View Full Version : NDSU employee testifies for alcohol bill

02-14-2007, 06:06 PM
Sorry, but I don't buy this stuff about "binge drinking" being so out of control. Hey folks......partying is a rite of passage at college and almost all of us have done it. I suspect that most of us would have been tagged as "binge drinkers" back in undergrad school. I have not suffered any ill effects from it......in fact I may damn well be a better adjusted person because I had a normal collegiate life.....


From the Spectrum:

By Laura Farrell
Co-News Editor

A bill to limit excessive discount drinking failed Thursday, Feb. 1 in the North Dakota Senate.

The bill targeted discount drinking specials such as two drinks for the price of one, after 11 p.m.

The bill was referred to the Political subdivisions senate committee. They unanimously gave a “do not pass” recommendation. The senate voted 34-13 to defeat it.

NDSU Orientation and Student Success Director Laura Oster-Aaland testified in support of the bill.

She explained that alcohol consumption, intoxication and drunk driving rates are sensitive to the price of alcoholic beverages.

North Dakota has the highest rates of binge drinking, alcohol dependency and drunk driving in the United States, according to Oster-Aaland.

02-14-2007, 06:20 PM
Sorry, but I don't buy this stuff about "binge drinking" being so out of control. *Hey folks......partying is a rite of passage at college and almost all of us have done it. *I suspect that most of us would have been tagged as "binge drinkers" back in undergrad school. *I have not suffered any ill effects from it......in fact I may damn well be a better adjusted person because I had a normal collegiate life.....


From the Spectrum:

By Laura Farrell
Co-News Editor

A bill to limit excessive discount drinking failed Thursday, Feb. 1 in the North Dakota Senate.

The bill targeted discount drinking specials such as two drinks for the price of one, after 11 p.m.

The bill was referred to the Political subdivisions senate committee. *They unanimously *gave a “do not pass” recommendation. *The senate voted 34-13 to defeat it.

NDSU Orientation and Student Success Director Laura Oster-Aaland testified in support of the bill.

She explained that alcohol consumption, intoxication and drunk driving rates are sensitive to the price of alcoholic beverages.

North Dakota has the highest rates of binge drinking, alcohol dependency and drunk driving in the United States, according to Oster-Aaland.

Some of the best times of my life were at house parties or bars while I attended SU. College students are going to drink, no matter what a beer/mixed drink costs. $3 pitcher night at the Turf did help with the budget though *;)

02-14-2007, 07:01 PM
The University employs these people for the express purpose of limiting their liability if/when an irresponsible student and his irresponsible friends abuse alcohol to the point of death or serious injury.

This garbage has been going on for ever, the Spectrum battled annually over certain advertisements with those seeking to turn NDSU into a nanny state when I was there 10-15 years ago and they probably still do to this day. Just another front in the war against choice on a supposedly liberal campus.

02-14-2007, 11:19 PM
Sorry, but I don't buy this stuff about "binge drinking" being so out of control. *Hey folks......partying is a rite of passage at college and almost all of us have done it. *I suspect that all of us except for Bisonfan02 would have been tagged as "binge drinkers" back in undergrad school. *I have not suffered any ill effects from it......in fact I may damn well be a better adjusted person because I had a normal collegiate life.....

I fixed your post. ;)

02-15-2007, 12:14 AM
Sorry, but I don't buy this stuff about "binge drinking" being so out of control. *Hey folks......partying is a rite of passage at college and almost all of us have done it. *I suspect that all of us except for Bisonfan02 would have been tagged as "binge drinkers" back in undergrad school. *I have not suffered any ill effects from it......in fact I may damn well be a better adjusted person because I had a normal collegiate life.....

I fixed your post. *;)
I think you meant 02Bison

02-15-2007, 01:01 AM
I know Laura, she's a good egg.

For every dozen or so people, regardless of age, who can consume alcohol in a socially acceptable manner there is usually someone who cannot. A NDSU student died in the last month following binge drinking (and then driving 90+ mph in a residential area).

We see drinking through our experiences: a bottle of beer, a shot of whiskey, occasionally having 'too much', but generally a good, safe time. Laura sees the results of those who have far too much.

02-15-2007, 01:20 PM
I'm sure the Laura is a good person. I just don't think it is the roll of the University to deal with these issues. There are people in the world who may think that it is, we disagree on that issue. Equally, the University isn't responsible for the actions of irresponsible students. There are people in the world who seek to blame the University for these things, I disagee with them as well.

02-18-2007, 10:13 PM
Sorry, but I don't buy this stuff about "binge drinking" being so out of control. *Hey folks......partying is a rite of passage at college and almost all of us have done it. *I suspect that all of us except for Bisonfan02 would have been tagged as "binge drinkers" back in undergrad school. *I have not suffered any ill effects from it......in fact I may damn well be a better adjusted person because I had a normal collegiate life.....

I fixed your post. *;)
I think you meant 02Bison

For the record, I'm a century club member and I've experienced a hangover or two or three...so stop stereotyping me. Thank you.

02-18-2007, 10:20 PM
Sorry, but I don't buy this stuff about "binge drinking" being so out of control. *Hey folks......partying is a rite of passage at college and almost all of us have done it. *I suspect that all of us except for Bisonfan02 would have been tagged as "binge drinkers" back in undergrad school. *I have not suffered any ill effects from it......in fact I may damn well be a better adjusted person because I had a normal collegiate life.....

