View Full Version : Scholarship Question

08-11-2003, 11:35 PM
When exactly are the additional scholarships going to start kicking in and, do we get a certain alotment per year or do we get the whole shebang from the get go? Also, assuming the move up goes well (i.e. winning lots of games) how long will we have to wait to be playoff-eligible? I've heard something like 4 yrs but am unsure since there seems to be so much conflicting information floating around. Clarification much needed!!

08-11-2003, 11:53 PM
I believe that NDSU can provide the full allotment of scholarships next year. Bohl and Taylor have both stated that they want to be at full rides within two or three years, so they can schedule a IA within five years (you have to fund 60 scholies for 3 years to do so). I think there will be a lot of JUCO talent coming in within the next two years, so all the scholies will be staggered. NDSU will need $$$$$ to fund these scholarships, so join Team Makers if you haven't already (this applies to everybody and isn't directed towards ndsubison). If I remember correctly, 2008 is the first season of playoff eligibility.

08-12-2003, 12:03 AM
I've actually been contemplating becoming a Team Maker this year in order to further the Bison cause. I read an article in the Forum a while back that stated if every current Team Maker recruited JUST ONE PERSON to join up (for the minimum of $100, I think?) that NDSU would be fully funded within 1 year. That really got my wheels turning and I am seriously leaning towards becoming a Team Maker. More info would be appreciated...thanks.

08-12-2003, 12:11 AM
I'm a Team Maker and wish I could go to the luncheons. I have decent seats and Im helping the cause. Hop on board!

08-12-2003, 12:16 AM
You get better seats ;D. Seriously, it is one of the best ways to help support Bison Athletics. Some of the other guys can chime in with more info, this is my first year as a Team Maker. They have info at the ticket office.

08-12-2003, 05:47 AM
ndsubison, I'd encourage you to get the membership.

Does anybody know how good the seats are for a new membership at the $100 price? There aren't really any bad seats at the Dome but I kind of prefer the center of the field and high up.

A buddy and I got great seats from day the dome opened with a $300 membership. If you could find a person to split the cost, that would be a good way to go for next year.

08-12-2003, 01:53 PM

I am on the fund drive for Team Makers and recruit new members. I would highly encourage you to join. The money is minimal, and the benefits are great! I can send you info if you want and answer all your questions.

08-12-2003, 02:31 PM
From GoBison
If you choose to participate in priority seating, 80% of your donation is tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a contribution and not participate in priority seating, 100% of your gift is tax-deductible.

It is also tax deductible.

08-12-2003, 08:29 PM

The $100 seats are roughly the 20 yard line. It all depends how much money you give per seat.

08-12-2003, 09:50 PM
ndsubison and tony,

Here's the seating map at the Fargodome. $100 will allow you to purchase up to two seats in sections 4, 21, or 32. $300 allows you to purchase up to two seats in sections 3, 20, or 33.


tony, if you want to trade seats, for the sake of better video recording, I'll give you free copies of the home games this year ;D

08-13-2003, 04:33 AM
Actually, that is changing for this year and future years. With any level of membership, you are able to purchase as many tickets as you want, but it depends on how much per seat you give on the location.

Example: I give $600 and order 2 seats, I will be on the 40 yard line roughly. If I wanted to get 4 seats, I would be around the 30 yard line.

08-13-2003, 04:40 AM

It must be next year. I asked where a $600 membership would get me seats at, and they said in the same section as a $300 membership. The only difference was that you could get 4 seats with the $600 level. Will there still be the same membership levels, or will those change as well? How about if I get 3 seats? Would I be between the 2 and 4 seat $600 members?

08-13-2003, 05:33 AM
BisonGuy, I don't make it to too many games so you can swap your tickets for mine pretty much any time you want (I don't think my in-laws mind where they sit). I'm going to ship the tickets off to Fargo as soon as I get them. The seats are high in section 33 on the aisle with 34.

