View Full Version : OT in Vermillion?

10-07-2002, 03:37 PM
The Forum recap of OT in Vermillion was pitiful at best.

It said that in the fourth OT, USD kicked a FG and NDSU was stopped on fourth down.

Why was NDSU going on fourth and not kicking a FG to tie and go to the fifth OT? (Heck the Tennessee Vols played SIX OTs that day.)

Was there a sack and they were out of FG range? Why were they going on fourth when they should have been looking to tie and play on?

What happened in that fourth OT?

PS - You guys need a ray of happiness: Kelby Klosterman's throwing shoulder popped out during a tackle on a run with four minutes left at SDSU. *:-/

10-07-2002, 06:16 PM
I agree about the game report. *I missed the game due to my internet access being down on Saturday (thanks AT&T) and couldn't bring myself to listen to the game after I heard the score. * This article gives some more details about the final posession:


It is in the section about Rod Malone. *I would have kicked it and took my chances in the fifth overtime, but then again, I rarely agree with Babich's fourth down decisions.

I heard about Klosterman. *The Forum is reporting that it is separated, not dislocated. *As someone who has done both, you want the separation, not the dislocation (the most painful injury I have ever had in my life!). *Kelby may miss the NDSU game, but he won't miss as much time as if he dislocated it.

10-07-2002, 06:43 PM
Still, no Kelby, no joy, and most likely no Sioux win. *:(


PS - The story at GoBison.com has more info on the fourth OT. It was an active decision by Babich.

10-07-2002, 09:15 PM
We dont need klostermen to beat u guys but we do need klostermen the rest fo teh way


10-07-2002, 09:49 PM
The BISON had possession first in the 4th OT. IN College ball you flip for the first possession and then alternate. We won the toss and choose to go second. That meant we had first possession in the even periods.

10-08-2002, 03:25 PM
There's not a Bison head coach in the last twenty years who wouldn't have gone for it on fourth and inches so I didn't disagree with that.

I probably wouldn't have called a play-action pass on third down in the previous OT period because NDSU were already in FG range and the last thing you'd want in that position is a sack (which is exactly what happened). But who knows what the reasoning was.

10-08-2002, 04:49 PM

Thanks for pointing me to gobison.com (George Ellis does a much better job of writing a game summary than Kolpack does).


Thanks for setting me straight on the OT rules. Since there was no OT when I was in school (other than Sudden Death) in playoffs, it is hard to keep track of the details of the overtime format. Of course, if I had listened to the game, I wouldn't have made the mistake in my critique of Babich's decision ;D. I now understand the logic behind his decision, but I still would elect to kick the field goal and put the pressure on USD to score. Of course with Vartanian already missing one field goal prior to OT, maybe he felt more comfortable with going for it, so I don't hold that against him. Good teams should be able to convert in that situation anyway. This year's Bison team is not that good at this point.


10-08-2002, 04:52 PM
Still, no Kelby, no joy, and most likely no Sioux win. *:(


Here is what the Forum is reporting. Sounds more serious than a separated shoulder, particularly when Lennon says he is having trouble "keeping it in its socket". Sounds like a dislocation to me (a separated shoulder doesn't cause your shoulder to pop out of joint) and if the ligaments are that stretched, he will probably need surgery.


I would have to say that the Sioux should still be favored in the game, regardless of Klosterman. *The Bison haven't played a complete game all season, and this is necessary this week for sure.


10-08-2002, 11:34 PM
your are abosultly rite craig