half of the state.(Statewide TV) Lets get too it.

09-24-2006, 04:18 PM
The tribune has always been brief with the Bison articles. In Dickinson, I get the Dix. Press and there is more coverage in a much smaller market newspaper. Granted it is just copy and paste material, but the article today was as long as the und article. However, I do agree that the amount of exposure for the only D-I school is lacking something terrible, epsecially in Western ND. It needs to get fixed ASAP.

09-24-2006, 07:00 PM
I grow up in Bismarck and you had to look hard and long to find Bison people. Heck NDSU barely recruited Bismarck when I was in High School. I guess the Tribune knows who it's readers are and it caters to that base. They love the Sioux and always will, or least till NDSU continues to shock the football world like it has a habit of doing(Montana and Ball St.). Maybe someday the people will have to ask themselves who would you rather read about NDSU vs. U of M(minnesota) or UND vs. U of M(mary). I think it almost pained them to write about us when we were winning Natl. Championships back in the 80's and 1990. I know I didn't have much time for them.

09-24-2006, 07:09 PM
Bismarck is a UND town? Our teammaker golf outing this year 28 golfers. We go to Park River over 100. I do not know whats up. Bis Bison maybe can shed some light on this.

There certainly is a slant towards und in the Bismarck press. Too many politicains, lawyers and such in town I guess. Don't know what the problem with the golf tourny is in town, we used to get 70 or 80 easy.
I already sent my letter of complaint to the worthless rag known as the Bismarck Trombone in town here. One third to one half the size article devoted to the sue and on page 5. Not even a teaser headline on the front page of the sports section >:(. I hate this paper, always have, they are owned and operated by Lee Enterprises so not much local input is allowed.

09-24-2006, 07:15 PM
The Mary-CSP was telivised in Bismarck also. Mary usually has 2 or 3 televised games a year out here. NDSU need more exposure in the Western half of the state.(Statewide TV) Lets get too it.
How the heck is the University of MARY on local TV 2 or 3 times a year but the BISON only get one game per sport? [smiley=tongue.gif]

09-24-2006, 07:18 PM
They don't like good football in Bismarck. ;)

Jamestown also slants towards UND. UND recruited more Jamestown guys in the 80's Kory Wahl was their QB and it switched towards them then. Even when Sean Fredricks was playing well for NDSU they didn't pick up more Bison stories.

09-24-2006, 08:47 PM
Bismarck High stand out Weston Dressler plays their at UND and is a very big part of that team, think people out in Bismarck probably care more about that. Just a thought. I'm surprised you guys aren't complaining about the Herald not making it their big story and not UND.

09-24-2006, 08:48 PM
No they just don't know what good football is in Bismarck. ;)

09-24-2006, 09:54 PM
Bismarck High stand out Weston Dressler plays their at UND and is a very big part of that team, think people out in Bismarck probably care more about that. *Just a thought. *I'm surprised you guys aren't complaining about the Herald not making it their big story and not UND.
Can't speak for everyone else but I've long given up on the fish wrap that is the GF Herald. At least now that they're owned by Forum Communications I'm reasonably confident the Bison actually will get a fairly well written article in teh Sunday edition (copy-and-paste variety OK by me).

09-24-2006, 10:02 PM
Well it doesn't surprise me that either would get much mention. *There has long been a EAST vs. WEST issue in the state of ND. *You could almost say anything from Valley City East the folks in Central and Western ND view as the opponent or dare I say enemy. *I think someone even mentioned it on this site once the comment Imperial Cass. *I'm sure some of that flows over into other areas besides politics which is where it really has its roots. *But Fargo is not well liked and either is GF when it comes to the State Central and Western population. *I know not all out West feel that way but there is no arguing there is a split when it comes to taking to folks about the eastern part of the state.

09-24-2006, 10:22 PM
One thing that is nice with the Fargo Forum owning the Grand Forks Herald is their webpage is much nicer now. *It is the same layout as the Fargo Forum online edition which is easier to read.

The online version did have a copy of Jeff Kolpak's story from In-Forum today.

09-25-2006, 03:23 AM
Backer you are right on about the East-West rift in North Dakota. I grew up in the west, went to NDSU, lived in Fargo for 18 years, and am now in Bismarck. I hear more complaints that Mary does not play Dickinson State any more than I do NDSU-UND. Bismarck and Fargo are both great sports towns. The people just have a little different attitudes. Statewide TV for the Bison would help NDSU to become North Dakota's Team.

09-25-2006, 03:25 AM
D2 town. Funny they dont Give UMary the big splash, or did they? I didnt bother to look. didnt even read that paper for the years I lived out that way. The Fargo Forum is everywhere and its a much better paper if your not one of the locals, and they are starting to get outnumbered!

09-25-2006, 03:39 AM
There are Bison and Sioux fans in Bismarck, just depends on your crowd. I work with a bunch of engineers and most are from SU.