08-13-2003, 06:51 AM
Bison49 what is being done to recruit new teammakers? I just became one this year, but was never sent any promotional material until I decided to make the commitment. Seems odd since I receive plenty of Alumni newsletters and phone calls requesting $$$ and it got me donating to the cause (once I paid off all my college loans). I also bought my first season tickets even though I live 250 miles away. My wife and I plan to make it to every game this year. As I mentioned in other postings I think more could be done to promote season ticket sales. For example, get a corporate sponsor to donate a motorcycle, four wheeler, snowmobile or maybe even a car to be given away to a season ticket holder. Even if the prize was not donated, 150 more season ticket sales would go a long way toward paying for the prize. How about starting a drive to sell out the dome for every home game. Also, each home game should have free tickets for one or two local middle school football teams to attend. I would love to see a full dome crowd that was all Bison fans. The UND game fills the dome but we have to put up with several thousand Siouxage fans. Maybe sounds stupid, but years ago (back in the early 1980's) the basketball team used to promote attendance by giving out coupons to each fan for a free Big Mac, or Quarterpounder if the Bison men scored 100 points or more. I remember cashing in several times and the BSA was packed.

08-13-2003, 11:49 AM
It is also tax deductible.

I hate to rain on your parade, here but my understanding and its a IRS reg, if the contribution counts towards priority in tickets and seating, its only 80% deductible. *You might check with your ticket office, but thats what SDSU has been telling their fans each year.

I found specific language on this very item on *on page 291 of J.K. Lassers "Your Income Tax" 2003. *Its a real rip off as far as I concerned. *I get priortity parking at *Frost and Coughlin, and a few other goodies, but when you give $2000 or more a year it does not seem right that you must exclude $400 on your tax return. *
The IRS thinking is that you got something of value in return. Like what? a few ice cream bars at a social and yes others are paying 3 bucks for parking, but it all does not add up to $400. *Thank to Uncle Sam thats how it works.

If we have someone else to do our tax returns, you must be able to itemize your deductions on Schedule A in order to deduct the other 80%. If you do the short form, there is no deduction period.

Your Teammakers have been very successful in their fund raising since the 1960's so good luck to soliciters and I hope you build on your successful path. Last year was a downer on the field for the Bison, but I dont see it happening again.

08-13-2003, 12:02 PM
Sorry I did not see GOBISON post, about the not participating in parking. *If I were a first time donor with 100 bucks, that would be the way to get around that 80 percent rule.
I was told that the seating priority that *SDSU uses for Basketball was adopted after NDSU's point system for football. This was a few years back, but the main point is that it takes money and points to get a real priority in the pecking order and if you have the option of not participating, then go for it to get the 100 percent deductibilty. *
SDSU is suppose to have a point system put in place for football, as recommended by Carr & Associates. The basketball priorty kind of kills my option of not participating. I would love to walk from a distant parking lot at SDSU and have 100 deductibilty. No big deal.

08-13-2003, 12:38 PM
Hey SDBISON I travel 180 miles for every game so I guess I finally know about someone that will travel further. Ive only missed 1 game since the Fabulous Fargo Dome opened. I have $300 seats in row five I think in section 3. I really cant remember though, I dont have my tickets yet. I have had those seats since the second year. IN the first year we were up in the middle of the stadium but to high for my mom to walk up so we switched.

08-14-2003, 05:39 AM
I think we are starting to recruit more outside of the FM area. Unfortunately, people have only seen Team Makers as seating priority instead of giving deserving young adults an opportunity to a college education. I am starting to recruit people out of the Cities and beyond.

People like JBB and SDBison spreading the word is great! Anything to help the cause. Contributions to Team Makers is up this year, which is a plus with moving to DI. I would love to send anyone registration information if anyone is interested. Thanks to all the Team Makers out here.

SDBison, I'm not sure where you are traveling from, but I know of people who are coming from the Sioux Falls area and might be interested in car pooling for games.

08-14-2003, 05:59 AM
*Unfortunately, people have only seen Team Makers as seating priority instead of giving deserving young adults an opportunity to a college education. *

That's why my father and I joined this year. I pretty much just moved across the aisle from where my seats were before. I want to help NDSU be capable of funding all the extra expenses involved with the move to DI.