View Full Version : Jobs in Fargo

12-14-2006, 06:40 PM
This is the kind of stuff that will make Fargo-Moorhead a growth area.


12-15-2006, 04:30 AM
Yes, need more tech leaders here to be able to run the shops here though. :-?

12-15-2006, 02:47 PM
PM me if you're a software developer/SQA individual looking to move back to Fargo and work at a smaller company (<40 people). If we hire you I'll pay for your $200 TeamMaker membership next year*.

*You have to buy your own tickets.

12-15-2006, 03:59 PM
PM me if you're a software developer/SQA individual looking to move back to Fargo and work at a smaller company (<40 people). *If we hire you I'll pay for your $200 TeamMaker membership next year*.

*You have to buy your own tickets.

I don't suppose you need and accountant and a DNA analyst?

12-15-2006, 04:19 PM
PM me if you're a software developer/SQA individual looking to move back to Fargo and work at a smaller company (<40 people). *If we hire you I'll pay for your $200 TeamMaker membership next year*.

*You have to buy your own tickets.
If you need a Project Manager let me know. *I have managed software and hardware projects.

12-15-2006, 04:32 PM
PM me if you're a software developer/SQA individual looking to move back to Fargo and work at a smaller company (<40 people). *If we hire you I'll pay for your $200 TeamMaker membership next year*.

*You have to buy your own tickets.

I don't suppose you need and accountant and a DNA analyst?

BA - there must be somebody in Fargo that needs and accountant and I'm sure there are labs at NDSU that could use a skilled molecular biologist.

12-15-2006, 11:25 PM
PM me if you're a software developer/SQA individual looking to move back to Fargo and work at a smaller company (<40 people). *If we hire you I'll pay for your $200 TeamMaker membership next year*.

*You have to buy your own tickets.

Would said person have to work with you? ;D ;D ;D

01-15-2007, 04:30 PM
Dang Gully, you really killed that after people realized they would have to work with me.

No moderate computer nerds looking to move back to Fargo and NOT work for the evil empire?

01-16-2007, 08:42 PM
Actually, a lot of jobs have already opened up just west of Fargo...


01-17-2007, 04:48 AM
Okay that was fun. *But here's the real deal:

15 Great Cities for Job Seekers

By Meg Donohue, CareerBuilder.com writer

The harsh truth of job-hunting is that in some cities, no matter how hard you look, there just aren't enough jobs to go around. Since a low unemployment rate is an indication of a city with a proportionate number of jobs for its population, it stands to reason that cities with minimal unemployment rates represent promising economic environments for job seekers.

The 15 cities in this list have unemployment rates well below the national average (4.5 percent in December 2006, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics). To create a comprehensive portrait of the employment conditions of each area, we've also included the mean annual wage as well as the most prevalent local industries and occupations. Local chamber of commerce and tourism Web sites are additional resources for job seekers interested in learning more about a specific location.

1. Fargo, N.D.
Unemployment rate: 1.7 percent *
Mean annual wage: $32,580*
Industry with largest percentage of workforce: Educational, health and social services (22.8 percent)**
Predominant occupation: 33.4 percent of workers are employed in management, professional and related occupations**

link with the other 14 cities: http://msn.careerbuilder.com/custom/msn/careeradvice/viewarticle.aspx?articleid=912&SiteId=cbmsnhp4912& sc_extcmp=JS_912_home1&GT1=8934&cbRecursionCnt=1&c bsid=a80c1062f17444b9b549db7a4d2521c6-222309619-RI-4
Hopefully it still works. I found this on the MSN homepage.

and a link from the Forum:

01-17-2007, 01:54 PM
Great find... Yes, Fargo is a great place to live/work but there just aren't enough jobs to go around. I had to move to MSP to find a job and unfortunatly many of my fellow students did as well.