I fixed your post. *;)
I think you meant 02Bison

For the record, I'm a century club member and I've experienced a hangover or two or three...so stop stereotyping me. Thank you. *

+++ That response is priceless! You ALCOHOLIC!!! Get yourself some help! ;D

02-19-2007, 04:01 PM
Sorry, but I don't buy this stuff about "binge drinking" being so out of control. *Hey folks......partying is a rite of passage at college and almost all of us have done it. *I suspect that all of us except for Bisonfan02 would have been tagged as "binge drinkers" back in undergrad school. *I have not suffered any ill effects from it......in fact I may damn well be a better adjusted person because I had a normal collegiate life.....

I fixed your post. *;)
I think you meant 02Bison

For the record, I'm a century club member and I've experienced a hangover or two or three...so stop stereotyping me. Thank you. *

+++ That response is priceless! You ALCOHOLIC!!! *Get yourself some help! ;D

I don't need help. I help myself. My experiences have taught me the pleasant times that can be had consuming in moderation. ;) Unfortunately, too many young and old individuals, can't responsibly make that decision for themself. Those are the people Laura is trying to help. For that, I don't think Laura deserves the ridicule of some of you.

02-21-2007, 02:22 AM
Sorry, but I don't buy this stuff about "binge drinking" being so out of control. *Hey folks......partying is a rite of passage at college and almost all of us have done it. *I suspect that all of us except for Bisonfan02 would have been tagged as "binge drinkers" back in undergrad school. *I have not suffered any ill effects from it......in fact I may damn well be a better adjusted person because I had a normal collegiate life.....

I fixed your post. *;)
I think you meant 02Bison

For the record, I'm a century club member and I've experienced a hangover or two or three...so stop stereotyping me. Thank you. *

+++ That response is priceless! You ALCOHOLIC!!! *Get yourself some help! ;D

I don't need help. I help myself. My experiences have taught me the pleasant times that can be had consuming in moderation. * ;) *Unfortunately, too many young and old individuals, can't responsibly make that decision for themself. *Those are the people Laura is trying to help. For that, I don't think Laura deserves the ridicule of some of you. *

Admitting you have a problem is the first step 02Bison. Prairie is open 24 hours a day. Please, if you don't get help at Prairie, get help somewhere! ;D

02-22-2007, 12:12 AM
Admitting you have a problem is the first step 02Bison. *Prairie is open 24 hours a day. *Please, if you don't get help at Prairie, get help somewhere! ;D

Nice try at being funny, but no you get no cigar on that one....

02-22-2007, 03:10 PM
I hope you didn't get offended at my post. You need to laugh at yourself a little bit. For the record, I never tried the Century Club.

02-22-2007, 06:09 PM
Wheres it at?

02-22-2007, 08:37 PM
Wheres it at?
Not a place; more of an event. 100 shots of beer in 100 minutes.

02-23-2007, 04:26 AM

03-01-2007, 07:09 PM
I too am a member of century club, it wasn't the beer going in that was the problem, it was the running upstairs to piss, then having to catch up when you got back.

The problem isn't binge drinking, people have been doing that forever, the problem is not having friends looking out for each other. I had plenty of friends that got me drunk enough, then put me to bed. I did the same for plenty of them. 90mph through town is a poor choice whether your drunk or not. Doing it with someone else in the vehicle, that's just stupid. I will risk my life through my behavior but I definately try not to put anyone else in that same situation with me.

03-01-2007, 09:04 PM
I looked up some 2005 data from http://www.fbi.gov/filelink.html?file=/ucr/05cius/data/documents/05tbl69.xls

North Dakota does not have the worst DUI rate in the country, defined as the number of arrests divided by the population. Kentucky, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wisconsin, and Wyoming were all worse.

Arrest rates are affected by law enforcement effort and effectiveness and so aren't a perfect proxy for actual drinking and driving, but I'd be surprised if there is more actual drinking and driving in ND (7.47 arrests per 1000 people) than in WY (10.18 arrests).

03-02-2007, 02:58 PM
Ahhh, the Century Club. *Not to glorify binge-drinking....myself and 1 other guy actually made the Bi-Centennial Club back in fall 1994. *He downed number 200, held it for a bit, then had to run off and puke. *I hit 201, and knew 202 would come back up. *I immediately passed out for about 12 hours.

Maybe this should go in the "Bison memories' thread. *It's funny we talk about Bison memories, because it seems the best ones are the ones we really don't remember too clearly.

03-02-2007, 04:29 PM
Ahhh, the Century Club. *Not to glorify binge-drinking....myself and 1 other guy actually made the Bi-Centennial Club back in fall 1994. *He downed number 200, held it for a bit, then had to run off and puke. *I hit 201, and knew 202 would come back up. *I immediately passed out for about 12 hours.

Maybe this should go in the "Bison memories' thread. *It's funny we talk about Bison memories, because it seems the best ones are the ones we really don't remember too clearly.

It's a story like this that makes me miss college. :'( :)

Who am I kidding? I still do stupid stuff like this! ;D