The Bis tribune isn't a great paper. While there's probably more Sioux coverage, they don't cover UND very well either. Lots of times they cover both about the same. It's too bad there is such an east-west rift in the state, and Bismarck Mandan is definatly west.

09-25-2006, 04:06 AM
There are Bison and Sioux fans in Bismarck, just depends on your crowd. I work with a bunch of engineers and most are from SU.

The Bis tribune isn't a great paper. *While there's probably more Sioux coverage, they don't cover UND very well either. *Lots of times they cover both about the same. *It's too bad there is such an east-west rift in the state, and Bismarck Mandan is definatly west.

Well the rift from a political perspective will likely never change but I think from a sports perspective I think its certainly something that NDSU can work on and improve. I notice that during the big buildup in the pre games at home the video shows lots of shots of towns all over the state. Having good recruiting visits with the High School coaches for Coach Bohl over time will also help NDSU. NDSU is North Dakota's football team and represents the state on the biggest stage in football the State has. Other sports have their fan base or following but for Football NDSU is the big show in ND and NDSU needs to really do everything it can to take advantage of that.

09-25-2006, 11:07 AM
The Forum does a poor job of covering Western North Dakota Sports. I used to buy the Trib to read about Dickinson State or Marys playoff games. This post is a little Bias. ;)

09-25-2006, 01:32 PM
Sounds as if Bismarck is similar to the Argus Leader in Sioux Falls. Bought the paper yesterday HOPING to see a bit about the NDSU win - nothing. In fact, SDSUs win over Nicholls St. was no more than the 100-word pity blow-j*b. Augie's loss to UNO got a little more coverage and USD's win over St Cloud had even more yet but, as usual, USF reigns in Sioux Falls. I'm not sure if people in Fargo realize just how good a paper they actually have - not only for Bison sports coverage but overall, one hell of a newspaper for the size of city they are. Niether the Argus Leader or Sioux City Journal can even hold a candle to the Forum and I'd say the Forum's quality is about even with what I've read as the Des Moines Register - the states premier rag.

09-25-2006, 06:06 PM
I live out here in Bismarck. NDSU's presence out here, as far as recruiting goes, since Babich left has been minimal. I wasn't a Big Babich fan but there used to be a few Bismarck kids in Fargo. Kevin Feeney, Travis Sturdivant, Luke Schafer. Shane Dettmann and Clay Brosz were the last kids from Bismarck to play at NDSU. You've got to admit there was a little talent there. They used to get radio coverage of games on the most powerful transmittor out here, KFYR-AM. Now their radio coverage is a little hole in the wall station with a daytime range of 40 miles and a nighttime rage of less than 20 miles. But thats better than Minot, they have no radio at all. I don't know what their stategy is to attract support out here, but it's not working. They used to bring the coaches out here for smokers, but if they still do, they're trying to keep it secret. I wore an NDSU shirt to the Folkfest street fair a couple weeks ago and actually caught crap from a couple guys. It seems as if NDSU has surrendered Bismarck to UND and the U of Mary. The story about the Bison win over Ball State in the Bismarck Tribune was embarassing. It was under the story of UND's win over Western Washington and was about half the page coverage. As far a Gene Taylor is concerned, I guess there's more money in Arizona than out here, so why bother?
Go Bison
Bob Holiday

09-25-2006, 08:32 PM
Bob Holliday is right. I too live in western ND. There is very little if any presence in western ND from NDSU. If not for the extension offices we wouldn't know NDSU exists other than the occasional sports story. *One of the "percieved" problems with Chapman in the west is that since he came in North Dakota ends at Casselton. They not only don't recruit atheletes, they don't recruit undergrads very hard either. Chapman is not popular with most Alumni here. Go ahead and blast away but that's the way it is.

May seem a bit off topic but as Bob aluded to there is not a lot of interest in NDSU in the west. I think it's because NDSU isn't interested in the west. As an alumus and fan NDSU's attitide p------s me off.

09-25-2006, 09:37 PM
With the Huge win in men's BB and the football wins in Montana and Ball State, I have a hard time believing North Dakotans aren't excited about their Bison. Their only Division I university......competing with and BEATING division I opponents.

09-25-2006, 09:52 PM
I don't really think you can say NDSU is doing nothing because it tried to switch radio rights from WDAY(who has been very good to NDSU) to clear channel(who would have given NDSU better coverage in the West). NDSU can't force radio stations to broadcast NDSU athletics and I'm not all sold on the line NDSU doesn't recruit the western half of the state. The only North Dakotan on the basketball team is from Dickinson and we almost landed Qvale another western recruit. If there are DI players out west NDSU coaches will be out there going after them, I doubt NDSU is ignoring the western half of the state.

While I'm on my recruiting talk where is our starting halfback from? Dickinson and we also got Landon Smith from
Dickinson. Smith's brother went to UND and played on their football team, if NDSU can get him they have got to be doing something right out west.

09-25-2006, 09:52 PM
Yeah, I moved this thread.

