View Full Version : Help NDSU get onto FSN North!!!

01-12-2007, 05:20 PM
Lets flood this feedback form!!

NDSU football and basketball games on FSN NORTH for 2007-2008.

Explain the Gopher game, (they got great ratings) and FSMW (K State game)


and Blog with them and another fan forum:


01-12-2007, 05:26 PM
Mine is in...........

01-12-2007, 05:37 PM
Mine is in. Lakes, your genious is showing through! How 'bout more people!!!!

01-12-2007, 05:54 PM
BRILLIANT LAKES!! Mine is in too.

01-12-2007, 06:16 PM
Just sent mine in. ;)

01-12-2007, 06:23 PM
Here's what I WOULD DO:

Invite Fox Sports North Marketing Rep, whoever.

to Teammakers event, market the event, and let the Fox Sports people say.

"Ok, Teammakers : 4 football games and 8 basketball games.

12 games X 60 tv ads/game @ $200/ad.


Show of Business hands??

01-12-2007, 06:59 PM

01-12-2007, 07:06 PM
Here are the comments I just sent:
I would like to see Fox SportsNet (North) broadcast more of North Dakota State's games, especially football and basketball. NDSU can provide a new and growing market for DI sports in the upper Midwest with a significant fan base. With a tradition rich in success the Bison have done very well in their transition to DI by nearly defeating the Minnesota Gophers in football last October, and upseting top ranked Marquette and Wisconsin in men's basketball during the past year. Also, the Bison women's basketball team recently defeated the Minnesota Gophers.
I would like to see Fox televise at least 2 football games and possibly 4 basketball games a year. With upcoming football games against Minnesota (2007) and Iowa State (2009), and more big basketball contests in the future, Fox SportsNet could have some great games of interest to those in the upper Midwest. Also would be nice to see a mid major basketball game, or top ranked DI-AA (FBS) football game on Fox SportsNet that is hosted in Fargo.
I think you will be impressed with the facilities, coaches, athletes and level of competition NDSU can bring to your sports coverage. Thanks for your consideration and please remember to include NDSU in your future broadcasts.
An Avid NDSU Fan and Alumnus

01-12-2007, 07:53 PM
NDSU and SDSU should go to FSN and see if they are interested in broadcasting all the NDSU-SDSU mens basketball and football games. Those games would sell considering both schools combined have a ton of fans in FSN's market.

01-13-2007, 06:13 AM
let me know if you guys get an email or call back.

Its' friday, so hopefully they are professional enough to hit us back!

Do we need another round of emails to Patty V from gateway as long as we are in the mob mentality mood?

01-13-2007, 06:27 AM
What's going to be important to FSN is the ratings. I have no clue what FSN's ratings are for non-Gopher games, and that would be interesting to know. If Bison games would pull more viewers than the other programming they have, they would be interested. If NDSU can be flexible about when games are played, that would help.

01-14-2007, 05:27 PM
Keep it up Lakes... you marketing department all in one man!

01-14-2007, 09:55 PM
Lakes needs to take over the job of Bison marketing director if my main man Troy moves onto another job somewhere else in the near future.

Lakes is the MAN!!!

01-15-2007, 09:55 PM
let me know if you guys get an email or call back.

Its' friday, so hopefully they are professional enough to hit us back!

Do we need another round of emails to Patty V *from gateway as long as we are in the mob mentality mood?

Patty V already wants us in the Gateway, no need to contact her anymore

FSN, FSN, FSN, FSN ---> keep after 'em Lakes

01-15-2007, 09:58 PM
let me know if you guys get an email or call back.

Its' friday, so hopefully they are professional enough to hit us back!

Do we need another round of emails to Patty V *from gateway as long as we are in the mob mentality mood?

Patty V already wants us in the Gateway, no need to contact her anymore

FSN, FSN, FSN, FSN ---> keep after 'em Lakes

Maybe he should contact the Missouri State and Indiana State presidents?

01-15-2007, 10:12 PM
They would vote NO after talking to Lakes :)

01-25-2007, 04:08 AM
My chat with hallstrom on bison media blog!! ha ha

Steve said.Wow, this is like a chat room right now.

lakes and james, I've said it here a million times--you need the corporate community to fund broadcasts. They cost 15-25K per game depending on specifics. Recent sales responses have been lukewarm--that's the bottom line. If it were a jackpot it would be happening already. I'm still optimistic about the prospects 3-5 years from now, but right now I'm not seeing the support. Not a knock against the local merchants--they've got tough decisions to make too.

Posted by: Steve Hallstrom on 1/23/2007 9:17 PM

2 things... Comments
Thanks for your comment!
Chat reply:

Lakesbison: What is Teammakers for then?

Pat Simmers: Well, scholarship funding thats it.

Lakesbison: Steve say's not much sales support in FM business community, can't the businessmen at Teammakers provide this revenue?

Troy Goergen: Isn't that my job?? along with WDAY?

The Mercils: NO NO NO, all the money should be OURS!!!

Craig Bohl/Tim Miles: Dam, we're in a tight spot!

Lakesbison: lets all sit down, have a beer at my lakeplace and figure this out, Im tapping the keg!

Mike Mcfooly: Can I write a story making fun of this meeting and idea and ridicule it??

The WF Shopper: Mcfeely, please come work for us, come back to your literature level.

Posted by: Lakesbison on 1/24/2007 11:01 PM