I'm guessing if this had been a day game, the win would have gotten more coverage. In fact, if the online edition looks like the print addition, the Tribune did put in a larger story in Monday's paper.

Heck, the Yankton paper had a big article about the Bison win.

09-25-2006, 10:36 PM
Bob Holliday is right. I too live in western ND. There is very little if any presence in western ND from NDSU. If not for the extension offices we wouldn't know NDSU exists other than the occasional sports story. *One of the "percieved" problems with Chapman in the west is that since he came in North Dakota ends at Casselton. They not only don't recruit atheletes, they don't recruit undergrads very hard either. Chapman is not popular with most Alumni here. Go ahead and blast away but that's the way it is.

May seem a bit off topic but as Bob aluded to there is not a lot of interest in NDSU in the west. I think it's because NDSU isn't interested in the west. As an alumus and fan NDSU's attitide p------s me off.

With Bismarck being a "political town"...do you think that the Chapman vs. Potts "feud" may be playing into some of this...I know that Chapman is God to most Bison fans, but perhaps he isn't very political savy with people he needs to be?

09-25-2006, 10:49 PM
With Bismarck being a "political town"...do you think that the Chapman vs. Potts "feud" may be playing into some of this...I know that Chapman is God to most Bison fans, but perhaps he isn't very political savy with people he needs to be?[/quote]

Nope. Potts was trying to say extension and research center money was not seperate from "student" money. he and kupchella laid an egg on that one.

Yep, graduate of the college of ag

09-25-2006, 10:51 PM
With Bismarck being a "political town"...do you think that the Chapman vs. Potts "feud" may be playing into some of this...I know that Chapman is God to most Bison fans, but perhaps he isn't very political savy with people he needs to be?

Not at all. It was a much bigger deal in Fargo than it was in Bismarck.

09-25-2006, 10:56 PM
Here is the response I got from the Bismarck Tribune:

We don't have the manpower to staff NDSU or UND football games when
they're on the road (or even U-Mary games for that matter), so we're at
the mercy of the AP coverage. We ran what they sent - it is quite
literally our only option. Story placement is another issue, and it should
have been given more prominent space on the page than the UND game. It
was a poor decision by the copy editor who designed that page. It is not
any newspaper's job to "get behind" any school's program, but clearly
NDSU has many fans across the state who want as much Bison coverage as
possible, and I'll agree that this Sunday's was certainly less than

Thanks for writing,
Lou Babiarz
Bismarck Tribune

09-26-2006, 12:06 AM
Nice job getting some info.++++++++++++++

09-26-2006, 12:13 AM
Coach Bohl VISITS every high school in North Dakota in the spring. Enjoy the win and come home to NDSU for Homecomig. If you have a complaint send Joe or Gene an email they do answer them We need to be on the same page and get along. This division 1 is a great thing for our state.

09-26-2006, 01:06 AM
Here is the response I got from the Bismarck Tribune:

* *We don't have the manpower to staff NDSU or UND football games when
they're on the road (or even U-Mary games for that matter), so we're at
the mercy of the AP coverage. We ran what they sent - it is quite
literally our only option. Story placement is another issue, and it should
have been given more prominent space on the page than the UND game. It
was a poor decision by the copy editor who designed that page. It is not
any newspaper's job to "get behind" any school's program, but clearly
NDSU has many fans across the state who want as much Bison coverage as
possible, and I'll agree that this Sunday's was certainly less than

Thanks for writing,
Lou Babiarz
Bismarck Tribune

Can't say anything bad about this response. It's actually a good explanation of the facts, and an admission of "a poor decision" to boot. Tribune hereby upgraded from fish wrap to emergency backup bird cage liner.

09-26-2006, 01:29 AM
KFYR TV had a short piece about the Bison on their 6 oclock sports this evening also. I guess the news travels a little slower out here! ;)

09-26-2006, 04:26 AM
Coach Bohl *VISITS every high school in North Dakota in the spring. *Enjoy the win and come home to NDSU for Homecomig. If you have a complaint send Joe or Gene an email they do answer them * * We * *need *to be on the same page and get along. This division 1 is a great thing for our state.

This is exactly what I was thinking when I was reading the posts regarding NDSU's recruiting out west. Now just because we either don't take a guy from out west or he chooses to go somewhere else does not mean we don't recruit that part of the State. I think its kind of like for those who follow pro football in this area, your either a Vikings or Packers fan. The problem in ND and this flows over to a totally different topic but in a state of just over 600,000 when you have 11 universities it really splits things up. I understand that NDSU being DI is the Big dog right now but still with all the rest thats been pointed out ie. the East West rift your following is going to get watered down. Whether or not we sent out teams of recruiters I don't see that changing until the Higher ed landscape were to change and you know that won't be happening anytime soon. Thats not to say that NDSU still can't improve or try to improve our following and image out there but it won't change overnight. I think with some more big wins and when NDSU is playoff eligble we will see a more vocal fanbase out west.

09-26-2006, 07:57 PM
I forgot that Kyle Steffes is from West Fargo. ;)